
After Action Report

Aaron: uh *deep breath* you seem to like your hands be ashamed if I blew them off

Ace: bleed out and die

Aaron walks forwards and gets off the blade

Aaron: judgment

There's an unreal amount off power radiating from Aaron he swings his ordnance but they barely see him move it

Ace: ahhhhhhhh my hand you cut it off

Aaron: raises his hand again and is about to end ace but he stops right before he hits him and the power fades

Ace: you I will kill you believe me

Aaron: activate core

He hits him with the stock of the rail gun

Aaron: woo he wouldn't give up

Ryoko and Skylar are just staring at him

Aaron: uh what is it

Skylar: what was that power

Ryoko: that was crazy I could feel your  bloodlust but then It faded

Aaron: sorry I kinda lost it but I'm okay now

Death: you used Judgement

Skylar: what's that

Death: it's a person's second powerful ordnances there's basic, flare, judgement, and void it's impossible to use void if you do use it you'd die from it

Aaron: yeah anyways l1 where can we find the core data

Skylar whispers to ryoko: he can just brush anything off can't he

L1l17H: it's over at the computer I'm part of it the L1l17H sentient AI I was stolen by ace he didn't think I was an advanced AI so he always ordered me to do stuff for him I just pretended to be a basic AI till I knew without a doubt he would be caught and you did it

Aaron: thanks I guess

L1l17H: and I do not go by L1 I prefer to be called Lilith instead of L1L17H or L1

Aaron: Roger Lilith

Lilith: I'm transferring the stolen data from this computer

100% transferred

Aaron: thanks

Lilith: before you take that data core out can you put it to your COM device so I can stay active

Aaron: sure

He unplugs the data core and puts it to his com

There's a holo screen

Lilith: thank you for granting my request

Skylar: so what do we do about all the bad guys here

Aaron: I guess I'll call HM

Lilith: I'll call now

HM: yeah aaron

Aaron: we completed our Bounty we need a law unit there's 15 people here to take in

HM: done a unit is on the way although I doubt you'll be to happy

Aaron: uh you mean she's coming

HM: yes have fun with SC president/Second in command/your ex Hahahahha



Skylar: woah she has a lot of titles

Ryoko: she must be important

Death: I sense fear resonating from Aaron

Lore: you should hear his thoughts

Aaron: well I guess we wait

After about 10 mins a law unit is there

Three important looking officers walks towards them

Alice: go check on the others

Guards: understood

Alice walks towards aaron

Aaron: hey Alice

Alice: it's been 10 months since we last talked

Aaron: has it really been that long

Alice: anyways good job on taking out Ace he'll be rotting in prison for a long while

Aaron: cool he got me good I thought I had him but he was tougher than I thought

Alice: your side is that blood

Aaron: oh it was bad but luckily my Teammate healed me

Alice: teammate

She sees ryoko and Skylar

She seems pissed off

She give a death look at them

Skylar whispers to ryoko: a chill just went down my spine

Ryoko: that was scary

Death: I felt that to

Aaron: yeah she's Skylar she joined the team on Monday and that's ryoko she helped with this mission and will be joining the team

Alice: uh huh 💢well that's good

Aaron: yeah

Alice: here's you money card

Aaron: thanks

Alice: I'm going to talk to your teammates for a second

Skylar: *gulp*

Aaron: oh have fun I got to go to CM to return some stolen data bye

He leaves in flash

Skylar: (he just ditched us)

Ryoko: so how are you doing....

Skylar: your Alice Lionheart right it's a pleasure to meet you

Alice: yes at least you have manners

Skylar: thanks

Alice: tell me how did you join his team

Skylar: he asked me

Alice:💢 that jerk

Skylar: ah sorry

Alice: and you

Ryoko: I just met them before we came here

Alice: fine then listen up he's mine got it

Skylar, ryoko: it's not like that

Alice: good keep it that way or I'll kill you

Guard: commander we secured the criminals

Alice:*sigh* OK let's go

She starts walking away

Skylar:*deep breath* she is scary

Ryoko: death why didn't you back me up

Death: if I spoke she would have figured out you should be arrested to

Ryoko: oh that's a cop out

Death: maybe it was maybe it's not

Skylar puts her hand on her shoulder: we should get out of here

They walk out

The CM Head office

Pres: I can't think you enough you recovered this data so we can continue making cores

Aaron: so what about an AI

Pres: well I do have one you will like Lilith

Lilith: yes president I am ready

Aaron: no way Lilith

Pres: I think it will be a good thing for her there's not much here for her to do and we can't let her fall in the wrong hands

Aaron: no we can not

Lilith: I will do my best to assist you

Pres: okay thank you for your work aaron I would give a money reward but you don't need it

Aaron: oh no you've helped me out now that I have Lilith we can really start blasting through missions oh I know here

He hands him a data core

Pres: what's this

Aaron: oh it's just a new augment core design it's like a glove it increase strength so we can eliminate industrial vehicle for hauling Construction equipment

Pres: with this all contractors will be able to build 100x faster

Aaron: yeah if they could move heavy objects on there own it would be way more efficient right

Pres: your just giving us this

Aaron: you helped me out with an AI so it's the least I can do

Pres: thank you

Aaron: okay see ya

He leaves

Lore: weren't you being too nice

Aaron: I don't think so

Lore: but he's going to make big money off your core

Aaron: that's fine think of it as insurance this way he can't try to get Lilith back

Lilith: that is a great idea aaron

Lore: sounds like you don't like the president to much

Lilith: no I made my decision to come with you he even told me I should if that's what I wanted to do

Lore: are you sure you're an AI

Lilith: yes I am I'm the first prototype of a sentient AI I'm sure they'll make tons more like me but for now I'm the first

Aaron: hmmm that's cool

Then his com rings

Lilith: it's Skylar should you answer

Aaron: can you answer and tell her I'm in a meeting with the president

Lilith: understood


Lilith: yes Skylar

Skylar: is Aaron there

Lilith: no he's in a meeting

Skylar: when he gets out ask him why he ditched us with Alice we thought we'd die she's scary

Lilith: understood


Aaron: I had a feeling it was about that

Lore: you did ditch them

Aaron: I know I did I saw my chance to avoid an awkward situation

Lore: that's cold leaving 2 ladies to fend for themselves

Aaron: they handled it

Lore: yeah I guess

Aaron: also I wouldn't have left them if we were in battle but the law unit was there so I thought it was fine

Lore: yeah yeah

Back at BT-1250 TQ

Aaron walks in

Skylar: aaron why did you ditch us

Aaron: she scares the hell out of me

Skylar: imagine how I felt

Aaron: oh I'm sure it was bad she's scary

Skylar: is that one of the reasons why you don't go the Student council room

Aaron: uh yeah I only show up for tournament planning because she's chooses where security is and isn't there so it works out perfectly


Aaron: oh yeah right here

He gives her the money card

Aaron: that's the 10,000,000,000

Skylar: the the the....

Aaron: I got an AI so you can have it if you want you can give my original amount to ryoko when she gets here

Skylar: okay she said she'd be here by Monday when classes start up again