
Their Date

Braylee and James arrived within a red-colored Bugatti Chiron at the parking lot for the restaurant known as Hot Wok which specialized in korean barbeque. James stepped out of the expensive super car and stepped over to the other side, opening the door for Braylee, who was dressed in a pink poofy dress with a pink gossamer purse. As she stepped out of the Chiron, James closed the car door and locked the car with a press of a button on his keys. He then lead Braylee forward to the entrance of Hot Wok where an asian woman in her mid fourties awaited.

"Greetings, Party of two please. The reservations should be under James Valdore." spoke James, waiting patiently. The two were lead to their table within a part of the restaurant which was sparsely populated. James pulled out the chair for Braylee before she took her seat, then sat down across as the menus were handed to the two, both going over the menu items. "She'll have a doctor pepper and I'll have a root beer. Please give us some time before ordering." James said, and the waitress left the two to be alone for the moment.

"I want the chicken stir fry and a hot lava cake for dessert, thank you!" spoke Braylee to the parting waitress who quickly jotted down the request. This left time for James to view the menu and make a decision on what he wanted to eat. James toiled away deciding what he wanted when the waitress finally returned witjh their drinks, asking if James was now ready to place his order. He nodded, "I'll take the barbeque ribs and a side of fried rice please. Thank you!"

The two sat in silence for a time, until the food was finally delivered. Braylee was too nervous when on a date with a possible boss for her new job while James was just used to being silent while eating and waiting for food. Both began to dig in, only for the sound of rattling to echo through the window pane leading outside the restaurant for some reason or another. James leaped over the table just as a strange beam lanced through the window, bringing both himself and Braylee out of harm. The beam then collided with a nearby table and exploding into glass and wood, showering them both.

Another ray lanced in from the window, this time however it struck James who instead of exploding like the table before, seemed to just brush away the blast of nebulous energy. Unknown to him this was not an attack as much as a gift from some mysterious benefactor. The both of them had just had their dormant super-power genes awakened. Braylee gained access to the power to channel magic from the aether. James on the other hand gained the power to bring constructs of his imagination to life, Braylee instantly began speaking words of ancient script, casting a detection spell. She watched a hooded male with a large tube, point the tube towards her.