
Chapter 84

“Really? How odd,” Eddie said in a voice pitched too high. “Wherever could it have gone?”

“My bets are on the water.” Kaeva’s heart was starting to hammer against his breastbone. Eddie kneaded Kaeva’s thighs, way up high and near Kaeva’s ass. Kaeva was torn between attempting to crawl away and humping the covers. Kaeva shut his eyes like a kid thinking he couldn’t be seen if he couldn’t see.

“Who would do such a thing?” Eddie seemed distracted.


The windchimes whispered their tune above them. It was so quiet, Kaeva’s breathing roared in his ears. “Hey Kaeva?” Eddie asked softly after a long moment.


Eddie didn’t answer, and Kaeva forced himself to crane his neck and look at Eddie. Their eyes met, and Eddie licked his lips. Without preamble or warning, Eddie shifted one hand, pushed his thumb between Kaeva’s ass cheeks, and covered Kaeva’s asshole.