
The New Team Quarters

After lunch they go to the training grounds

Ano: okay now that everyone is paired up those of you who can use your codex train with your partner everyone else listen up

Skylar: what type of training should we do

Aaron: hand to hand combat

Aaron: I think we both need some more hand to hand I need to be better at bare hand combat

Skylar: yeah I want to be able to use the Rift blade better

Aaron: okay let's start

Karma and ryoko

Ryoko: what are we doing

Karma: well if I remember correctly you said you don't have too much upper body strength

Ryoko:*blush* you remember that

Karma: of course I know I may not seem like it but I'm always paying attention

Ryoko: uh right

Karma: so let's do some push ups, pull ups and weight lifting

Death: doing that will allow you to use more of my power

Ryoko: fine but how many

Karma: alot

Annie and Carla

Annie: so what do we need to work on

Carla: well we did well in a fight but we need to improve still

annie: so let's have a match

After training they all head to there new TQ

Ryoko: ah I'm exhausted

Karma: well if you focused on training in the past it wouldn't be so hard

Annie: how many push ups did you do

Ryoko: ah I don't know

Karma: she did 328

Ryoko: geez you were watching me

Karma: yeah

Ryoko: how many did you do

Karma: 675 push ups and 200 pull ups

Ryoko: I only did 5 pull ups

Annie: damn karma do you even need to train

Karma: well I didn't have to but she needed it

Skylar: I'd be exhausted to

Karma: you're actually stronger than you look

Skylar: no I'm really not

Aaron: there was that time when you had to help us back home

Skylar: yeah and you two are heavy

Annie: you carried them back home

Skylar: yeah after they had a match they couldn't walk

Karma: yeah that wasn't completely true

Skylar: what wasn't

Karma: well we could walk after about a minute of you carrying us but to be honest being carried felt good so we let you carry us back

Aaron: yeah

Skylar: what... you guys are heavy and it was a 30 minute walk

Karma: hey we deserve to be lazy every once in awhile

Skylar: *sigh* never again will I carry you guys

Karma: yeah yeah if we wanted to we could get anyone to carry us

Skylar: yeah sure

Karma: after all we are the most charming people here

Aaron: karma you sound like a prick right now

Ryoko: yep a condescending prick

Karma: I speak the truth

As they walk past 2 girls

Girls they're whispering

Girl: look it's Aaron and karma

Girl2: wow there the coolest

Karma hears them

Karma: hey ladies

They faint

Karma: see

Annie: if we didn't know you it would probably work on us to

Karma: really

Annie: yeah we all thought you 2 were the coolest and well Aaron lives up to that

Karma: and I don't

Skylar: no you act like a child most of the time and Aaron is more professional

Aaron: I mean she's not wrong

Karma: what ever

Annie: your also not very charming

Karma: of course I am

Lore: if your so charming why don't you have a girlfriend

Karma seems embarrassed

Karma: of course I had some in the past

Aaron: what who

Karma: oh uh...

Aaron: about what I thought

Karma: fine whatever I never had one

Ryoko:*sarcasm* I thought you were the most charming person here

Karma: quiet weak arms

Ryoko: grrr what was that

After a bit they see there new TQ

Aaron: woah

Carla: this is our TQ

They're all in shock

They go inside

And look through the rooms they find there room and it's exactly the same as it was in there old TQ

And out back there's a pool and hot tub

Aaron: woah

Karma: is hm seriously giving this to us

Aaron: seems so

Then the girls come out

Ryoko: damn a pool to

Annie: wow I wish I had a swimsuit

Lore: skinny dipping

Everyone: SHUT UP LORE

Lore: geez buzz kills


Aaron: well since there's a hot tub I know

Where I'll be at

Aaron goes inside and changes

Skylar: man I didn't think I'd need a swimsuit

Carla: same

Karma and ryoko also left

Skylar: where did karma and ryoko go

Then they all come out in there swimsuit

Skylar: ryoko you brought a swimsuit

Ryoko: no I saw one in my room though

Then the three of them get into the hot tub

Aaron: ahhhhh so good

Ryoko: it's feels so good on my sore muscles

Karma: nothing beats this

Annie: hey what about us

Karma: get a swimsuit

The others go check there rooms

And Skylar and Carla come out shyly wearing clothes over the swimsuit

Annie: what's your problem

Skylar: this swimsuit I wasn't expecting it to be like this

Carla: same it's too revealing

Annie: come on let's see

They take off their clothes

Annie: there's nothing wrong with those

Karma and lore: lookin good

Aaron: karma lore don't make it weird

Annie Carla and Skylar get into the hot tub

Skylar: wow this does feel amazing

Annie: Ahhhh

Carla: so good

They stay in and relax for a couple of hours then they get a call from HM

Aaron: yeah

HM: let me guess your in the hot tub

Aaron: uh yeah

HM: I figured well what do you think about it

Aaron: this TQ is the best

HM: good I hate to inform you about this but the schematics for the power arc is a no go I'm sending you the schematics see if you do anything with the design

Aaron: will do

Hm: also I've decided well begged to have you train someone in fact he's on his way over now

Aaron: what

Skylar: is it shawn please tell me no

HM: unfortunately he seems to be very fond of you guys and well he didn't do much in the attack last week so if you could train him a bit just so he stops bugging me I'd really appreciate that

Aaron: *sigh* fine


Aaron: you guys handle him

Karma: hell no skylar he's your boyfriend

Skylar: he's definitely not my boyfriend I don't like him at all

Ryoko: not it

Carla: not my problem

Annie: don't look at me last time I helped him I got shot

Shawn: I said I was sorry

Everyone: AHH your here

Shawn: yeah were you guys discussing how not to help me

Aaron: basically

Shawn: well I'm here

Karma: we see

Shawn: come on help me out

Aaron: okay everyone rock paper scissors

Aaron: 123

Aaron     paper

Karma    paper

Ryoko     paper

Annie      paper

Carla       paper

Skylar      rock

Skylar: what you all picked paper

Aaron: okay Skylar help him out

Skylar: really

Karma: good luck

Annie: oooo sorry

Shawn: uh why does it feel like you guys hate me

Karma: I hate you

Aaron: your neutral to me

Everyone: same

Skylar: fine

Skylar gets out of the hot tub

Shawn is staring at her

She slaps him

Skylar: hey pervert my eyes are up here  

Shawn: uh sorry

Skylar: what do you need help with

Shawn: well...

Karma: please go far away from here and help him we're trying to relax after our training session today

Skylar: ah fine karma but you owe me a favor for this I wanted to relax too

Karma: redirect the blame to Aaron

Aaron: I'll owe you a favor that's fine

Skylar: fine come on shawn let's go

She grabs a towel, her com and her shirt and  heads out

They go around to the front of the mansion

Skylar: so what do you need help with

Shawn: well I can't use my codex or form a weapon ordinance

Skylar: okay can you make a torch

Shawn: yes

He does it a bright yellow light appears

Skylar: uh yellow soul ah hmmm Lilith what Is a yellow soul

Lilith: more likely his soul has an affinity for electric spells

Skylar: alright

She remembers her first day when mark was using his soul which was a ranged attack

Skylar: alright first hold out you hand and imagine electric flying out of you hand

Shawn: that's sounds stupid

Skylar: do you want my help or not aaron is way better at teaching than me

Shawn: alright

He holds out his hand and it gets surrounded by a yellow aura then there are sparks around his hand

Skylar: there you go that is your basic ordinance

Shawn: wow this is so cool

Skylar: okay anything else

Shawn: codex

Skylar: there teaching that so you'll figure it out tomorrow

Shawn: okay

Then karma comes around the corner fully dressed

Skylar: is something happening

Karma: nah just going to get dinner for everyone

Skylar: oh okay

Karma: so Mr I'm going to beat you learn anything

Shawn: yeah I can finally use my ordinance

Karma: shouldn't you have been able to do that from the beginning

Shawn: well...

Karma holds out his hand

Karma: tell you what punch me as hard as you can in my hand I want to see how much power you have and if I think it's good enough you can stay for dinner

Shawn: well then

His hand has the electric aura around it and punches karmas hand

Karma is shaking his hand

Karma: damn that was actually good

Well stay for dinner and after I want to kick your ass later in a match

Shawn: alright then but I'll be kicking your ass

Karma: ah ha ha

He walks away