
Dealing With Lore

HM: so what happened

Aaron: well

Lore: let me tell him

HM:??! What who said that

Aaron unwraps his scarf

Hm: uh

Aaron: cool huh

Hm: interesting mores like it

Lore: I'm his soul

HM: uh demon soul

Lore: my name's lore

HM: so lore people who have demon souls do they all want to rampage and destroy things

Lore: I won't lie most do but the ones that I ruled over should be fine not perfect but in control

HM: ruled over

Aaron: apparently he's a king from the fourth level of hell

HM: that's a real thing there's multiple levels of hell!

Lore: yeah but everyone in the fourth level is dead and in soul form floating through the life of this world and hoping to be reincarnated but other demon souls from other levels also die and are trying to be reincarnated so that's why people with demon souls rampage

HM: and how can you tell If a person with a demon soul is bad

Lore: they would have been bad from when they were born so any person with demon souls who are decent people who aren't too bad there souls are from the fourth level of hell so there good

hm: interesting I was hesitant to let anyone with a demon soul come here but the ones who are here must be from the fourth level

Lore: of courses I wouldn't know them but there probably decent

Aaron: also about our TQ

Karma was there


Aaron: he's told me he's a member of silver

HM: are you sure

Aaron: yeah, he cut my arm off and that's how lore came free

HM: hmm

Lore: by the way Aaron now has access to my power so he's even more powerful

Hm: really that's great well Aaron use your power wisely

Aaron: well I have to learn these spells

HM: new spells huh

Lore: he has my codex and ordnance

HM: he has both

Aaron activates lores codex

He can't read it

Aaron: what does this even say

Lore: it's in demonic so you won't know it

Hm: can you teach him

Lore: uh it's a lot of work

Aaron: don't worry I'll just wing it

Lore: that's the spirit now let's go get some ladies

Aaron: no

Lore: you'll give in eventually

HM: wait aaron you have to learn and lore you have to teach

Lore: hey you can't boss me around I'm a king

HM: oh yeah

He activates his basic ordnance and touches Aaron's left arm

Aaron and lore: AHHHAHHahahah STOP

Hm: only if you teach him how to use your spells

Lore: okay okay stop

Hm stops

Aaron: damn that hurt

Lore: man more work

HM: want to go back to being pain

Aaron and lore: NO

Aaron: also my dorm got destroyed so can you get it fixed

HM: all ready on it do you have a place to stay

Lore: the girl and the cat are looking for a place

Hm: well it'll be fixed soon there is a place I could send you it needs a little work but it's it's a nice big place

Aaron: if I had allied teams we could use a big place

HM: oh you got my hint huh

Aaron: yeah but there are no teams of S or A rank I want to associate with

HM: well you better

Aaron leaves

Aaron: man that sucks

Lore: yeah that hurt and I'm just your soul but he didn't have an angle soul so how did he hurt us so badly

Aaron: no clue

His com rings its Skylar and tora

Skylar: we found a place

Tora: lore should be happy

Skylar: sigh I forgot about him anyways we can stay with annie and Carla there in dorm G7b

Aaron: got it I'll be there soon


Lore: oooo💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Aaron: I'm going to need you to calm down

Lore: eh what oh yeah yeah

Aaron: I guess I can show them but lore don't make a scene

Lore: fine

Skylar: alright he said he'd be here soon

Annie: cool

Carla: but what happened

Skylar: well after I left ...

Annie: what he lost his arm

Carla: he has a demon arm now

Tora: oh yeah and lore he pretty cool to

Skylar: I suppose

Then Aaron walks in

Aaron: hey...

Lore: why hello ladies wanna..

Aaron: shut it I told you not to make a scene

Lore: what I can help it look at em

Annie: great he's a pervert

Tora: right I forgot to mention that

Carla: how

Skylar: yeah he's not the greatest

Lore: hey hey I'm still a decent demon I just have some uh desires

Aaron: well keep those desires to yourself

Lore: hey i ll try

Lore:(oh man there so...)

Aaron: lore what did I just say

Lore: what you can hear my thoughts

Aaron: apparently

Lore: hehehe

Skylar: why are you laughing like that

Lore: oh no reason you must be kinda tired huh

Skylar: what

Lore: well you know being tied up with Aaron and all

Annie: what

Skylar: wait

Carla: what does that mean

Tora: Ahahahahah

Lore: oh they got tied up together all night last night

Aaron: lore we were back to back

Lore: I know and I have a question for you even though you were in that situation you didn't once think about Skylar in a...

Skylar: good

Aaron: lore didn't I tell you not to cause a scene

Tora: hahahahha man lore I like you man

Lore: I think we'll get along

Annie: man I already hate him

Skylar: yep

Carla: I can see it

Lore: well I'll be resting for a bit just call me if you need me

Annie: we won't need you

Lore: yeah yeah


Aaron: man why did I have t get stuck with him I guess it good I got him instead of a different demon soul

Annie: aren't demon soul usually evil

Aaron: well lore said all the souls from the fourth level of hell are decent demons who don't rampage

Carla: can we see your arm

Aaron removes his scarf that was wrapped around his arm

Annie: woah that looks badass

Aaron: I don't know if I should cover it or let it be

Skylar: well people already know you have a demon soul so I doubt they'd be to surprised but it will probably freak people out

Aaron: I Guess I'll keep it covered

I don't want people to know

Annie: got it we'll keep it secret

Aaron: thanks

Annie: anyways it's not to late yet but I'll show you your room

Annie takes them to hall way there's three doors in the back middle is the bathroom and on the left and right there's 1 door

Skylar: wait there's only 2 rooms here

Annie: yeah this is the empty room so you to can stay there I mean it is  bunk beds

Tora: oh so we have to share a room

Skylar: really

Annie: well since you  already shared a bed it shouldn't be too bad

Skylar: haha that was because of tora

Tora: oh uh

Aaron and Skylar seem to be mad again

Tora: uh hey Annie can i bunk with you instead

Annie: why

Tora: I'm not feeling to safe with them

Annie: I guess you can lay at my feet

Tora: thanks well i ll see you 2 tomorrow

Skylar: no come in stay here tora you may only be shot once

Aaron: yeah I actually have a rope let's play a game tora

Tora: uh ha ha

He darts out

Annie: man he seems scared

Skylar: he should be he left us tied up and had SRCS so we couldn't break free that was after we got home from classes we didn't get out till morning

Annie: interesting

Aaron: hey Annie can you take this rope

Annie: I'll let you handle that anyways good night I'm returning early

Aaron: which bunk you want

Skylar: bottom

Aaron: gotcha I'll take the top

Well I'm going to sleep to

He takes off his shirt and crawls up to bed

Aaron: ahh so relaxing

Skylar sees the closet

Skylar: I'm going to change in the closet

Lore: uh did I hear something interesting

Skylar: oh god he's back

Lore: aaron go

Aaron: where

Lore: are you that oblivious

Aaron: lore shut up

Skylar walks out in her PJs

Lore: aw I was expecting something...

Skylar: please stop

Lore: aaron you sure your a guy

Aaron: yeah I pretty sure

Lore: than why didn't you try to sneak a peek

Aaron: what the point

Lore: you know

Aaron: if I did that all it would do is ruin our friendship

Lore: man your so boring

Skylar: lore why are you like that

Lore: I've always been like that .

Skylar: that's not what I meant

Lore: aaron believe me I will make you do something...

Aaron: don't even

Lore: I'll have to your not normal

Aaron: not all guys are perverts

Skylar: your actually the first I met

Lore: isn't it weird

Skylar: no actually it's refreshing not to be hit on constantly

Lore: aaron drop a pick up line

Aaron: fine If ID shut you up  Skylar are you an angel cuz you just fell from the sky

There happy lore

Skylar: I don't think that's how it goes

Aaron: do you want me to try again

Skylar: no i'll pass

Lore: aaron I wanted you to be serious

Aaron: I humored you isn't that enough

Lore: no how about this....

Skylar: lore just stop  

Lore: but you didn't mind when aaron did that

Skylar: I knew he wasn't being serious

Aaron: lore I don't think you were very popular where you

Lore: of course I was oh I just got you pick up line she has an angel soul so she really is an angel

Aaron: I was being literal

Skylar: you mean you actually thought of something

Aaron: it made sense


Lore: I may have misjudged you that was actually good

Aaron: lore your looking to far into this

Skylar lays down

Skylar: lore are you sure you where popular

Lore: uh I WAS THE KING so of course I was popular

Skylar: fine

Aaron: lore stop thinking of picking up lines to say

Lore: man I can't even think to myself when I'm not resting


Aaron: great he finally gone

Skylar: man I really don't like him

Aaron: well good night

Skylar: yeah

Morning 6:40

Aaron gets up and goes to the kitchen where he sees Carla

Aaron:*yawwn* morning

Carla: oh uh morning

Part 2

Wednesday 9/7/2026

Aaron: what are you doing up so early

Carla: well normally I'll wake up early and get ready for classes but today they sent an emergency message about classes closed for 3 day

Aaron: oh really that's cool

Carla: well I prefer classes but I know annie and Skylar will be happy to hear that

Aaron: well a 5 day vacation sounds good to me

Carla: yeah I suppose I mean there still teaching basics so I doubt we missed much

Aaron: you probably already learned it if you can use your ordnance

Carla: really

She activates her ordnance

Carla: I still can't believe I have power

Aaron: yeah I know what you mean strange huh how souls work

Carla: yeah if I didn't have my power i don't know what I'd do

Aaron: yeah that is something to think about

Lore: aaron I can't believe you haven't noticed

Aaron: huh

Lore: look at her

Aaron: huh

Carla: ahhh I I I forgot I ahhhhhhhh

She runs into her room and changes

Lore: how did you not notice

Aaron: what we were having a nice conversation

Lore: geez not one perverted thought


Aaron: lore shut up

Carla comes back out

Lore: man Aaron are you blind

Aaron: no

Carla: lore

Lore: what all I did was point it out

I mean your the one who forgot I just happen to notice

Aaron: lore shut up

Lore: I still can't believe you didn't notice

Aaron: lore I'll get hm to purify us or get skylar to shoot us

Lore: go for it how will her shooting hurt me

Aaron: if she shoots you with a lethal light soul bullet she may blow you off my arm

Lore: oh yeah she has an angel soul

Fine I bet you wouldn't mind losing your arm


Carla: man he's annoying

Aaron: yes yes he is

Lore:(aaron let's do something fun today)


Lore:(yes or I'll ruin your nice guy rep)

Aaron:(my God you are evil)

Lore:(well let's go fight some bad guys)

Aaron:(that's what you wanted to do)


Carla: uh aaron

Aaron: oh sorry I'm going to head out have a nice break

He leaves

Aaron: lore I thought you wanted to try to gets ladies

Lore: I mean we could do that instead

Aaron: no let's go do some Bounties

Lore: yes I've been wanting to get back in action well I guess I won't be fighting but my power will be

Aaron: yeah okay

He brings up the Bounty requests

S rank Bounties

Aaron: let's look for a gang leader

Lore: yeah let's fight a lot of people

Aaron: hmm oh this guy looks good he's the leader of the Ravens woah look at all those zeros $10,000,000,000

That must be a typo

Lore: he must have done some real evil things

Aaron: woah look at all those crimes 600 pages of crimes committed

Lore: let's get em I guess

Aaron: I don't know we don't really need money

Lore: yeah but we're just doing it for a fight right

Aaron: I guess

Let's see his last known operation

I see he was working in the R&D for the core manufacturing hehehe

Lore: what's with that evil laugh

Aaron: oh well to be honest I'm looking for an AI

Lore: but there are tons of AIs

Aaron: yeah basic ones I need a really advanced one

Lore: for what

Aaron: well if I can Incorporated it in my com we can have real time strategy as we fight it can scan the battle field and assist us

Lore: well now you have a reason for going so let's do it

Aaron accepts the job

Aaron: should we get Skylar

Lore: dude were going into the nest of criminals and you want to bring someone as hot as her there

Aaron: uh I don't think you get what I mean

Lore: she's hot right

Aaron: no I meant...

Lore: oh I'm so telling her what you said

Aaron: what ..

Lore: I said she's hot and you said no

Aaron: uh I .. Okay she's hot but I mean wait what did you just make me say

Lore: oh ho ho you admitted it huh

Aaron: you made me say it

Lore: what?

Aaron: you made me say she was hot

Skylar: who is?


Lore: hahaha get played

Aaron: oh Skylar perfect timing lore was saying you weren't good looking I was just sticking up for my Teammate

Skylar: really lore how dare.....

Lore:!! Wait how did...

Aaron:(you can't set me up)

Lore: wait skylar aaron said..

Skylar: lore you think I'll believe you


Anyways I was thinking we should bring you on this mission but then lore said yeah she'll fit right in with a bunch of criminals

Lore: I I

Skylar: what💢

Aaron: skylar I know lore is a jerk but calm down

Skylar: *sigh* your right

Lore: (how did you do that I thought I had you)

Aaron:(just takes nerves if you panic you'll lose)

Lore: hehehe I think I can learn from you aaron

Aaron: mhum

Skylar: what

Lore: oh we were just having a chat in our conscious

Skylar: so you can hear each other in your mind

Aaron: yeah as long as lore isn't resting

Lore: yeah so I know what he's thinking when I'm here

Aaron: same lore

Lore: right.. hey don't listen to my thoughts

Aaron: lore when ever we pass a girl your mind instantly goes to thinking about her

Lore: so what you also think about them

Aaron: lore I think if I've seen them before you don't

Lore: okay okay

Aaron: like right now your thinking about Skylar


Lore: uh yeah I am why don't you

Aaron:! I think I taught you to much

Lore: it takes nerves right

Aaron: shut up

Skylar: so what's the Bounty

Aaron: right