

It all began with the golden watch, the lust for power, the small whispers of peace and freedom, and a disheveled timeline. On the dead of the night, Viridian the White, the trusted wizard of the King, set out in the lowlands where no man or elf would ever enter; Dryasttroth the valley of the demise.


Where blood flows like a river,

Where the air reeks of danger,


The living is damned forever.

As the crimson moon began to wane, his chances became slim. Alone in the cold dark night, he feared not for his life, but for the life of the young one entrusted to him. His eyes wandered for any telltale signs in the dark as he continued to move forward through the fog. At the angry hiss of the wind, the willow tree swayed as it tried to console the northern wind. Using his staff he slowly tapped the tree's trunk in three different beats. The willow groaned and stretched its branches towards the crimson moon and breathed like a mortal who is on his deathbed. Viridian immediately chanted an old rune as he placed the small basket in the middle. The wind howled violently but branches of the ancient tree began didn't rustle like it was acknowledging its part. The wizard continued to chant until the basket glowed and vanished in front of his very eyes.

"May the fates be in your favor, o dhuine uasal."

He took out his scroll and stared at the dying crimson moon before he began his second incantation. The earth shuddered as he raised his staff towards the heavens repeating the chant in its monotone beat. He slowly lowered his staff when the wind stopped howling. The silence was creeping throughout the dark valley; his staff emitted a bright blue light as he chanted a counterspell to dispel the force field that neutralized his rune magic.

"You know that rune magic isn't the only magic I am knowledgeable at." He called out as his staff hit the ground. The thick fog quickly dispelled around him, giving him a clearer view, and the advantage strike first before his nemesis could move.

"I became quite weak," a voice boomed from the shadows. "I would've killed you with just one hit, draoidh."

Viridian locked his hand on his staff as the figure began to move towards him.

"Mgrithun, even though your physical form was destroyed you still have the guts to show up here." Viridian aimed his staff at the formless figure, Axel glowed and its color quickly changes to white.

"Draoidh, do you even know who I am?" the figure raised his boney fingers and pointed at the wizard's silver pentagram.

"I know what you did, Viridian the White," Mgrithun drew an imaginary circle in the air and began to nod in disbelief before he released another psychic wave at Viridian.

"You stole something from me." Viridian strike once again but his offense spell was quickly countered by his nemesis.

"It's a small price Mrithun for the manslaughter you committed in the dark with your minions."

Mrithun's jagged teeth glinted in the dark and began to sway slowly along with the wind.

"Did you hear that Viridian? Can you hear the angels of death as they rejoice for your death?"

Viridian channeled his life force unto his staff as it emitted a bright light.

"Even the angels of death won't be happy if they see you in the afterlife, Mrithun."

White light surged out from Axel as Viridian released his power; Mrithun was able to himself on Viridian's attempt to send him in oblivion.


Viridian flew ten feet in the air and slowly released a protection spell around his body as he landed on the rocky ground. Every breath seemed painful for the young wizard as he crawled on his own pool of blood.

"You won't succeed Mrithun." He said while breathing slowly.

"Draoidh, you used up all of your remaining life force to stop me from pursuing the young infant." Despite what he heard his face was impassive, he smiled and laughed.

"You think you can open up the portal and follow the child in the realm of marfach?"

The wind began to howl as the willow tree groaned and creaked. He let out a blood-curdling scream as he raised his hand and began to chant the counterspell.

"Accersi fuoco!"

His tiny eyes narrowed as he stared at the tall buff figure standing on the roots of the tree. Mrithun stretched his hand across the swirling fires around him and watched as it was eaten by the greedy beast that surrounds him.

"Ian! Get up you old cow!" He shouted as he continued to wave his staff in a circular motion.

"Mauro, you always know when to help at the right time," Viridian said as he struggled to stand up despite the pain that his wound has caused him.

"Close the portal Ian! I will send this Vashta to his doom."

Using his staff and his free hand, Mauro lifted Viridian into the air and safely transported him to the base of the tree.

"Do your part well Mauro." He said as he raised his staff to continue the unfinished incantation.

He stared into the huge mass of fire and wind swirling around him. He raised his uninjured arm and slowly pointed it in the direction where Mauro was standing. Thunder and lightning clashed into the sky which made Mauro raised his brow.

"Mauro the Beloved, your kin will betray the king and they shall be my messengers on spreading darkness throughout Gregaia, they will be the downfall of the foundations you foolish draoidh built."

Viridian having heard what Mrithun said, immediately used up all of his powers to close the portal before his friend could do anything irrational.

"Mauro, don't let him get into your nerves," he said as he raised his staff and pointed it towards the cave behind the firestorm.

"I know, Ian. Now, could please give me a hand as we send this Vashta to his final destination?" They both raised the staffs heavenwards and watched as the swirling mass of fire and wind shrink to a size similar to a toddler. Blood gushed out of his wound as Viridian delivered his final blow and sealed the cave. Mauro held his arm and slowly guided him on the rocky path.

"You're crazy aren't you? I told you the prophecy that the damned vamp revealed to you is not true." He said while struggling to maintain his balance.

"The whole battle consumed most of my energy but it's still a miracle that I am able to prevent you from injuring yourself further."

He slowly placed his friend on the flat ground and began to check on his wound. He slowly placed his hand on Viridian's bloodied cloak and watched as the wizard winced from the slight pressure he exerted.

"Don't even bother healing me, Mauro." He said as he placed his hand on Mauro's arm.

"I can't let you die in agony, Ian." He said as his hands started to emit a small white light.

"Save your strength on carrying my core back to the court Hephilheim." But Mauro was deaf to his words and continued to heal his wound.

"His words are constantly in your head, am I right?" He whispered as he stared into the sky.

"Don't be afraid, Mauro. Your kin won't become servants of Mrithun; someone from your line will save them and will lead them back to the light."

His words echoed within him and eventually made his heart sank. Tears flowed from his eyes as he stared at his friend's sorry state.

"You can't die, Viridian." He whispered as he continued his healing magic.

"Our time has come to an end. Raise your head, my friend. The future will fight for what we have started. Our efforts will not be wasted."

Mauro watched as his friend smile through the pain, he'll miss it the most. His body slowly glowed as bright as the sun before he even knew it; he vanished along with the darkness that shrouded the valley for a long time. Dawn slowly broke through the dark sky like a painter, it slowly began to mix soft hues of blue and indigo in the sky.

"Even death couldn't stop you from smiling." He said as he picked up Viridian's staff Axel and destroyed it. He then removed the sapphire gem and placed it inside his pocket.

The spring breeze gently tossed his hair as he stared at the vast land; he slowly raised his staff and uttered the incantation, 'Purifarizo'. A bright white halo appeared in the sky and slowly expanded throughout Dryasttroth, cleansing the desolation and death that stalks its very core.

"Raise your head, my friend." The warmth of his tone still has its effect on Mauro as he stared into the sky.

"Viridian, in another life I will challenge you once again! Can you hear me, mo chara?"

The halo slowly disappeared in the air and the valley that was once shrouded with silence and death was cleansed and renewed. Mauro's body slumped on the ground as he ended his spell. With Viridian's words still echoing in his head, Mauro closed his eyes and smiled, temporarily forgetting the threat that is starting to loom within his heart.

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