

Ugh, eight o'clock could not get here fast enough...

It was just another day at the office, and Friday's always seemed to drag the hardest. Nothing but unending paperwork, and the slow death of braincells and last nerves. But, the train ride home went surprisingly fast, and the lovely London cityscape never failed to lighten the mood.

No matter how bad this job sucked, at least it wasn't back in a dead end home town, trapped in yet another country song, about roots and slightly veiled racism.

Out here, far across the pond, Raven Hunter, was free. And that's all she'd ever wanted.

Her cell buzzed, a basic catchy jingle echoing in the hallway of her apartment building. She fished in her coat pocket for it, while juggling her keys, briefcase, purse and her lunch pack.

Raven groaned, as the contents in her hands crashed to the floor, but at least she finally dug the cell free.

OH. MY. GOD. An automated voiced droaned on about a her cars warranty running out, and that she should hurry to renew it...

Raven hadn't owned a car a day in her life. It wasn't logical with her wandering life style.

Her cell sat heavy in her coat pocket once more, and she stopped to pick up her scattered things.

"Oh here. You, umm... missed this one." A hand held out her lost abandoned object that must have been knocked free from her purse. OH. WHY??

The bright foil wrapping made her face turn crimson with embarrassment, the strip of condoms seeming to glint in the well lit hallway. And of course, her new super hot neighbor was kind enough to help her pick up her mess outside of her own door.

"Of course this happened, fantastic." Raven laughed, her awkwardness momentarily forgotten. The man dipped his head, hiding his amusement, his sandy blonde hair falling disheveled across his eyes.

"So, we've never met before, but my name is Raven. I suppose it's ok to know your name. After all, you've found my condoms for me. I mean, how much more embarrassing could a first meeting be?" She gingerly took the strip, and slipped them into her purse, and stood, her belongings once again safely in her grasp.

"Oh, hunny, being sexually active is nothing to be ashamed of! Girl, you go get it." The glaringly, in your face, obvious sexual orientation of her secret crush, really was the icing on the cake. This was so far, a terrible day...

Raven laughed again, tucking a stark black strand of loose hair behind her ear. "So this is super forward, but if you're free tonight, I'm meeting some friends at the new club in town. After the day I've had, I could use a drink and to dance until I forget my own name." She slipped her key into the lock, throwing one last smile and look at her neighbor.

"Get out! That new dance club?? My boyfriend James was going to I take me there! We actually just moved here, and I am so desperate for some socializing." Raven's heart lightened a bit. Even though it wasn't the chemistry she was hoping for, the instant connection with this man was very much something she was looking forward too, "Oh, it's Daniel by the way! Daniel Zane." He had a delightful British accent, and a very welcoming face.

She returned his warm smile, "Hello Daniel. We were going to meet there at eight. Is that ok with you?" He pulled out his cell, and checked the time, flipping up his lock screen to probably read a text message.

"That's perfect! We'll look for you there! See you, Miss Raven, and be safe!"

She closed the door behind her, locking it out of habit, and dropped her purse and keys into the table beside the door.

"Well, little bird. Looks like it was really that kind of day." Her coat hit the floor behind her as she walked, kicking off her sensible heels.

She made her way to the small kitchen in her small one bedroom apartment, and opened the fridge. The off white light lit up her sparsely decorated home behind her. It was quiet here, in this part if the neighborhood, but everything was just a short cab ride away.

Raven made a quick dinner, and excitedly slipped to her closet. Today was the day, she could feel it. So Daniel hadn't worked out, and he preferred the company of his man? Well, whatever, it's 'water off a ducks back' as Jinx Monsoon would say.

Plus, they had a bunch in common now. Raven also preferred the company of men. Maybe they could be friends.

She thumbed through her few clothes hanging up, passing her muted office clothes, her casual around the house outfits, that one weird sweater she never wore, but couldn't get rid of for some reason, and landed on her go-to little black dress.

Every woman needed a little black dress, and this one was made for Raven. She liked to think no man could withstand the power of it's sway or the way her body came alive in it.

Well, she hoped anyway. She really needed to get laid. She had a lot of pent up frustration and looked forward to relieving it with dancing, drinking and some hard core flirting. Something was so damn sexy about a well groomed man with an accent.

She fluffed her immaculate long wavey black hair in the bathroom mirror, applied her war paint with fierce maroon lipstick and black cat eyes.

The excitement bubbled as she sat on her bed, pulling on her stiletto mid-calf combat boots. From safe and plain desk jocky to a fierce sexual queen in a few simple steps.

Raven's eyes landed on her bedside table where her pocket knife lay. Her mother had bought her the sliver knife, and she had kept it with her since. 'Better prepared, then dead', as her father liked to say.

It fit perfectly into the top of her left boot, sliding into the pocket she had sown into it for the knife.

With one last flip of her mane, she strutted to the door. Seven o'clock girl. Time to go out on the prowl.