

"A promise is not always meant to be broken

if the two people who make the promise

are loyal to each other

it will remain unbroken for centuries"

-author-nim herself-

jimin's POV

we went to his house,a puppy welcomed us,he acted like that puppy's dad

"oh tanie appa is here,you missed me right?,here you have a new uncle to play with"he told the puppy,he then pointed at me,i went to tanie and carried him with my hands and put my palm on his head and stroked it gently,he is such a cute pie ,i thought

"ah,tanie treat him well,he is my bestie"he said,which made my eyes lit like two light bulbs,do i deserve them?i questioned myself ,i only found these two today ,i can read his mind,who am i for real? i thought,am i that much lucky?i thought

"aish,i forgot it"he said

"what did you forget" i asked

"that phrase....ohhhhh.remember please make yourself at home"he said,which made me laugh

"hyung,you go and have a bath,you stink i'll prepare the dinner"he said while going to the kitchen

"wait,what?can you cook?"i asked

"yeah,dont you dare underestimate me?i live by myself,and i had to learn"

i took a bath and he also did the same two of us ate what he made,more like two burnt mini pizzas,and two over boiled eggs with two cups of instant soup,this is better than what i got to eat when i was at that stupid place i thought and ate what he made, happily,it was my first peaceful dinner

"taehyung,the pizza was so good even it was burnt,i can't make anything by myself so im proud of you"i said what i truly felt,after all he know how to cook and i don't even know that i thought to myself

he put a smile"hyung its easy,you have to buy the dough from a shop,put it on the table and let it rise,when its rising cut the things you need to put i mean grilled meat,green pepper,mushroom,sausages and whatever you want to add,keep those things away and put the dough inside the oven for 3-4 minutes and and take the dough out of the oven and put those things you prepared and cheese on it and put that to the oven again,i burnt it cause my oven is so old

"you don't have to explain any further cause i swear i won't cook that,cooking is not my cup of tea"i said

"hyung,so sorry i have only one bedroom in this apartment since i live alone,please i know its uncomfortable since you don't fully know me" he said

"no,no it's ok " i replied

"so i'll help you to find a job,do you have any talents or what did you learn?,do you have special degrees or qualifications ,did you do managment,it will be easy to find a job in that faculty?"he asked lot of questions which made me wonder his knowledge about everything

"ahhhhhhhh,i like to sing,and i learned music from my childhood,i can play the piano and the flute"i said

"why didn't you tell me before pabo?ok now sing anything you like"

"you know why i didn't tell you before,because i know that you are gonna ask me to sing" i said with a blank face,he put his boxy smile

"please only once"he said

"fine,i wrote the lyrics and made the melody myself ok?so don't laugh and don't say that's ugly in the end"i said

"PROMISE,i won't" he said ,that word promise of taehyung made me shiver in fear,i closed my eyes and started to sing , forgetting the weird feeling i got

alone i sink down to the floor

only my thoughts grow bigger

since when,did you start hurting me?

even you don't know

you are hurting too

cuz you are mine

i just wanna blow your mind

like this you are growing further again

everything is alright

although i say so

the truth is,it doesn't seems so

i want you to be your light baby

you should be your light

so that you don't hurt more

so that you can smile more

i want you to be your night baby

you could be your night

so that,this night can be honest with you

i ended singing,i opened my eyes only to find a taehyung with a questioning face

"what's the name of that song im wondering?"he said

"PROMISE " i said

"PROMISE?but there isn't anything about a promise" even though he asked me something i didn't hear cuz my head started to ache

"jiminie pabooooooooooooooooo aka par-park jimin do you hear me,earth to jimin god you should change the name ok?he screamed which made me snap back to reality

"what did you ask?"i asked

"well why didnt you name it as first love or something,PROMISE is not matching"he said,again my head started to ache,whats with that word? i thought

"im still writing it im gonna add about a promise too" i said which made me realize about the broken promise i made with her,it threw me to the past


"jiminie ,appa told me not to play with you ever again"little ari told five years old jimin while holding his arm

"why?" he asked while crying"what about our kingdom,you are the queen"

"jiminee,appa said you are unlucky,appa said that you made aunty and uncle poor" she said,she handed jimin a doll

"little ari will stay with you,jimine,take care of her"she said while stroking the doll's hair,she left 5 years old jimin alone in the garden ,he fall to the ground,he threw the doll away not wanting to remember those cruel people,but he couldn't forget her,his playmate eversince his birth"you promised me to stay forever" he screamed while crying

he went inside his house not wanting to get scolded by her mother,he didnt want to hear'you are unlucky jimin' again and again,for a child who is just 5 years old ,his parents are like gold,but little jimin only saw them as demons,who yell at him whenever they see him becuase of their company loss

-end of the flashback-

third person's POV

"so who is that lucky girl?"taehyung asked jimin

"when i was three or four i had that friend,like i can still remember her,but like when i was 5 she left,my whole world turned into black when i was five"jimin said,she promised me not to leave me but she left me,PROMISEs are meant to broken taehyung went confused

"five right?"he asked

"yeah why is that important?"before jimin can read his mind he quickly turned away,not wanting to tell anything about that horrible date,the date which made taehyunng's parents cry in pain,the date which made taehyung live in a dark world,the date which brought tears to taehyung's eyes

"so what are you doing for living?"jimin asked to make taehyung comfortable

"im an eye doctor and jungkook is a heart specialist" he answered jimin wiping the tears which were rolling down his cheeks away

"so you two work in the same place?"he asked

"no in two places,he works in the national hospital,when im working in the seoul private hospital"

"im wandering can idiots also be doctors?"he asked from taehyung while laughing

"put taht away,hyung your voice is like honey,actually how can you sing like that?" he asked from jimin,jimin avoided his question because he was curious about taehyung

"so taehyung why are you living alone,what about your family?jimin asked from taehyung

"i have parents who take care of me,love me with all their hearts,but they don't treat my sister well,more like they lost their hopes,i swear they love her but,now they don't care,so i decided to live alone by myself so i can talk about my sister with tanie,without getting looks from my parents" he said

"do you have a sister?oh wow ,where is she?i think her life have to be like a hell because she has such a annoying brother" jimin told taehyung without thinking twice,taehyung went silent,he looked down

"yeah maybe that's why she is not talking with me eversince her birth"taehyung said ,jimin didnt mean,he didn't mean to hurt him,why is he so hurt?jimin questioned himself

"why she is that much rude to reject her brother,and SOMEONE LIKE YOU?how can anyone reject you?if you are my brother i will protect you until i die with all my life,she has to be lucky to deserve you as her brother,someone who will do anything to save his loving ones" jimin told not knowing the truth about taehyung's voice,but one thing was correct even though he had no idea about what he said,he was true,taehyung is someone who does anything to save his loving ones,sacrifising himself to save his loving ones is a piece of cake to him,because he thinks about others more than himself,even it was long time ago,he has the same personality

taehyung looked at jimin,he hugged him while crying,knowing that he is not alone anymore

"hyung,im not gonna leave you,i PROMISE you" taehyung said

jimin's head started to ache,he heard voices in his head

"listen to me without shouting,stop this mess,i had to hide"he recognize that voice,the deep voice of taehyung

"how can you hide it from me?thank god i can read your mind,you would have hid it from me" he heard his own voice inside his head

"why did you do it?,answer me,how dare you do it?,do you think you are a hero" agian he heard his own voice

"it would have killed..." his own voice cut taehyung off

"tell me why did you do it?"he heard his own voice shouting at taehyung

"let me tell,you ,i would have killed..."his own voice cut taehyung off

"you just shut your mouth" his voice said

"you will regret your whole life not listening to me,jimin you will regret,i never expect this kind of reaction from you ,i thought that you will help me" taehyung's voice sounded kinda down

"taehyung im afraid,that somethinng will happen to you,im afraid to let you go,i dont want you to suffer alone" jimin went surprised to hear his own voice sounding so sad and down in his head

"PROMISE me jimin,PROMISE me not to tell anyone,link your pinky with mine,remember breaking a promise is a crime according to heavens rules"

he closed his eyes because of his throbbing head,he rested his head on taehyung's shoulder because of the pain,then only he realized that taehyung was talking with him the whole time

taehyung's hot tears made him snap back to reality

"hyung,you have me and jungkook,not gonna leave you,i'll protect my PROMISE"

"teahyung PROMISEs are meant to be broken"jimin said with a smile

"maybe sometimes but not always,if the two people who make the promise are loyal to each other,a promise will remian unbroken for centuries"

little did jimin knew about the promise he protected until his last breathe,even it leaded him to his death

A.N- hello guys,are are you all,everyone is going through a hard time,but life goes on so we should live on,and if you are wandering why im new to here,an author from here requested me to publish my book here telling that she read the chapters,so im publishing my book in two apps,i hope you all like my story,please im not gooad at making pizza so dont compalin,can you please comment,i would love to read those,are there armys?im wandering


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