
Boundless Gaming Cafe

When Kaito and his younger brother Aruto end up meeting their ends in a blazing fire due to some crazed maniac, they hadn't expected to be selected by a supreme deity to work a rather strange job in a world of fantasy. Now finding themselves the owners of a new gaming cafe capable of granting its customers all kinds of miracles, and video games, the next chapter of their lives has taken its first step! However, there is one thing that should never happen in this cafe, and that is angering the owners. Only hell will completely break loose if that happens...

EternalFreeze · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

The Cleric Beast




{Game Characters}


The nobles and Kran Loa watched as Kaito calmly and masterfully maneuvered around the Cleric Beast, every now and then charging in aggressively to deliver fatal blows to the beast. None of his movements were at all wasted effort, all his decisions had a reason behind them.

They had noticed how he had decided to utilize the oil urns as well as the molotovs to deal some starting damage to the boss, and they seemed quite effective. Despite the beast's aggressive nature and powerful attacks, Kaito remained calm throughout the entire ordeal.

Kaito was playing smart as he made sure to take into account that this was far more realistic than the original video game, so he lured the boss back and over the bridge so that they could fight in a more open and less dangerous setting.

Unlike the original game, the monsters could do a whole lot more to him than they normally should, such as grabbing onto him and throwing him. In this instance, the Cleric Beast could do that as well as smacking him away. With its strength, it could easily knock him off the bridge with a single swipe, so having a more open battleground was better.

They soon noticed that Kaito ran out of molotovs, which he didn't seem too worried about. They then watched as he charged towards the beast while strafing left and right constantly, he jumped up onto the beast's arm when it swung at him before running up towards the beast's face.

"Oh, that must hurt..." Reiss winced slightly when Kaito used his pistol to fire straight into one of the Cleric Beast's eyes, causing it to recoil back as it soon stumbled forwards. Kaito then backflipped by kicking off the beast's face, landing on the ground before rushing forwards. "He's going for a visceral!"

All of them had been taught about visceral attacks by the two brothers, it was a fantastic way to cause the enemies great deals of damage. It was both something useful to know for both the game as well as real-life if they were to ever need to use such a thing.

Raising up his cleaver, Kaito jumped up before spinning a few times to build up incredible amounts of momentum before striking down onto the head of the Cleric Beast. This caused an explosion of blood to explode from the beast's head, although it seemed to push through the pain and thrashed around wildly, causing Kaito to flip and roll backward.

"How isn't it dead yet...?" Luna couldn't help but mutter as she leaned in to get an even closer look. Her brother behind her with a hand on his chin, thinking the exact same thing. "Kaito is doing a lot of damage to it, isn't he? Why isn't it staying down?"

"There's no doubt that Kaito's doing tons of damage, it's just that this creature is far stronger compared to anything else we've seen." Leon stated seriously as he looked at the form of the beast. Despite all the injuries it had, its attacks were still as dangerous as before and was moving just as fast as it had been at the start of the fight.

It was as if this monster, or boss as Aruto referred to it as, was immune to pain. They knew for a fact this wasn't the case as the screams of agony from Kaito's attacks were anything to go by, it was just that this beast could push through the pain to attack Kaito.

Kaito quickly kicked off the ground and began to circle around the beast as it was still thrashing around wildly, it seemed to still be blinded by the gunshot as well as disoriented from the previous attacks. Kaito took the opportunity to attack from behind as he ran up to it before jumping up and running up along the back of the beast.

The beast noticed immediately, however, it was unable to shake Kaito off as he grabbed onto its fur as he ran up, using them kind of like ropes to help pull him up while staying planted on the beast's back. When he reached the head, Kaito widened his eyes as he then brought his cleaver down with all his power.

The result was his weapon embedding itself deeply into the head of the Cleric Beast, which was much easier to do due to him having struck the same place he did in the previous attack. Blood gushed out like a fountain as the beast crashed to the ground, the blood spraying all over Kaito as he pulled his weapon out from the beast's skull.

Everyone was silent right now as they were still trying to process all that had just happened, the exception being Aruto as he just gave a thumbs up. The nobles were gobsmacked as they were unable to process what they had just seen, and while Kran Loa wasn't nearly as shocked as they were, he was still surprised by how easily Kaito dealt with the beast.

The 'god' knew that the beast was not to be underestimated, it held great power. However, he could tell that throughout the entire ordeal, Kaito didn't once panic and completely went through the battle with a calm and open mind. His entire focus was on the battle and nothing else, yet he could still tell that Kaito probably didn't show all of his skills.

Truly, his skills were remarkable.

"Who owns this place?!"


Not too long before, a certain noble could be seen walking down the streets with a smug expression on his chubby face. The noble wore clothes that honestly threatened to rip due to barely fitting him, his body, not sugar-coating here, was that of a damn hippo.

A fat one.

As he walked down, he had this lecherous gaze that he turned towards a number of women that were around the area. Everyone, literally everyone, was trying their absolute best to avoid becoming part of his radar as some even resorted to traveling through the alleyways.

It wasn't only just the commoners that were minding their business, the guards walking around the place were even trying their best to avoid his detection. It was obvious by now that this noble was incredibly disliked by... well, everyone.

Especially the women, they were all literally trying their best to conceal themselves. All of them were sending the noble disgusted looks as he gazed upon them, and a lot of the people also hid away their daughters as it was known that this noble was open to... well, all kinds. If you catch my drift.

"Hmm?" The noble stopped in his tracks when a particular building caught his attention. It was unlike any of the other buildings that he usually saw around the place, it looked far better kept and... refined? Is that the word? "What's this now? Oh, perhaps a new brothel! I could use another!"

Stuck in his delusions, the fat noble quickly ran towards the building as fast as his stubby legs could take him. When he arrived at the door, he panted for a second before opening up as he looked around with an expectant look, though turned disappointed when it wasn't what he had expected. What even was this place?

Looking around the store, his eyes soon made contact with the prices listed for the video games and such. He didn't know what the heck it even was, but what was with those expensive prices?! He could easily afford it, but that was still ridiculous! Who in the world would dare place such prices?!

"Who owns this place?!" The noble shouted at the top of his lungs as his voice carried throughout the store. Looking to the side, the noble then saw a group of people all gathered by a number of strange devices he didn't recognize. "Is it one of you?!"

The people he saw were none other than Kaito, Aruto, the Balltrosse twins, Reiss, and also Kran Loa. Kaito was watching Aruto play as both the twins were also beside him, Reiss was also playing as Kran Loa decided to watch him play, Reiss took it upon himself to help Kran Loa get familiar with a few things that Aruto and Kaito had yet to explain to the 'god'.

The voice of the noble had caught the attention of Kaito, Luna, Leon and Kran Loa. However, Kran Loa just soon dismissed the noble and went back to watching Reiss. Kaito blinked as he heard the noble shout in a rather irritated voice, was he a customer?

"Wh-Why is he here...?!" Luna's face contorted into disgust as Leon was no better. Kaito just rose an eyebrow at both of them as he heard this, it sounded like they knew the person, and not in a good way. Ignoring them though, he would refrain from judging until he saw a bit more.

"Yes, I am one of the owners. How can I help you today?" Kaito was acting as polite as he always did as he gave the noble a small bow. The Balltrosse twins jaw-dropped at him, mostly Luna as she looked at him in disbelief. Kaito could have sworn he heard her say 'Why are you being polite to him?!'.

"So, you own this place, huh? What is with those ridiculous prices!" The noble shouted as he stomped over towards where Kaito was, Kaito having stepped forwards calmly to address the man. "As a noble, there should be no need for me to pay for such things. Unless you want to suffer the consequence, I suggest you do as I say!"

"Sir, I may not know how other establishments run their businesses here, but that isn't how it works here at our shop." Kaito, despite the shouting he had just endured, responded in a calm tone. "If you do not wish to pay, then you may either watch the others, relax or leave."

"Y-You... how dare you!" The noble was obviously angered as he glared at Kaito hatefully. Luna and Leon were both smiling in amusement, they were obviously enjoying the noble's reaction. "Do you know who I am?! I am Balmut Irs Grandere, I could completely destroy this place if I wanted! Show me the respect I deserve, maggot!"

"I'm giving you a warning, sir. Please calm your tone down and leave this establishment, or calm down and enjoy what we provide." Kaito calmly responded as his expressions didn't change at all despite the threats he was given. "I don't want to have to kick you out of here."

"Kick me out?! You insolent little brat, you are truly seeking death!" The noble gritted his teeth as he clenched his fist, really wanting to drill Kaito right across the face at this moment. "As a noble, you don't have the right at all to say such things! You are a mere insect in front of me! You-!"

"Could you shut up?!" The one that shouted wasn't Kaito, the person that did so was none other than Luna, surprising her brother as well as Kaito. Her voice also seemed to get the other's attention as Reiss and Aruto paused their games, and turned their heads to the situation along with Kran Loa. "We've heard enough of you foul mouth, leave already!"

"Who dares shou- oh, if it's isn't Little Miss Balltrosse." Balmut's tone seemed to take an immediate shift into one of giddiness as well as happiness as he looked at Luna. "You are certainly looking mighty well, I see you are getting more beautiful every single day. You are certainly growing as well, hohoho~."


Luna's expression could only be described as disgusted and furious as Balmut was lecherously gazing up and down her body. While Aruto and Kaito weren't sure if there was a legal age difference for relationships between people here, it was obvious that Luna was having none of this guy.

The others were the same as the others gave the noble a look of disgust, even Kran Loa who was usually more passive in his expressions. Especially Leon, he was looking more than ready to attack this nobleman if the ice spikes he was forming in his hands were anything to go by.

"Sir, I would like to ask you to stop disturbing my customers. Please leave no before I have to get physical." Kaito frowned heavily as he saw the look on the man's face. "It's obvious Luna here doesn't like the way you're looking at her, so please do refrain from doing so."

"You, shut up! Stay out of the actions of nobles, you insect! I'll be after your mother next if you don't shut your mouth!" Balmut did something that made everyone widen their eyes, even Aruto, who rarely ever showed a surprised look. The nobleman violently pushed Kaito to the side as well as spitting on his face. "Now, come and have some fun, my dear~!"

The others glared at the man as he approached Luna while holding his hands up, most likely getting ready to touch her in more than one questionable way. The girl in question backed away, unconsciously going behind Kaito for protection as the male just stood there without moving.

Unlike the others, including Kran Loa, who were all giving Balmut looks of hatred and disgust. Aruto was looking worriedly towards Kaito, the male in question having his eyes shadowed entirely by his hair as an unreadable expression was on his face.

Kran Loa was about to step up and deal with this man himself, though he was stopped by Aruto who had just gotten up from his seat at the computer. Kran Loa gave him a look of confusion as Aruto shook his head with a serious look on his face, he pointed towards Kaito, to which Kran Loa looked towards.

Kran Loa gulped slightly as his eyes widened by a small fraction, though the concern was certainly visible on the crane's face. He could see it, despite the blank look on Kaito and lack of movement, the boy was an active volcano right now. One that was about to burst any second.

"Come here no- gah!"

Before Balmut could reach past Kaito towards Luna, immense pressure was felt on his shoulder as he looked to see that Kaito was holding him with his left hand. The amount of power being applied was incredibly painful and it felt like his shoulder was going to break.

"You, brat! How dare you lay your hands o-."

"I gave you many chances, don't blame me for the consequences that follow your actions. You have brought this upon yourself, Balmut. The number one misconduct that can be done here is attacking the shop's owners or customers, and you've done that to both. You are now forever blacklisted and shall be dealt with accordingly."

"D-Do you know who I am?! I can absolutely destroy you, everyone you know, everyone you love! I can make you suf- hrk!" Balmut felt his voice stop when he looked into Kaito's eyes. The male's face was still shadowed, though his silver eyes gave off a murderous glint. "Y-You-!"

Kaito didn't let him finish whatever he was going to say before switching hands and grabbing onto Balmut's arm with his right hand before spinning his body and slamming the noble right into the ground, the impact caused a loud crash, though the force was so strong that the nobleman's body bounced off the ground by a good meter.

Kaito wasn't finished there as he bent his legs and did a small jump while performing a spin, his leg was soon coated in dense pure magic power as he struck it right into Balmut's side by performing a powerful kick. This resulted in a booming sound that sent Balmut's unconscious body flying through the doors and crashing into the streets, his body even having dug up some of the stone pavements.

The sounds of people screaming in both surprise and fear could be heard as the noble laid unconscious on the ground and bleeding, though it looked like no one was going to help him, even the guards as they all just looked at him from a safe distance.

Everyone, aside from Aruto stared at Kaito in awe at his display of power, although also with a bit of fear. Never in the short amount of time had they known him that they had ever witnessed him get irritated or angered, and they didn't expect him to be so terrifying. He always portrayed himself as polite and kind.

Kran Loa was staring in awe at Kaito for a different reason, and that was because of that final kick. From what he saw, Kaito utilized PURE mana in his leg to perform that kick. He knew how difficult it is to manipulate your mana in a pure dense and raw state, so seeing Kaito do so with ease was shocking. He was more awed by the fact that he could tell Kaito was holding back greatly.

The nobleman was lucky that Kaito held back, Kran Loa knew that Kaito could have easily blown him to bits with a single kick if he wanted to. Anyway, Kaito took a deep breath as he calmed himself down before turning to face Luna.

"You alright?"



After that whole situation, the day went by smoothly as nothing else bad happened. Kran Loa said his farewells and said that he would definitely be back tomorrow, and the same could be said for the others as they all made their way home.

At the current time, it was starting to become dark as Reiss could be seen in the back garden of his home as he had a practice sword in his hand. He was seemingly swinging it in complicated fashions, a look of determination and concentration on his face.

He had witnessed how Kaito fought that Cleric Beast, and he took notice of Kaito's incredible skills with the sword. He knew that he was far behind both Aruto and Kaito not only in terms of power but also in technique and skill overall. So, he was getting some practice in.


"Hm? Oh, dad! You're back from the expedition?" Reiss wiped his sweat off his forehead as a voice had called out to him. When he looked, he saw a muscular tall male with short purple hair and a pair of sharp battle-hardened royal blue eyes walking over.

"Yes, it was a major success. We discovered another vein of elemental crystals, a huge one at that." The man grinned as he walked on over to his son. "I see you're training hard, that's good! Have you decided to join with the guild yet?"

"No, not yet... I want to get a bit stronger before that, I want to be able to take on higher-ranked expeditions straight away."

"I see, it's good to see that you're motivated. Very much so." The man couldn't help but say as he rose an eyebrow at his son. He could tell that his son was far more motivated than usual, why though? "Hold on... has your magic capacity increased? The magic I sense inside you is denser and plentiful."


"Reiss, tell me the truth. Did you do a ritual?" The man asked with a very serious expression on his face. He knew that his son wanted to become stronger, and artifacts to increase magic capacity were incredibly rare, immensely rare that is! He doubted his son got his hands on any. "You better tell me the truth. I forbade any kind of ritu-."

"Dad, no! I didn't do a ritual!"

"Then how have you increase your magic capacity?"

Reiss stared at his father for a second before a smile appeared on his face. "Well, you aren't going to believe me, dad. The thing is..."