

It wasn't before Saturday that I received any other email, it had a lot of stuff written, but I skipped through most of it. The attachment contained an audio-visual file.

"What is an Audio Visual file?"

Alexa responded in her monotonic voice, "A document that includes photographs of several physical formats used to record sound and moving images. ... It is broken up into three categories: magnetic tape, film, and gro-".

"Shut up"

The screen lit up, revealing a man behind his desk on a huge red armchair with diamonds engraved into its leather, seriously how comfortable could it be? He wore the Ark Angel Uniform. And a name was flashing on the golden badge he wore just above his breast pocket, Captain- Factus Rover. Currently one of the most familiar faces in the world and also the head, of Project: Ark Angel. Captain Lockwood Marko, famous for the 24-century war of the Rising Atlantis...

Oops, spoiler alert.

"Trainees of Project Ark Angel, this day will mark a significant change in your lives. From now on you must be proud, strong and yet humble. Proud, because you have been chosen as future guardians of this planet, in the next five years you will be provided with training and skills that other soldiers can't begin to fathom. Strong, because the weight of the world shall rest on your shoulders, nothing should prevent you or divert you from the task at hand. Humble, while you undergo training you will be answerable to your mentors, who will teach you how to harness your abilities. You will have to learn to work with others and not let your pride get the better of you. Please go through the manual and reach the pick-up spot, on time", he winked, and the screen went black.

I heard a whirring sound as the printer on my desk began automatically printing pages.

Even at super speed, the machine took 45 seconds before the document was printed completely.