
Major changes!

Oh man I don't remember the last time I wrote in here! A lot of change has happened since!

To start! I started going to college for a trade related to cars(that's as good of a description as you get,) quit my job that I'd been at for almost three years and became unemployed after passing my class (at the highest grade average of the class). Luckily I was hired after job hunting for 2 months! As in like old-school-go-drop-off-resumes-cuz-I'm-desperate type job hunting, eventually I got a call back and after two interviews I was finally hired! But not as an apprentice like I wanted… but at least I have my foot in the door and am making my way to a legit career!

So yeah anyway that's like super condensed update, who knows maybe I'll expand on that more later… for now the focus is that I'm turning 2X tomorrow and I don't know how to feel about it! I'm like so unbothered I'm bothering myself.

With school starting again one of my siblings just started the most exciting/scary school year ever! GRADE ELEVEN!!! The year where everything happens and most of not all of it matters. God way to make me feel old! I swear I just graduated like last year!

Anyway I need to go to bed and charge my phone cuz I have a busy day ahead of me tmr!

Happy birthday to me!

And anyone else born in September !!

Ps. I'll try and be back sooner rather than later, no promises tho

Lol I totally uploaded this in the wrong spot… my bad!

Questionablemnmcreators' thoughts