
Getting Ready

After getting up and going through the motions of the morning. I get ready for school. You know you would think that they would give you the day off after something like this happens.

But there is no time to complain. Before class starts everyone surrounds my desk. They start asking me questions like how do you train, and what equipment do you use.

At this moment instead of being the antisocial ass that I am, I decided to think about it. What would I gain from gatekeeping strength absolutely nothing? While I'm sure they can't learn haki I could make them stronger so I could have a little bit of fun. I'll even use my dad's teaching methods of concussive training (beating them)

My decision is clear. "if you want to know how I got this strong then you can come to my house and ill show you." most if not all of them are surprised by this.

But I tell them "there is no quick way to strength but if you follow my training methods you'll at least get stronger."

Almost as soon as I said that Mr.Azaiwa walks into the room " this will be the only class you have today. you will also get the next week off to one let you recover from the last experience you had and two to help you prepare for the sports festival.

You would think that they would have just called our parents to tell us this while we were home. But I guess this works. Aizawa then dismisses us and tells us that we can eat lunch and go home.

So I go to the lunchroom to eat and make sure the plan for everybody can work out. Once down there it turns out everyone had the same idea. Because I am surrounded by people. We make the plan to meet tomorrow. After that, the group started to slowly dwindle until it was just me. But when I thought it was over I received a text. it was a notification letting me know that I was invited to a group chat Called 1-A.

I smile at this not because I now have more people to talk to. But because I'm going to metaphorically kill these kids.

After that, I just go home. and once home I see my dad at the fireplace again. "Father I have some time off of school and I will be bringing company over for the next couple of days. I'm going to be helping them " train" so if you want to help you can.

oh, boyo you finally have some friends do you well if that's what you wanna do with your friends then do it I won't stop you. I but I might come and help if I feel like embarrassing you.

And how exactly did you plan on doing that old man.

well by beating your ass of course boyo.

You think you still have it in you for that kind of fight old man.

oh, you better bet I do boyo. then why wait till then let's go right now. You're on kid." he and I then fight into the night with me winning of course we both fall asleep in the gym though form the fight lasting a full 5 hours.

A.N I don't plan on giving anyone else haki. maybe the six powers but I'm still iffy in that. also let me know who you want to be trained if not I'll just use the wheel it's probably only gonna be like five to eight people though

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