
Bounty Hunter 書金稼ぎ

Author's... uh. words: Welp. if you are reading this i would like to say my writing is pretty shit to me but i think it's unique though. I am not really looking for fame. i am more interested in some input and feedback to better my shit work lol. so any feedback is welcome. thanks for reading :) My name is Akiko. Akiko Asami. I am a rank 20 practitioner of magic and a bounty hunter with rank 3 clearance to catch Cult and Mafia members in bounty hunting. I live in the Capital which is under the protection of the High Council, Kensei and the Knights. Staying with me is my adorable little dragon, Ramen Noodles.  I used to stay with my dad, but I moved out of his place a while ago as I thought that I could make a living on my own as a bounty hunter. I am an asshole pretty much yea but people think I am cool so I go along with it

Sakitori_Asami · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Akiko. Akiko Asami (POV:Akiko)

Chapter 1 (Point of view: Akiko)

A wave of water was sent my way.

Dodging it, I tightened my grip. Positioning myself as I stood tall, I faced my opponent.

'Nice swing, Akiko! But you're gonna have to do better than that if you want to beat me!'

I grinned.


I leapt forward, creating a small dagger of ice and throwing it at Sejuro.

He dodged it as he parried my swing of the katana as he sent a jab of air my way, pushing me backwards.

Gritting my teeth, I sent out three ice shards.

Striking at each of them, he grabbed the last one with his own bare hands.

'Is that the best you can do?'

'Well, let me show you.'

Running at him, I cast an ice barrier in front of myself, predicting a quick reaction from him

Breaking it, he shot a jet of water my way. Vaporizing it with a simple fire spell, I was now locked on him one to one in a sword fight.

Catching my breath, I put up my hand, signalling for him to wait.

'Wait. No magic?'

I knew I couldn't beat him while in combat with all our abilities at our disposal.

He laughed as he put his katana down.

'To much for you? I only used water magic my dear.'

'Nah nah nah. Just want to see if I can wipe the floor with you using only a weapon.'

'Bold words! Is that a challenge?'

'Wasn't this whole thing already a challenge?'

Giving me a bow, he wiped his sword with his hand.

Returning the same respect he gave me, I once again drew my katana.

Now locked in a sword fight, I approached him slowly.

'Let's see what you've learnt!'

Without hesitation, the blade neared my face as I hit it away with one swift strike.

Every attack I did was quickly parried by him.

I was running out of stamina.

I was running out of ideas.

I was running out of options

I was sure he still had a lot of fight left in him.

'Hey, what are we having for lunch?'

Sejuro stopped and sheathed his sword.

'Huh? Hungry already? We just had ome…''

I swept him off his feet.

Standing up, he dusted his armor.

'Hey. I was answering your question.'

'Yea and then I knocked you over. So I win.'

'Pfftt. Sure sure.. You win.'

Laughing, I walked up to him and held out my hand.

Grabbing it, he lifted himself up.

'I am sorry. I know you wanted me to take this seriously. I could never beat you. I'll never be as good as you.'

Placing his hand on my shoulder, he replied me with an excited tone.

'One day. You'll best me. One day. Daughter.'

Bowing my head, he signalled that he wanted me to put down my weapon.

'Let's work on your magic.'