
Braavos Will Have It's Due

Once a name synonymous with Braavosi ingenuity, House Asterion lies in shambles. Kael, the last hope for its revival, wrestles with a heavy burden – a disgraced legacy and dreams plagued by impossible sights: colossal figures bearing burdens that defy comprehension. These visions whisper of a forgotten past, hinting at a connection to legendary Titans. Driven by a desperate need for answers and the faint hope of redeeming his family's tarnished name, Kael embarks on a perilous journey. He will face those who mock his once-great house, and delve into a hidden history that could rewrite his destiny and the fate of Braavos.

AmSincere · TV
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2 Chs

The Weight Of Responsibility

Kael sat in his solar, a room designed for both reflection and discussion. The soft glow of lanterns cast flickering shadows on the walls, and the scent of burning candles filled the air, mingling with the faint aroma of leather and parchment.

Before him stood, Meloary, who had been with the Asterion family for as long as Kael could remember, a steadfast protector and advisor.

"Forgive me, my lord," Meloary said, his voice gruff yet filled with genuine remorse. "When I heard of Master Korfell's arrest, I rushed to his aid. I should have been here, with you and Lady Belarisse."

Kael shook his head, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "All is forgiven, Meloary. You did what you thought was best. My father needed you, and I understand that. Our family has always relied on your strength and wisdom."

Meloary's expression softened, and he nodded gratefully. "Thank you, my lord."

The guard's apology and Kael's forgiveness lingered in the air, a brief respite from the overwhelming weight of their current predicament. Kael's thoughts drifted back to his mother's frail form, her words echoing in his mind. The responsibility that now rested on his shoulders felt like a crushing burden, one he was unsure he could bear.

"The situation is dire," Kael admitted, his voice heavy with the gravity of their predicament. "My father is accused of embezzlement and my mother... she believes I am destined to carry on our legacy, to fulfill a prophecy I struggle to even comprehend."

He paused, his voice growing more strained. "I am meant to be a master now, yet I don't know how to act like one."

Meloary stepped forward, his eyes filled with empathy and resolve. "My lord, do you remember the Braavos Carnival, many years ago? The time when bandits ambushed us?"

Kael nodded, his mind drifting back to the memory. "Yes, I remember. It was chaotic. They came out of nowhere."

"It was you, Kael," Meloary continued, "who coordinated our defense. You organized the guards, led the charge, and even faced down one of the bandits yourself. Do you recall how you stood your ground, despite the danger?"

Kael's eyes widened slightly as the memory resurfaced. "I remember... but that was different. That was just a moment of crisis."

"And what about the time our trade caravan was ambushed by pirates on the river?" Meloary pressed on. "You devised a plan to outmaneuver them, to turn their attack against them. We succeeded because of your quick thinking."

Kael remained silent, his expression a mixture of contemplation and realization.

Meloary continued, "Or the negotiation with the merchant guilds when Master Korfell and Lady Belarisse were indisposed, when they tried to undercut our family's businesses? You spoke with such authority and insight that they had no choice but to concede."

Kael looked up at Meloary, the weight of his words sinking in.

"My lord," Meloary said softly, "it's not that you don't know how to be a master, a warrior, a merchant, or anything else. It's that you're scared to embrace the challenge, to step into the role you were born for. Fear is natural, especially with the stakes as high as they are. But you have proven time and again that you are capable. You have the strength and the wisdom within you."

Kael's voice trembled slightly as he spoke. "But what if I fail? What if I can't live up to the expectations?"

Meloary placed a reassuring hand on Kael's shoulder. "Failure is a possibility, yes. But so is success. You won't be alone in this. We stand with you, ready to support you in every way. Embrace the challenge, Kael. Believe in yourself as we believe in you."

Kael took a deep breath, the fear and uncertainty still present but now mingled with resolve. "Thank you, Meloary. Your words mean more to me than you know."

He repeated it again, his voice steadier. "Thank you."

For a moment, they sat in silence, the weight of the conversation settling around them.

"Meloary," Kael began, his voice thoughtful, "what can we truly do? It's my father's word against the Sealord of Trade."

Meloary shook his head slowly. "Not just the Sealord, my lord."

Kael's brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"When I went to the cells where Master Korfell is being held, I saw multiple Keyholder families present," Meloary explained. "Some of them are our direct competitors, families we have been in contention with for years."

Kael's eyes narrowed. "So this is their move."

Meloary nodded. "Yes, and they're moving quickly. Though they have prevented much public spectacle. They haven't revealed that Master Korfell was arrested yet."

Kael hummed, considering the implications. "My family's name is already in the mud. No, they have other goals."

Meloary agreed. "It seems so, my lord. They are consolidating power, working in the shadows. We must be careful."

Kael leaned back in his chair, his gaze distant as he considered the implications of Meloary's revelation. "We have no clear understanding of their intentions," he mused aloud, his fingers tapping lightly on the desk.

Meloary mirrored his posture, equally lost in thought. "Nor do I, my lord. Their actions suggest a deeper plot, one that extends beyond mere accusations."

As the scene transitioned through the vibrant streets of Bravos, weaving over its complex canal system, we arrived at a majestic mansion situated alongside one of the city's primary waterways. Within, the ambiance was luxurious yet charged with an undercurrent of tension as prominent figures enjoyed dinner together, their conversations blending cordiality with veiled conflict.

Presiding at the head of the table was Arlan, the Sealord of Trade, whose mere presence demanded attention. Encircling him were representatives of the Keyholder families, among them the Veryons.

Master Veryon, the patriarch, observed the proceedings with sharp vigilance, while his wife, Elysia, maintained the role of the charming hostess, her smile unwavering amidst the subtle tensions.

Elysia turned to Arlan, her voice airy and inviting. "We are truly honored by your presence, Sealord Arlan. It brings us great joy to have you join us for dinner."

Arlan acknowledged her greeting with a nod, momentarily diverting his attention to the plate in front of him.

Sampling a spiced clam, his expression remained impassive as he savored the taste. After a moment of reflection, he addressed Elysia, his tone conversational. "Elysia, I find these clams could perhaps use a bit more spice."

Her smile flickered briefly, a trace of embarrassment tinting her cheeks as she sought reassurance from her husband. Master Veryon offered a supportive nod, encouraging Elysia to regain her composure.

She chuckled lightly, a nervous giggle slipping past her lips. "Certainly, Sealord Arlan. I will instruct our chef to increase the spice level for the next occasion."

Setting down his fork, Arlan held Elysia's gaze as he finished chewing. "Make sure that happens," he instructed, his voice steady and resolute. The room fell into silence, the tension thick as everyone anticipated his next remarks.

Across the table, Master Varnis, another patriarch of a Keyholder family, broke the silence with a cough. "While we appreciate the culinary critique, Lord Arlan," he began cautiously, pausing as Arlan resumed eating. "Shouldn't we be at the Asterion estate right now, presenting our demands?"

Arlan swallowed, directing his attention to Varnis. "Patience is key," he counseled. "Imagine the suspicion aroused if a group of influential individuals suddenly converged on the estate of a man implicated in recent arrests. Our power doesn't exempt us from public scrutiny."

He surveyed the faces around the table, his gaze serious. "Everyone here knows the High Steward leans towards Korfell. If he gets wind of our intentions, he's bound to interfere. We don't want the High Steward of the Iron Bank meddling in our affairs, do we?"

His rhetorical question lingered in the air, answered by uneasy shifts and nods of concurrence. Arlan pressed on, "Let's avoid waking up to a faceless assassin or a band of Bravosi bravos at our doorstep. Caution is our ally, hastiness will only alert those who might challenge us."

The room digested his words, the seriousness of their predicament mirrored in the solemn expressions surrounding the table.

Rising from his seat, Arlan exuded authority as he declared, "I will now confer with the young Asterion and extend our proposals on all our behalves." His eyes challenged anyone to dispute his plan. "Unless someone wishes to contest," he added, engaging each individual present.

An anxious hush ensued, punctuated solely by Arlan's voice. "Good," he concluded, content with the absence of opposition.

As he made to leave, several attendees quickly rose, their expressions a blend of respect and discomfort. "Surely, Lord Arlan, you'd prefer to linger a bit longer," one suggested, forcing a smile. Similar sentiments echoed around the room, their voices strained with insincere warmth.

Arlan dismissed their entreaties with a dismissive gesture, his focus undeterred. "There's much to attend to, and I'm certain you all share the sentiment." He stated plainly, initiating his departure. As he neared the door, a squad of guards formed ranks behind him.

Upon reaching the mansion's entrance, Arlan's trusted advisor, renowned for his astuteness and fidelity, approached him. Amidst the attentive gazes of the staff, they exchanged whispers, their conversation concealed from prying ears by the noise of the dispersing guests.

"Ensure our movements go unnoticed," Arlan ordered, his voice subdued yet firm. "I don't want any trails leading to the Asterion estate tonight."

His advisor assented, a somber comprehension passing between them. "Understood, my lord. I'll orchestrate a distraction. By dawn, any curiosity about our activities will be redirected elsewhere."

Arlan's lips twitched into a rare smile of approval. "Perfect. Handle it personally. This task is too critical to entrust to anyone else."

Outside, the cool night air contrasted sharply with the heated indoor discussions. Arlan paused atop the steps, glancing over the curious spectators who had gathered to observe his exit. Their faces displayed a mixture of curiosity and trepidation. With practiced elegance, he lifted a hand in acknowledgment, his smile widening as he saluted the crowd.

Turning back to his advisor, Arlan imparted his final directives. "Prepare an escort. I won't tolerate delays."

As Arlan descended the stairs, the crowd cleaved a path to his waiting carriage. Accompanied by his mounted guards, Arlan approached the vehicle. A footman opened the door, bowing deeply as Arlan entered.

The urban noises receded into the distance, supplanted by the rhythmic clip-clop of hooves on stone as the carriage started moving.

Within the carriage, Arlan's reflections turned inward. He pondered the impending meeting with Kael Asterion. Arlan's visage hardened, mirroring the resolve that had propelled him to the apex of power.

"One can only hope the lad possesses the wisdom not to resist," Arlan muttered softly to himself, his voice barely audible. "Otherwise, I'll deal with him as I would any adversary."

This declaration hovered in the air, as the carriage navigated through the streets of Bravos.