
HM's Special Training Mission

Annie: man Aaron you got to make them work on teamwork

Ryoko: I'm right here you know

Annie: I know so work on supporting each other

Ryoko: that's impossible

Carla: why

Ryoko: uhh...

Annie: come on ryoko just try it

Aaron: karma can be a jerk but he is reliable also I'm pretty sure he likes you

Ryoko:*blush* what

Aaron: just saying

Ryoko: uh fine I'll go talk to him

She's walking away

Skylar: you think karma likes her

Aaron: hehe uhh maybe hey Lilith can you get a live feed of karma

Lilith: of course

Annie: that's messed up Aaron

Aaron: it's funny watching karma normally he's all calm but in situations like this he's a mess

Annie: that's still messed up

Aaron: you don't have to watch

Annie: ha scoot over

Lilith feed


Ryoko: karma wait

Karma: you

Lilith: karmas heart rate just jumped up

Karma: what is it

Ryoko: I wanted to uh apologize for earlier

Karma: uhh oh well okay then

Ryoko walks closer to karma

Ryoko: they were right we need better teamwork

Karma: yeah I suppose

Ryoko: how about we try working together in a duo match

Karma: *loses cool* uh why

Ryoko: why not

Karma:*gulp* yeah sure

Annie: omg he does like her

Aaron: I knew it

Karma:*composes himself* let's go then

Ryoko: alright

Lilith: his heart rate is really high

Annie: Ahahahahah I can't believe karma this is better than TV

Aaron: I know Ahahahahah

Carla&Skylar: (those two are team leaders)

Karma: I need to message aaron then we need an opponent

Lilith: uh oh

Karma turns in his Com and sees that it's a live feed

Aaron&annie: uhhh hey karma

Karma:.... How long has there been a live feed on me

Aaron: ooo well uhhh how's it going

Karma: you dead aaron

Aaron:*whispers* Lilith kill the feed

Lilith: right

Karma: AARON YOUR.....


Aaron:*sigh* I'll be hearing about this later

Skylar: it's probably for the best I don't think any of us wants to be spied on

Annie: true wait skylar you have Lilith on your com

Aaron: calm down Lilith can only accept a live feed if skylar allows her

Lilith: correct aaron only made a exception for karmas com

Annie: really

Aaron: yeah observer Lilith Live feed skylar's com


Aaron: now skylar check your com

Skylar: a live feed request

Aaron: yep I put a lot of effort to protect my Teammates from uh situations like karma was in

Annie: ah ha

Carla: at least we don't have to worry about Skylar

Annie: yeah I trust Aaron to watch out for her

Aaron: of course

Annie: as long as skylar doesn't kill him

Skylar: grrr annie

Annie: calm down we know it was an accident


Aaron: at least we figured out how that happened

Skylar: well I still don't know how to control it

Aaron: you'll be fine

Annie: control what

Skylar: that power that almost killed him

Carla: woah really

Skylar: yeah

Annie: that'll be great you'll be able to fight

Skylar: I can already fight

Annie: I guess

Skylar: better than I use to be

Aaron: yeah she's improved a lot well I'm heading back home see you guys later

He walks away

1 hours later

Aaron and karma are fighting

Karma: grrr aaron

Aaron: calm down it was a joke

Karma: i'm going to kill you

Skylar: uh calm down karma he was just making sure you were okay

Ryoko: I'm sure Aaron didn't mean anything bad about it

Aaron: I was just testing the live feed from your com

Karma: yeah sure

They get a message from HM

Hm: aaron karma come to my office king talked

Aaron: okay karma let's go

Karma: this isn't over but for now let's go

They head to HMs office

HM: okay like I said king talked and he told us reapers plans and the part that frightens me is well his goal

Aaron: which is

HM: he wants to topple the Academy's and bring war he wants humanity to die and well based on the info we have I'm pretty sure reaper will be able to do it

Karma: your kidding me

HM: if only and well he's more powerful than me

Aaron: but what if all three of us fight him

HM: even then I figured 1 of us will probably die

Aaron: if that's our best chance...

Karma: then we take it

HM: I knew you two would say that but no

Aaron: why not

HM: *sigh* you two are like sons to me I can't let you die

Karma: thanks but this is our decision to make

Aaron: karmas right

HM: no the reason I called you here was to discuss your new training so you won't die I figured you 2 would have the same idea I did for fighting reaper and so I've come up with a special training for your team

Aaron and karma: s s s special t t training oh no

HM: that's right you guys will be working at the maid cafe along with your team

Karma: what the hell that's not special training

Aaron: what's the point of that shouldn't we be combat training instead

HM: there is very good training in this you'll understand that there are things you can't learn through combat

That's all for today next Wednesday your training will be over with

Aaron: ah man

HM: well I sent the details to your team

They leave HMs office with the horror of the next week

They get back to there TQ

Skylar: hey guys



Ryoko: uh aaron karma



Skylar: uh GUYS what happened

Aaron: T.... The horror

Karma: HM is sending us on a special mission for training....

Skylar: wait the special training it's not the maid cafe is it

Aaron: .... Don't remind me

Ryoko: the maid cafe what's that

Skylar: it's a cafe where the waitresses are dressed as maids

Lore: don't forget the sexy part

Aaron and karma seem like they just died inside

Ryoko: so you two will be dressed up as sexy maids

Karma: no all of us will be

Skylar and ryoko: WHAT....

aaron: unfortunately

Skylar: no way what kind of training is that

Karma: I don't see how it can help us at all

Ryoko: this sucks

Aaron: we start tomorrow so... Be ready

They receive a message from HM

HM: by the way Aaron you and your team will be living at the maid cafe and lucky you they agreed that you can stay with the other employees have fun

Karma: *gulp*

Lore: no way we get to live with the sexy maids

Skylar: live how isn't it a cafe

Aaron: it's attached to hot springs and spa resort

Ryoko: spa and hot springs that sounds like heaven

Karma: well I'm going to sleep

Aaron: I think I'll do the same

Skylar: but it's only 5pm

Aaron and karma: I know

They go to there rooms

Ryoko: they seem really unmotivated

Skylar: I'm right there with them this is going to be a long week

the parts coming up is my favorite tho I need to rewrite a few things but ill get to it when I get to it.

thanks for reading


JamesTheLostOnecreators' thoughts