
My Name Is Tian Long

*Thud* the sounds of something heavy falling down. That was it, it was the end of everything ~ only darkness came after, devoid of all of my senses no sound, taste, smell, sight, nor touch. I felt lonely, even more, lonelier than waking up and sleeping alone for the rest of my life. This feeling of longing I never felt before, this is something I never imagine that I would yearn for.

(Flashback, 4 Hours Ago)

{Tian Long's POV}

It was August 3, 2013, Inside the twenty-first floor of the Rosewood Apartment on the third street. That's the place I called home for more than a decade, basically, it was the latter half of my life. My "Regretfully Pitiful Dog's Life".

Room 2104 I remember that place, it was completely empty but it felt like someone is living there, it creeps me out. Oh! I remember I was the one living there how could I ever forget this is called the home of the sad ghost.

That was the nickname I received from my neighbors. My room is the most minimalist thing you would see in your whole life. The room has only one light bulb & a switch, a mattress, and a bag with a few clothes and a few other kinds of stuff. That was it all my possession.

*Beep Beep* my alarm clock interrupted my dream… no, it was a nightmare, thank god the alarm woke me. *Urgh-ah* that was the sound of me stretching my arms and legs.

"Why did I even bothered to set it at 4:30 in the morning?" I asked my self. But then I remembered I used to have a job, the thing is I used to have one just yesterday when an Idiot partner of mine fucked up and blamed all the faults to me to save his ass. Being the scapegoat sucks I felt like crying.

I was thinking "What shall I do today?" so I stood up and took a bath after brushing my teeth and waxing my hair before picking up my wallet and heading out for a short jog.

(Time Skip, 2 Hours)

{Tian Long's POV}

My phase was already slowing down by the second, bullets of sweat continuously pouring down from my face. My legs started to break down, it felt like being crumpled and shattered with thousands of needles while throbbing.

This persisted for a few more minutes until I reached the nearest bench of the park. "For some reason, this place seems to calm *sigh*" I felt like a heavy weight lifted away from my shoulders when I look at this perfect scene.

Trees swaying with the wind, birds singing beautiful melodies, children running around playing, old folks reminiscing about their past, and a few other people.

*Vroom…* the sound of a car or should I say an armored vehicle stop by. I was intrigued by it, so I look who the owner was. A beautiful girl about the same age as me together with a young boy about 10 years old.

I looked closely at the girl, she reminded me of someone. Now that I think of it if I remember her name was Kaylee. She was a mysterious classmate of mine back when I was in college.

She was the top of the school hierarchy when it comes to beauty but comes second in academics as I always took that throne. Kaylee was my first love. I tried asking her out once but ended up being ignored *sigh* poor me.

*Haa…* I yawned as big as I can and dozed off before falling asleep. *ratarararat* sounds of gunshots no those where the sound of rifle fires. I opened my eyes and found a group of mask man firing in the air.

Then I saw the driver acting weirdly, instead of shooting like crazy he seems to be targeting something or maybe someone. I followed his guns trajectory and saw Kaylee and the kid at the opposite end.

Even thou my body still hurts from my strenuous running. I received just enough strength to run and use my body to should them. That was a very bad idea, a bullpen pierced my left shoulder then my right knee, lastly my abdomen.

I looked at the person in front of me and saw her thankful but also caring eyes. She trying to tell me something but due to the pain and loss of blood, I wasn't able to understand what she said.

I looked at her in the eye and told her to run, my hand was pointing at their armored cars. I guided them inside before running myself. I looked behind me and saw the group of terrorists following me.

The next thing I know is that they pulled me inside their car and brought me inside a warehouse that is probably their base. Then they started to beat me up, I tried to fight back but I wasn't in the condition to do so.

They were shouting "You ruined our plan you bastard," they said a lot of different things full of anger, rage, and resentment towards me. That was it *Thud* it was my end darkness and darkness alone came forth.

(Present Time)

{Tian Long's POV}

Inside the boundless void, a soul floating around aimlessly. Where am I? What happens to me? Why can't I feel anything? And so on and so forth the soul has many questions. He was wondering how he ended up here. Then his memories or so to say his whole life was flashed do fast but so slow in his eyes.

"I'm already dead right," the soul said or thought as all of his senses are already gone. "So this is what's death looked like..." he paused for a bit before adding "…This isn't what I was expecting"

He complained because he knew that if he wakes up and found himself inside an air-conditioned room he was alive in a hospital but if not that can only mean he was already in the afterlife.

Seconds became minutes, minutes became hours, hours became days there was still no change. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, months into years, he felt very lonely and his personality started to change.

Years changed to decades, decades to centuries, centuries to millennia but what he didn't know is that the longer he stays here the stronger his soul become. Hus soul transformed from a dimming white light into a red glowing orb. This was caused by the condensed pure energy from the void.

This continues for quintillions of years but he was still able to keep his sanity. The previous dying light became a giant black with a tinged of red and violet glow. His previous weak soul evolved into a primordial chaos balance soul.

"How long has it been?" he stopped counting the time when it reached millennia. The soul got bored and decided to move to try to find something or someone.

The reason why he was alone here was that another soul always enters the wheel of samsara after death but for some reason, his soul refused to enter. After traveling for a few thousand lightyears he was able to find the exit.

The whole place transformed instead of absolute darkness he found himself inside a white room with to couches and a coffee table at the middle. There is nothing weird at all except for the entity who was holding a crystal ball at the opposite couch.

"Hello, Tian Long welcome to the room of reincarnation, where you're fate will be decided by the karma you've gathered," said the mysterious entity

He scanned her from head to toe. She has black silky long hair with small white dots like the stars of the night sky that flows down like water. She was very beautiful no beautiful was an understatement, her pale snowy white skin, her perfect nose, her heterochromatic eyes that gaze as if judging you.

"May I ask for your name miss..." Tian Long said in curiosity as he did not know how to address her. The lady has a gentle smile on her face smiled and looked at the eyes of Tian Long before saying.

"My My how rude of me, my name is Illyria the goddess of Balance and Control, a tier 10 God," said the divinity while looking console me. "I am here to overseer you're reincarnation"

She extended the orb in her hand and said "place your hand on top of the orb" I did what she said and placed my left hand on top of the ball. The ball glowed and showed me a status like a bar reading my information.

| Name: Tian Long

|Age : ∞

|Soul: Primordial Chaos Balance Soul

|Physical Strength:???

|Mental Strength:???

|Energy Repository:

|Energy Control:???

|Charm: ???

|Luck: ???

|Growth: ???

|Karma: 8,783,249,472,012,024

"Wow! I didn't expect you to have such a high status" said the goddess with an astonished expression. "To tell you the truth an average person has this kind of status" then a new status board appeared beside mine.

| Name:

|Age : 100

|Soul: Mortal Soul

|Physical Strength: 10

|Mental Strength: 15

|Energy Repository: 0

|Energy Control: 0

|Charm: 10

|Luck: 5

|Growth: 5

|Karma: 100

"Ah! How did I get this much powers" I was shocked t9 see the big difference of the two. She put her hand in her temples and said "This was because of you staying inside the void for a very long time, souls will arrive there for only a second or less but you, on the other hand, stayed there for like an eternity while keeping your sanity" she stopped and looked at my status again. "As for your karma, you earned it by saving the world"

"What!? How in the world did I save it?" My eyes are bulging out. I can't believe what I heard. I looked at her and waited for an explanation. "The girl and the child you saved was the children of your countries current president, by saving her you prevented a third world war that may cause the destruction of the world"

'I see, so that is why she was mysterious' I thought to my self. Then I looked at her and asked "Can you please explain me the details of the status" I asked her as I don't know what is or what for these words are telling me.

"The Status is consist of eleven categories namely.

The Name is self-explanatory together with the Age. The soul is the type of you'll you have the water the soul the stronger you become. Physical Strength is consist of strength, speed, defense, vitality, stamina, agility, and etc. Mental Strength us consist of comprehension, wisdom, intelligence, knowledge, and etc. Energy Repository us you're storage for different kinds of energy like mana, qi, chakra, ki, reatsu, and so on. Energy Control is how much mastery you have over the energy you accumulated. Charm is your appearance and ability to attract other people. Luck is self-explanatory. Growth is how much you can evolve or become more powerful. Karma is good and bad deed you have done throughout your life that can be traded for the afterlife and will return to zero after reincarnation" she gave me a very long explanation but I was able to absorb them all inside my head.

"How can I spend it?" I asked. Instead if answering my question a list of items luke shop appeared before me. It has a lot of different categories. Body, Soul, Race, World, Perk, Abilities, Items, and so on.

First I checked the body section the cheapest price was 1 karma point and the most expensive one was a billion which was the Primordial Chaos Balance Body which is the same as my soul so I bought it without even reading it's description.

Then I entered the soul's tab and to my surprise, the most expensive soul is what I have. Lucky me I guess so I move on to the race.

There was a very long list of it and some the I don't know so I used a filter to only show the best. There was True God King, Chaos Dragon God, Everlasting Phoenix God, Primordial Phantom, there was also a familiar race Primordial Supreme Saiyan God if I remember Saiyans are from an anime.

But what caught my eye was Hybrid which causes 0 karma so I read its description. <Used For Buying Multiple Races>. So I decided to buy and choose the top 10 race to mix which caused my 14.5 billion it was cheap. If other souls like him heard what he said he would die on the spot.

They were namely True God King, Chaos Dragon God, Everlasting Phoenix God, Primordial Phantom, Primordial Supreme Saiyan God, Space-Time Titan, Creator, Imperishable Celestial, Light Entity and lastly ??? Which he found interesting.

A new a display a appeared showing ten different bodies. He was asked to choose the main race and choose the ??? as it closely resembles a human. Then it said that I need to put 1 trait of each of the remaining nine. For the True God King, I used its core. For the Chaos Dragon God, I used It's Eternal Chaos Draconic Fire. For the Everlasting Phoenix God, I took its flame and synthesized it white the previous one, I also took its nirvana and rebirth. For the Primordial Phantom, I used its eyes at I looks cool. For the Primordial Supreme Saiyan God, I took the tail. For Space-Time Titan was the clock like a box like I dunno in its body. The Creator, I choose its appearance as it was very handsome. For Imperishable Celestial I took it's Skin and muscles as they were unbreakable. For the Light Entity, I took it's voice as it was the most perfect.

But as I was finishing I saw two buttons on the bottom left saying mixed bloodlines and mixed domain, I didn't understand it much but I still press it cause it sounded cool.

Then the final product appeared. A perfect man with ten different runes all over the body representing each race, with lean but perfect muscles and a tail this was just the outer appearance the true magic lies internally.

Then there was world tab it has functional, scientific, galactic, gaming, fantasy, parallel and so on. All the prices are equal so I just pick random cultivation world.

Next was the Perks tab. It showed different titles that can help me I checked each and every one uses. *cough* *cough* Actually I bought it all causing me a whopping 1.9 trillion karma.

For Abilities, I bought Rinne-Sharingan, Tenseigan from naruto some cultivation techniques, some side job like alchemy, blacksmithing and more. Also some martial arts and ki techniques from dragon ball. Some magic theories from fairy tail. His personal Quincy and Shinigami and Hollow Bloodlines, and some zanpaktu and some other abilities. Also a few skills from danmachi. Some science knowledge. All the chakra releases in Naruto.

For Items tab. I looked for the most expensive that cause 4 trillion which was almost half of my total karma it was called The System. There were other systems that have additional names but this only name was the system. I also both all the Longinus sacred gears form High School DxD. And a custom lightsaber from star wars. I edited it to look like a 100% black katana and made it as my zanpaktu that can change into a hammer, a scythe, ax, you name it.

I also both a Heavenly Domain and customize it perfectly. It has a giant world tree in the center surrounded by other mythical trees and plants. There was a giant mountain range that has celestial stairs. Each peak has a mansion and courtyards. There are floating islands, Special buildings, magical waterfalls, river, spring, lake. Some heaven veins and legendary ore veins, also forest and jungles.

Then the companions tab. I bought the all nine tailed beasts from Naruto and also ten tails. A lightning magma vermilion phoenix, an Absolute Zero Thousand Headed Hydra, a Golden Bodhi Nirvana Treant, A Celestial Void Dragon, A Earth beast-king, a three-eyed golden white sage tiger.

After adding the total he still has 5 million karma points which he spent on buying the most expensive clothes and Hack and Creation skills.

He then pressed finalized and go straight in transmigration. He forgot about the goddess he was talking to earlier as he was so busy on his shopping spree leaving her dumbfounded, jaw dropped and fearful as if she saw the creation of a monster.

(Boundless Azure Realm)

(Divine Continent)

(Heavenly Apex Forest)

In the core of the Heavenly Apex Forest can be found a man grunting. "Where am I?" he looked around him and saw that he was at the top of a giant cliff, below are towering trees. "It seems like I was transmigrated inside the forest" the man immediately jolted up and touched his back. "hahahahaa, it worked" he shouted "But why am I naked"

Before he could speak more a voice spoke out of nowhere "*Ding!* Hello, Host, I am The First System and also will be the last " he heard the voice of arrogance coming from it.

But for some reason, he already knew what it was. "System Can I have the Supreme Tier Clothes I bought " a white light covered his body than before leaving revealing a majestic clothing with accessories enhancing his looks even more.

" *Ding!* would you like to undergo tutorial?" asked the system. "Yes," he quickly replied while walking to the nearest tree to sit down.

" *Ding!* the system has only 10 categories namely Status which show your information and improvement, second the inventory which can store everything, there is also Map, Organisation, Mission, Crafting, Store, Library, Take Over, and some other basic function "

"I see…" before Tian Long can even continue he was interrupted by the system " *Ding!* if you're about to ask about your location, I suggest you first receive your reward"

" *Ding!* Congratulation you obtain Tian Longs memories" after that a series of memories from a person he didn't knows but has the same name as him flowed into his mind smoothly as water but rageful as fire.

"Bastard! How dare you do this no me" the man shouted as he saw how the previous owner of the body was treated and killed. He also received information about where he was and decided to go to the thousand strike empire to avenge his family from his clan and fiance who caused him, his parents and siblings' lives.

He summoned is lightsaber zanpaktu and asked the system if this has a consciousness the system answered no. He felt happy as he was accustomed in being alone. Having the system was already his limit until he learns common sense again.

He threw the sword upwards and tried to ride it like how he imagines cultivators do it. It was majestic seeing him fly… actually, he fell down since doesn't know how to do it.

"System what the hell" he was enraged cause he thought he was overpowered but sadly he wasn't even a cultivator yet. The system replied to him by saying " *Ding!* Host don't be hasty and please preview you're updated status first" so he did what he was told.

|Name: Tian Long

|Age : ∞

|Soul: Primordial Chaos Balance Soul

|Cultivation: None

|Level: 1 (0 /100)

|Exp: 0

|(Energy) Qi: ∞

|Physical Strength: ???

|Mental Strength: ???

|Energy Repository: ???

|Energy Control: ???

|Charm: ???

|Luck: ???

|Growth: ???

|System Points: 0

"System, how can I earn exp and System Points?" Final Long asked as he looked at the new additions to the status board.

" *Ding!* Experience can be earned by conversation Qi to Exp in 100:1 ratio and system points can be earned by defeating monsters or humans"

"I see, then what are the cultivation ranks for this re, a,l,m" he asked " *Ding!* the cultivation for this really is divided into 10 ranks known as Martial Practitioner, Martial Warrior, Martial General, Martial King, Martial Emperor, Martial Master, Martial Grandmaster, Martial Sage, Martial Saint, and lastly Martial God. These ranks are further divided into 10 stages and each stage is further divided into 4 Grades known as early, middle, advance, and the last peak"

the " Please Convert sufficient qi to upgrade to Peak Grade 10th Stage Martial God " an invisible barrier covered him so that no one will be able to sense his breakthrough and presence he heard no ding! But felt his power rising a million times stronger than he was before.

He asked the system a few more questions like how to fly and to celebrate his power before riding his zanpaktu and flying to thousand strike empire.

Beware Jiang Clan, Here I Come to pay back my debt.

Hello I am Back with a renewed novel if you're wondering about his past I will be posting it as a side chapter it is still the same with some changes

Thank you for staying(not leaving) those 750 people who still haven't shifted this out from their library

The Posting Rate Will Be A Mystery I can post like 5 Chaps a day or 1 chap a month that is all from this man who changes his user a hundred times

Azellanacreators' thoughts
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