
Bounty hunter Lovers--Enemy's to Lovers

This crime driven book has action, romance and plenty of smut and angst. A life of crime or A life of Liam? Choose wisely.

pastelqueen711 · Teen
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Chapter 2 Damn him..

I quickly sip on my ice coffee rubbing my temples as i mentally prepared not to punch Liam as soon as he walks through that door.

I hear a swift rattle on the office doornob already knowing who it is. "Come in Liam" I yell knowing his ears are already sensitive. He opens the door with a sly grin, His piercing blue eyes, leather coat and dark hair adding to his mysterious nature. I chuckle as the air around me went cold and dry. " Hello Rival~" he says winking at me.

Im not like those other girls that fall head over heels and a wink and attractive face..D-did i just say attractive face?..nevermind. The point is this playboy has 0 chances with me. I stare him down and get straight to business saying "Why are you here Liam"

"You don't like me so I'll make this brief sweetie" He says matching my attitude.

" Don't call me sweet-"

"See I'm hear cause I need some help in a hit im doing" He says cutting me off.

"Why would I help you." I say turning my back to him.

"Cause i have something you want" He says sliding a binder over to me.

The title read "Whereabouts of Max". My eyes widen. I've been looking for him since December!

I took a deal with a client to kill him for 15 million. Your probably thinking, Why is he worth so much?. Simple he runs a branch known as X hunters. It's a bounty agency just like mine....But 10x more illegal taking risky hits on politicians.

Did I mention the client is the US government?.

After this im going to be sent for life. But why does max has his whereabouts?..

"Y/N!" He says knocking me out of my haze.

"As i was saying i need you to help me on this one, Max is only interested in girls now a days.

You could infiltrate the business get some info then leave. We can split the 15 million.

I scoff at Liam

"What's telling you I won't double cross you and take it myself" I say turning myself around.

"A gut feeling darling" He whispers past my ear as he walks out. hm smooth.

I take one last look at the documents Max looks identical to Liam in attitude his dark eyes and blonde hair make him a catch. To bad he has to die.. I hum to myself picking up the phone.

"Hina you there?" I say

"Yea Y/n" she says back

"Cancel my meetings for Tomorrow, I'm taking Liam up on that offer.." I say.

"Haha you finally see his charm?" She says teasing me.

"Nope, He's still a ugly playboy"

I say hanging up the phone.... I finally let out the blush on my face when Liam whispered in my ear..."Damn him". I say my cheeks red.

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