
Break Water

A group of chosen few battle the mysterious existence known as Dona to bring world peace.

Shain_Monday · Action
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37 Chs

Chapter 29 – After we were defeated at war

Guangzhou, 2.03am,

Two opponents faced an embarrassing defeat at the hands of Chel, Leroy and Clara. Those two men was laying on the ground with their bones broken and a blood covered look while the three of them maintained to remain at the same spot they were thrown off to hoping for Draven to pick them up.

Lucerne, 8.03pm,

Nagisa and Lunar stayed under the shelter of a bridge while taking cover from a heavy rainfall, which was a suspended effect from stopping the natural flow or rain. They yet hoped for Draven to hurry.

Meliora hearts, 2.20am,

Aiden, taking his time cleansed the second wave of every Dona trespassed into the school grounds. Aiden was exhausted, covered in sweat and was slowly losing his momentum. Along with the second waves the Donas disappeared. Exhausted Aiden headed back to his chamber hoping for a rest, but the moment he moved from the spot he was standing, he felt that will not likely be the end of it.

The grass ground he was standing on turned to a mat laid groundwork, the empty space became walls slowly trapping him into a structure of some sort.

The mat resembling one at Kai's grandparents' house and walls as of a traditional Japanese built. A transparent window or a door separating the room from outer side, a shoji possibly. Perhaps this is the interior structure of a dojo. The one that appeared at the moment of Ego's death.

Thinking as much, Aiden weapon hauled a push dagger. A slow breeze hit his neck, he felt weak in his leg just as he did back when he encountered Chisaka for the first time but he mortified his knee with his resolve and stood his ground.

"What is it? Who's there?"

"Anata wa zenkai yori yoku natta ne, shonen."

A man draped in yukata appeared out of shadow uttering those words. With Aiden's eye dilated, he stood there loss for word.

"Ē…. Anata no hiza…. Sore wa antei shite imasu."

Aiden stood there without even moving an inch of his muscle staring dumb folded at Chisaka.

"Sō sō…. You're maintaining your composure since I last saw you."

Within a second Aiden dashed towards him grunting his teeth and stabbed Chisaka on his chest skin visible from his cloth. Chisaka brought his left arm from his crossed arm position to hold Aiden's arm that pierced his chest.

"It is a bad manners to do that while taking."

Saying that Chisaka's pupils turned white, Aiden upon noting Chisaka's eyes turned himself into a smoke. Hundreds of swords pierced through Aiden's body but thanks to his earlier reaction he avoided that attack. Aiden created distance between them.

"What the heck?"

Aiden was able to perceive the difference between them in their skills and powers. His only option was to figure out his potential so that he could at least make an attempt.

"Chisaka! Is he using the construct of the layout to his command? Or is it entirely something else….?"

"….then what about his skills?!"

"Ha! Do you want to test my skills?"

Asked Chisaka, instantly standing inches away from Aiden's face whilst Chisaka rubbing his own chin and with a light grin that had not a hint of pride in it.

"What the—? How did he read--"

"--my mind?"

Chisaka uttered the words out loud that Aiden was thinking to his own self.

Aiden's pupil's shrunk, his hair in his arm stood up from goosebumps.

Aiden without even thinking for another second swung his arm weapon hauling a sword. Chisaka dodged it by taking two steps back. Aiden taking couple of steps forward slashed from right to left and back from left to right. Chisaka yet avoided it by taking five steps back. Consequently he jumped about 3meters away creating a distance between them.

Aiden crouched as he let out a huge breath and began panting from his previous exhaustion. Chisaka weapon hauled a katana and stood to a stance of 'Seigan no kamae'. Aiden randomly swung his sword and brought his sword hanging right taking a stance.

Chisaka lunged forward with his katana towards Aiden. Aiden parried it to his left and held onto Chisaka's katana. Then he did a spin still holding onto his katana and slashed aiming at Chisaka's face. Chisaka dodged it but a slight cut was laid unto his face.

"You fight unorthodox." Said Chisaka as his cut healed.

"Hehe….You should meet Kai."

Both dashed towards each other and battled using only slashing, parring and dodging consequently. They continued to parry for a total of five minutes. Aiden slowly lost his momentum and weapon hauled another sword for his aid. And once again they continued their dance with their swords.

Whilst mid – battle Chisaka jumped couple of meters back to create some distance. Taking this as the chance Aiden advanced stretching his arms out open and slash inward toward Chisaka's chest. Chisaka parried the interacting slash of two blades by keeping his sword in a vertical position. He swung his sword in a roundhouse manner and brought it aiming at Aiden's head. Aiden reacted quickly to defend his head by blocking the attack with his right arm's sword. Chisaka changed the trajectory of the motion of his sword and cut Aiden's chest clean.

Aiden fell onto his knees and slowly began to fall to the ground on his face. As he was about to hit the ground, the ground he was on turned pure black, black as a void. Aiden fell inside the black void and the void disappeared from the ground. Aiden passed through nine circle of huge silver rings before he hit the ground. He could hear, sense and taste the waves of ocean. He clenched his hands to grab a handful of sand. Aiden closed his eyes with a smile realizing someone had saved him.

"Is it some sort of bad joke to trap someone with space potential inside a space?"

A familiar voice uttered those words as the man who said those stood seated on top of an arch, the same one Chisaka stood on Chapter 19 – Verses of dead.

"Ha…. Kokū no saru, Draven Wukong!!" Said Chisaka as he turned back to look at the figure.

"Hehehe…. Shì de….."

"….. Wànwù zhī wáng…., Chisaka Katsuro!"

Draven leapt from the arch and did a butterfly kick mid-air and stood on the support of the staff (Bō) he weapon hauled midway. He let go off of his stance and kicked his staff at the bottom from behind, the staff spun mid-air. Draven caught the staff and spun it front and brought it behind his back to a resting position taking upon a stance lifting his knees, ready for a fight.

Lovely's donut and café, 9.34pm,

On a silent evening without the interference of anyone, Kai ate a chocolate glaze with a latte relaxing, seated by his favorite seat near the window. The shop was mostly empty with only Kai and the owner present, they both neither conversed nor interacted with each other, kept they both minding their own.

The door to the shop opened along with a gust of wind. A women dressed in Hanbok entered the café. Kai not noting kept on enjoying his donuts. Suddenly a veil dropped cutting off Kai and the newly appeared woman from the outer world.

"What is it?" Kai asked the woman with his calm demeanor still not looking at who it was.

"You are going to die an embarrassing death by my hand. That… is…. it."

"Oh!! You're the one with that man….hmmm…. who was he again?"

"Tsk…. Pathetic weakling….. You are going to beg when I am done with you…. Worm." Said Min Jung as she weapon hauled a wakizashi.

"Ah… you're his subordinate? Or perhaps…. His concubine?

"HOW DARE YOU!!! How dare you talk such thing of Chisaka-sama!!!??? You WEAKLING!!!"

Provoked Min dashed toward Kai with pure rage and a pride huge enough to assume that she would win this fight.

The End.