
The beginning

Chapter 1:

My name is john Branchburg Lateran but my friends call me john I'm just your normal random guy well as random as a world renowned genius can get with an IQ score of over 200 I'm basically the smartest guy you can find I mean I don't understand how people fail exams like i don't even need to read so much to pass listen in class and read ounce and boom you got a 90 but that's enough about me I know I'm cool I don't need any praises nor do I like to brag so the real reason am writing this is to have something to show my grand kids so enough about me let's go back to the real world we are in the year 5036 and humankind is not really as advanced as people think we should be by now turns out constructing something like a Darwin's ring ( a ring built around the sun to harvest energy) around the sun isn't so easy but I guess we also haven't killed ourselves yet until today that is we needed more fuel and since building a Darwin's ring is not easy and will also waste a lot of resources we needed another source of energy for our spaceship or did I forget to explain that yeah you heard me right we building a spaceship and personally I think it's cool what am I talking about am so excited to be a part of this program I mean this is my chance and I don't want to screw this up at least that's how I felt it turns out we are to try to build a dark matter extraction device and there is a reason I say try I know I shouldn't be saying this as one of the major contributors to the dark matter extraction theory but I don't think we can or should build this stuff on our home planet or even in our solar system for that matter I don't think they understand this but that's like trying to drag a black hole into our planet the suction force the mass a lot of things can go wrong and they are doing all this just to power one space ship I know it's a huge ship like really huge but that doesn't mean they should rush it now does it.

Week 3

It s week 3 and the black matter extraction device is running perfectly as of now it is stable and by running it in a vacuum box in a faraday cage surrounded by 5 reality anchors we are able to balance out most of the instabilities at least it's not looking as bad as I expected I just hope it stays that way.

Week 4

I was wrong it's not stable it's a quantum effect things have gone bad real bad we messed up big time the planet can't handle the suction force needed to extract dark matter its veering of course no not just the planet our entire solar system is unstable the sun is dying and planets are getting tossed about like some sort of gas carrying out Brownian's motion (Ps: sorry about the science joke) it's crazy our atmosphere is burning up volcanoes are popping out of nowhere everything is going boom yeah I don't think they are survivors good thing we are on a space ship meant for light speed travels it was designed to be near indestructible I mean imagine flying at light speed and boom you hit a asteroid at light speed I'm telling you that is not a good or smart way to die but we good for now at least and I'm thinking we should probably start flying but it looks like we are waiting for something not sure what we are waiting for but I don't want to be here when the sun explodes it will be massive from what I'm seeing the sun has destroyed all the other planets so yeah it's pretty big the only thing even keeping us here is the dark matter extractor it created some sort of quantum field or something and who knows how long that's going to last.

Week 5

You know how I said no survivor's turns out I was wrong turns out some politicians got themselves a bunker that can survive the end of the world and a weird vehicle to move around in I'm not even going to comment on the resources you will need to build that kind of stuff well it seems we are ready to take off now that the dark matter extractor has also extracted enough energy to go light speed I just hope the oxygen generators work well on light speed and the stabiliser too. And we are off I would have loved to tell you how everything looks at in light speed but we are not allowed to look out its too dangerous and we also don't want some quantum effects messing with our flight also the stabilisers work perfectly fine the proof is that we haven't turned to mush yet imagine the recoil force of light speed travel man we taking so many risks today I'm not scared of anything but I think we are fucked the sun went boom and now we got ourselves in the range of several solar flares and a black hole or a neutron star I personally hope its the neutron star I don't want to get squished yet (except its by a girl) I'm surprised the politicians aren't really panicking they just got this weird smile on their face I meant we just got ourselves blasted out of light speed by some random space instabilities or the space is so messed up going light speed might have lead us into some sort of subspace so nobody can tell exactly what is keeping us below light speed I suspect the shockwaves from the star is rippling the space around it and yes some shockwaves can move at the speed of light while this is not really possible under normal conditions this is not exactly what I'll call a normal condition and damn the sun has completely collapsed on itself it has gone supernova or hypernova? (It's multiple times greater than a normal supernova) even with the stabilisers and the reality anchors I'm not sure we can whoa.... I don't know what to say it's beautiful who knew a star dying can be so glorious no its not dying its being reborn its changing forms and they say the sun is just an average G-star now I wish to see more I want to witness more the birth of a new star there are so many things mankind has not seen ..... But I guess dying here isn't so bad after all dying in this beautiful moment is way better than dying of old age in some creepy old house or hospital..... I thought this moment can get any more beautiful but I was wrong again a black hole not many know about the birth of this stellar body but it is beautiful no beyond beautiful indescribable the way it appeared the way it is bathed by the flames like a phoenix it grows in the flames the aurora of colours I don't know when but tears started dropping from my eyes I looked back half embarrassed hoping they are too enamoured by the flames to notice my tears but I guess I wasn't the only one it seems we have all accepted our death..... I guess I was wrong again our captain in his eyes there was no hint of acceptance no guilt no hate nothing but pure determination and I heard him mumble ever so slightly pathetic something about training and weak minds and then he laughed like a madman he laughed and yelled at me no at us at all of us he looked at us with nothing but disdain then he said ( have you all given up are you all going to just wait here and die after what you did after surviving the cataclysm after killing the entire world after destroying our entire solar system after becoming the last of humanity are you all going to let mankind end in such a pathetic way without resistance without doubt?... if so you are all unworthy and then it happened the sparks of determination burned in us all and I remembered an oath one I thought I understood but didn't until now at least (may thy flame burn till eternity ends) so I declared my flame no the flame of mankind shall burn till eternity ends and the captain I saw the ever slightest hint of a smile on his face as we manned the ship and blasted our way through the space debris we piloted through the flame like a comet across the night sky but all was for naught as the black hole grabbed us within its pull we could feel it ounce more despair creeping into our bones and the captain he once again burned like a star his light led us unto the right path he commanded for us to go light speed normally we would have complained or argued on the possibility of temporal space explosion (our name for a break down in the subspace) but right now we needed all the hope we can get call it blind faith but we truly believed we could throttle out of this and throttle we did as all the power was directed to our thrusters the space ship groaned and roared as we immediately broke through the speed of light but we didn't stop even as the stabiliser showed critical signs even as the space around us started to collapse and our captain gave us the order ounce more to turn on the experimental warp device and power all the reality anchors at ounce and obey we did like faithful men listening to a god and for the slightest hint of a moment everything stopped as the space itself grew heavy as time itself seemed to stagnate.

My first Novel if you. Have some idea about my story? please comment it and let me know.

the_thrillcreators' thoughts
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