
The Battle Concludes At Black Point

Aaron: Skylar tell annie and Carla to alert the Academy

Skylar: uh yes

Lionheart got a falcon prepped for them but it should take 1 hour since Atlas falcons are the same as black points x7 falcons

Meanwhile at black point

Annies com rings

Annie: a message from skylar eh

Skylar: annie black points going to be attacked spread the word

Carla: what

Annie: is she serious

Then they receive an emergency message from HM

HM: all students E Rank to B Rank please evacuate from black point ASAP A Rank to S rank if you can please help defend your not high ranks for nothing so get out there and be safe

Then annie gets a call from HM

Hm: annie and Carla since you to are friends with Aaron I hope that you'll help out

Annie: of course sir

HM: good right now help evacuate the students and when the action kicks off just don't die

Annie: understood


Carla: is this really happening huh

Annie: seems so well let's head out

In other places

Shawn: what the hell we have to evacuate


Martin: well you got the message right let's go

Kaleb: right

Kayte: who'd attack black point


Alice: everyone go help with evacuation

Jacob: Alice I'll command the S and A Rank law units for defence you B - C Rank and help protect against attacks

Alice: yes commander


HM: okay Mr Ano monitor the radar Ms Leigh those prototypes are done right

Leigh: of course sir the cores from R&D are all finished

HM: Mr Ravo how's the heavy armored mantises

Ravo: ha they need a test drive

HM: great and finally aaron when will you arrive

Aaron: well with atlas's shitty falcons we should be there in 55 mins

HM: okay

Ano: sir multiple enemies on the radar

HM: how many

Ano: there's a lot

Hm: of course well everyone move out

Everyone: right


10 mins later reapers forces have invaded but most of students have been evacuated

Death count 30 people

Martin group is is fending off reapers men

Martin: you damn bastards you think you can invade our Academy

He slashes some guys and the go down

Kaleb shoots and knocks out people

Kayte is slashing with her ordinance

The teachers group

Mr Ano is fending off people with his judgement

Ms Leigh has her team of scientist use the new cores they invented for emergency called Tartarus made to affect the mind of enemies to incapacitate them without hurting them

Ravo is in the armored mantis destroying reapers reinforcement falcons

Annies group

Annie: Carla you good

Carla: of course

She uses her black ice and knocks out 7 guys

Annie using her basic ordinance and beats the shit out of others

Annie: this areas good

Then they hear a cry for help

Carla: someone needs help

Annie: over there

They run over there where they see shawn surrounded by 3 guys with their ordinance ready

Shawn: ahh stay back

Goon: heheh die

Annie rushes in and punches him in the face

Annie: one down

Goon2: what the hell

Carla: black ice

She takes out the other two

Annie: shawn why are you here

Shawn: they wanted us to evacuate but I want to fight same as you right

Annie: wrong we're A Rank

Shawn: what how your in the same class as me

Carla: yeah but we got promoted to A last week

Shawn: no way

Annie: it's not safe here you need to get out of here

Shawn: no I'm staying and fighting

Annie: watch out

She pushed him back

Then a real bullet from a sniper hits her in the arm

Annie: dammit

She grabs shawn and Carla

Annie: get us out of here

Carla: right black ice

She gets them out of there

There hiding around a corner

Annie: you damn idiot

Shawn: you saved me

Annie: if I didn't you'd be dead

Shawn: *sigh* sorry

Carla: annie your bleeding badly

Annie: well when Skylar gets here she can heal me

Shawn: she's on a mission though

Annie: who do you think informed us about the attack

Shawn: uh

Annie: they did they're on their way back right now

Carla: uh guys trouble

Annie: shit

Alice group

Lt Nali: uh ma'am we evacuated all from this area and all b-c rank from the law units have also evacuated

Alice: good let's join up with commander Jacob

Lt Nali: right

They make it to the front of the building

And in front of them they see reaper

Alice: nali run go get Commander Jacob

Nali: what you need help here

Alice: this is an order go

Nali hears the panic in her voice and complies

Reaper: it's been a while hasn't it

Alice: grrrr why are you here

Reaper: isn't it obvious your headmaster found a nice relic that would go nicely with mine

Alice she opens her codex and has her ordinance ready

Reaper rushes her in an instant and is crushing her windpipe

Alice: ah s stop

Reaper: you know you avoided being killed before

Flash back

Reaper: karma kill the girl close to Aaron

Karma: ...fine

[((Karma thought skylar but it was Alice))]

Reaper: now die

Alice: jud ge ment

She stabs reaper through but no effect

Reaper: a fighter till the end hahahaha

Then he grabs and activates a blade core and stabs her in the heart

Alice: ahh a aaron p please.....

Reaper: thanks for your soul

He tosses her aside

And walks into the building And goes to HMs office where he is commanding

Reaper: hello headmaster of black point Lloyd black

HM: why have you come here

Reaper: hehehe you know Aaron's little girl friend just asked me that as well

HM: Alice!

Reaper: yeah that's her

HM: what happened

Reaper: hehe I killed her of course now hand over that relic

HM: bastard

Reaper: you have half of something I need now hand it over or die

HM starts radiating enormous aura

Reaper slashes him with his ordinance

HM: that the best you got

Reaper: I guess you live up to your reputation

HM stabs him with his ordinance and opens his codex

Hm: drain

Reaper is taking major damage but isn't being affected

Reaper: Judgement

He slashes hm but he resists it

HM touches reapers arm

HM: demon soul be purified

Reaper: hehehe Judgement

His black aura blades turns from black to white

HM: angle soul!!!

Reaper: you actually made me have to use it damn time to die

He stabs through HMs side HM falls on the ground and as he does a core falls out of his pocket

Reaper: thanks

He picks it up and walks away and disappears he thought he killed hm

HM:(ah damn he almost killed be we need to be more cautious about him but Aaron grrrr why)

Back to annie

They met up with Martins group

Martin: ah ah ah damn they keep  coming

There surrounded by 25 guys

Carla: ah ah I I iam tapped out

Shawn: dammit

Annie: ah ah ah Martin any ideas

Martin: no I'm running low on power

Kaleb and kayte just went down

Then Martin gets shot in the leg

Martin: shit AHHHHHH

Goon: yeah now that he's down how about you surrender ladies or we kill him

Annie: grrrrr

Goon: times up what's your answer

He's holding a hand cannon to Martins head

Then a bullet of white blows his hand off


then Aaron karma and ryoko drop from the falcon and takes out the remaining guys

Aaron: sorry we're late

Skylar jumps down and heals Martin

Then tora jumps out

Martin: ah thanks

Then she heals annie then the others

Shawn: thanks

Annie: man I thought we were goners

Karma: we always nail dramatic entrances

Then Aaron gets a call from HM

HM: reaper he was here

Aaron: where is that bastard

HM: calm down there's something.... No that can wait reaper just took an arc that we found and he wounded me badly also he doesn't have a demon soul he actually has an angel soul

Aaron: what

HM: don't come near my office commander Jacob is here helping me you need to drive out reapers forces even though he got what he came for his men are still attacking

Aaron: right so reapers gone huh

HM: yeah now get to it and if you find any students who can't fight anymore send them to my office

Aaron: right

Hm: talk to you soon and never mind


Aaron: ryoko Skylar can you get them to HMs office tora you to

Ryoko: yes

Skylar: sure

Tora: yeah yeah

Aaron: karma...

Karma: I know we'll kick their asses out of here

Aaron: right

Ryoko and Skylar take Martin, Kaleb, kayte, annie, Carla, and shawn to HMs office

Aaron and karma go around and take out about 60 people  this takes about 20 mins

Lilith: aaron I'm picking up Kings aura

Aaron: where

Hm: he's by the fountain

Aaron: right

Karma: let's kick his ass I'm pissed at him

Lilith: and..... No never mind it would distract you..

Karma: Hm and Lilith they're acting strange

Aaron: I picked up on it

Lore: Aaron i've been thinking don't get near reaper

Aaron: he's gone

Lore: for now but...

Aaron: what

Lore: if he uses his angle soul he'd kill us

Aaron: you're already dead

Lore: but I'm existing now think about what's important for my sake and yours stop messing with reaper

Karma: lore that's not going to happen

Aaron: I have to I won't let him kill anyone else

Lore: fine but don't get me killed

Aaron: I don't plan on dying

Karma: come on let's take down king

They make there way to the fountain

King: ah your finally here

Aaron: you just been waiting

King: you could say that. Gemini

Gemini: activating defensive SRC armor

Karma: SRC armor

Aaron: so we can't hit you with our ordinance but you can't use your soul power either

King: I'm aware but you know what you're forgetting about the weapons from the past

Aaron: non core guns

King: yes

He holds up an old 4 shot revolver and fires a shot at Aaron

Aaron slices it with his ordinance but the bullet goes through his ordinance and hits him in the shoulder

Karma: aaron

Aaron: The bullet casing is made of SRC material

King: hehehe

He reloads the 1 bullet

King: Gemini protocol alpha 113

Gemini: turret activated

Aaron and karma dive to the side behind a small concrete wall

Gemini: hostiles evaded

King had his gun pointed at the wall waiting for aaron to pop up

Aaron: damn were penned down

(Think aaron think wait this is the fountain)

He looks at building behind him

He whispers to Lilith

Aaron: Lilith call skylar

Lilith: okay


Skylar: yeah

Aaron: at the front of the campus by the fountain we're penned down by King and he has that turret can you shoot it

Skylar looks out the window behind HMs desk and sees king

Skylar: I see him activate core

Aaron: okay I'll get his attention just take out that turret


Aaron: Wait king let's talk

Karma: aaron stay down

Aaron stands up

King: what's your game

Aaron: ha I just wanted to ask you something face to face

King lowers his gun and Gemini stops

King: go on

Aaron sees Skylar aiming at him

Aaron: I wanted to know why your doing this

King: ha well...

Then Kings turret gets taken out

King: the hell

He turns around and sees Skylar in the window

Aaron jumps over the wall and rushes king he punches him in the face

King manages to pull his gun up and shoots aaron in the side

He falls

Aaron: uhh

King: damn you

He points the gun at his head

Then he gets a call from reaper

Reaper: no don't kill him not yet his role hasn't been fulfilled yet once he realizes that his friend is dead he'll be ready

King: no he's dies here

As he says that karma uses his speed and grabs the gun from king and shoots king in the leg

King falls

King: ahhh damn

Reaper: it's seems your usefulness to me has expired luckily I've found another

King: what

Reaper: bye bye Gemini protocol b-82 override self destruct

Gemini: protocol activated

Kings armor disappears and his Com is flashing red

King: son of a bitch

Aaron karma and king are in the blast radius

Aaron rips off Kings com and takes Geminis AI core and deactivates it

Aaron: activate core

He puts the SRC cuffs on king

King: reaper that asshole

Karma: we finally got you

King: just terminate me

Aaron: no we want details about reaper

King: fine...  also he said he killed someone close to you

Aaron: what

Karma: no he's bluffing

King: I'm not I thought you should know now do whatever you want to me

Karma punches him in the stomach

Hes unconscious

Aaron: reaper who'd he kill

Lilith: sorry Aaron I overheard commander Jacob say 2nd commander Alice Lionheart is dead


Aaron is radiating pure anger

And is walking away from the building


Aaron walks away and karma goes to HMs office the battles over

Death count 37