

what's danger without warning signs "you are playing with fire little girl, I can burn you in a second ." he warned with his burning eyes. " I am determined to go to hell with you, if that's what it takes, make me yours." she was also determined to make this work " take my hand then, hold on." he smirked

Ta_Sha_6022 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 17of17 Beach House

Leah's eyes sparkled with wonder and admiration staring at the beautiful magnificent beach house, it was made out of both glass and smooth wood.. she couldn't help but wonder how Lucian was so obsessed with glass, all his gateway houses are made of glass and he loves transparent doors.. that other house at an island they had their honeymoon at was made out of glass completely, then there's this one which at least has wood around.. not to mention their bathroom door in their room back home is made of glass and one can see right through * such a pervert* Leah thought to herself

The house was up at a hill surrounded by flowers.. plants and soft green grass, it had a pool and beautiful sight seeing at the beach further ahead, it was clean and tidy as though someone lived here who always do The cleaning, Lucian took their bags to the bedroom upstairs while Leah took a tour around the house, the refrigerator was stocked with food.. fresh fruits on the counter. Juice and everything was stored in their rightful place

" Do you like it?," Lucian spoke from behind startling her

" Everything is here.. is there another person living here apart from us?," she looked at him curiously.. how he missed that look in her eyes when she looked at him with so much curiosity and innocence, Lucian gently smiled at her and shook his head

" It's just someone who helps keep this place tidy for me.. when I told her I was coming here with you she restocked everything I guess,"

" And where does she live.. most importantly how old is she?, " Leah simply asked with a hint of jealousy to her tone

" At some apartment within the city.. she's in her early 20s, but you don't have to worry.. I only have eyes for you," she smirks.. Leah scoffs rolling her eyes

" If only that were true," she said walking away.


Anna sat up holding her head.. she felt like the earth just decided to sit on her poor little head, she tilted her head and saw a glass of water and a pill on the bedside table.. she took it and drank it leaning back on the bed board, she grabbed her phone only to find it was 3pm in the afternoon

"Wait what! Was I asleep for that long?" Her stomach grumbled and she touched her flat tummy," I'm so hungry," she added going to the bathroom to take a shower and changed into something comfortable, after changing she went downstairs and found April filling her stomach with a bunch of food spread on the table

" May I join you?," Anna spoke walking into the dining room

" I can actually use a hand," April said looking helpless.. Anna giggled pulling out a chair taking a seat

" I'm guessing Leah and Lucian already left by now," Anna added taking a bite

" Hmm.. probably arrived even," April said sipping on her juice

" Talk about last night.. I don't think I can face Skylar in thee eyes after what happened, I'm so embarrassed," Anna covered her face

" I couldn't face Zach when I woke up I had my head covered with the quilt, he insisted I remove it and look at him but I couldn't.. not with all the nonsense I was spouting out at the club," she massaged her forehead stressful

" Oh shit.. I forgot the kids are going for a school trip tomorrow morning, I need to arrange everything for them," Anna suddenly remembered.. which means Kami and Kale will be left behind since they don't go at the school Kai and Hope go to, how sad.. but she is more than happy to spend time with them and she was looking forward to it

" Do you enjoy being a mother Anna?," April suddenly asked.. she wasn't a mom so she wouldn't understand, everyone she knows and once knew are married and have kids.. at least some of them, Leah has three loving kids.. Elriel as a loving cute daughter.. even Anna who's her younger sister has a smart brave boy, it looks like an easy thing to be a parent when it's actually not.. at least they seem it to look like an easy thing, she's the only one who's unmarried and who's not a mom.. even though she's engaged to Zach they still have a long way to go, Anna gave a slight smile looking at her sister and said

" Well.. yes, I guess you can say that.. I love my son very much.. looking at him makes me wanna live forever just to watch him grow and happy, but I wouldn't say it's not stressful.. being a mom is hard and scary if you're a first time mom, you realize you don't know what to do some times.. if he gets sick you panic and worry sick, you always have to look after them till they're responsible enough to care for themselves.. even so you still feel the need to help, but eventually everything works out.. you'll realize those sleepless nights, the crying and changing of diapers was all worth it in thee end, I am happy to be a mother and lucky.. it's all worth it, and I know you'll make a great mother too April," she smiled sweetly.. April wiped her eyes with a smile, she didn't even realize she was dropping tears

" Thank you for saying that.. I guess I just really wanted to hear those words," they both giggled and continued having a conversation between sisters.


Elena couldn't help herself from embracing Jace after seeing him arrive in the village

" I'm glad you decided to stay here," she whispered.. Jace gave a slight smile stroking her back, she stepped back turning to Sonya," welcome to our home,"

" Thank you for having me.. it means a lot," Sonya said with gratitude, Elena showed each of them their rooms.. it was simple but very warm and felt like home.. a real home

" Please feel free and at home here Sonya.. this is your home now, I don't know what to offer you since you guys rarely eat human food right," Elena spoke not sure what to do in this situation

" Not to worry I came with my own food," she laid a hug black bag on the bed.. Elena instantly knew it must hold blood in it," and you don't have to worry on what I feed on.. we don't forcefully drink on humans unless it's offered to us, we feed on animal blood instead.. and as for food we rely on vegetables mostly, we only eat meat for the pleasure of it," she added

" I see.. I never knew that, it's pretty cool," Elena said," well I will leave you to get some rest.. excuse me," she left her to settle in and get some rest.

Jace was staring at the big dark cave that was a bit further ahead from the village but still in the Raven territory

" Hey... What are you thinking about?," Elena stood beside him, Jace tilted his head to look at her.. somehow looking at her at first glance it always brings a smile to his face.. quite unusual

" I was just wondering if the dragon was to wake up now.. what would actually happen?," he simply said looking back at the dark cave

" Bad.. probably destroy everything in it's path, without it's owner it's practically a loose Cannon.. that's why our people keep a close eye on it Incase of any sign of it awakening.. Leah is to be informed," she said

" Have never seen a dragon before.. as a kid have only heard about stories and how big and scary they are.. how magnificent creatures they are,"

" Indeed they are.. would you like to see it?," she smiled at him

" Is it possible?," Jace looked back at her with a wide smile.. she nodded taking his hand, she led him deep into the cave.. fire torches were lit in a straight line lightening up the place, they stopped midway cause the dragon was just a few inches away

" There it is," Elena whispered staring back at Jace.. Jace smiled looking at the legendary magnificent dragon, the creature known as a myth and legend to humans.. here it was face to face

" It's magnificent.. thank you," he smiled at her warmly," I think we should head back now," he added.. Elena nodded and they turned back returning to the village.


Helen led two women and a male into the living room were April and Anna were having a conversation

" Excuse me Ms April.. someone's here for you," she led them further into the room

" Uhm hello," April stood up staring at the three strangers

" Good afternoon.. I'm Stacy Keach and these two are my assistants Gabriel and Varie, I'm a fashion and wedding designer for Mr Ezekiel Kinn.. I make and design all his suits and he asked me to design your wedding dress," she told her with a slight smile

" Ahh.. nice to meet you, please have a seat," April offered them a seat while Helen served them something to drink

" Gabriel please show the lady her dress," Stacy said

" You mean it's ready?," April blinked a few times

" Of course.. it only took me a month with my teams help, Mr Kinn asked me to deliver it as soon as it was ready," she said.. Gabriel laid the big white box on the table opening it, April crouched down picking up the dress in her arms," try it on and let us know if you would like to make some changes," Stacy said.. April went upstairs to try it on while Anna helped her, she went back downstairs to showcase her beautiful dress.. it was a stunning mermaid strapless dress, the upper part surrounded with small particles of diamonds.. the material was firm and comfortable, it held her figure perfectly and she loved it.. it was her dream wedding dress

" Do you find it to your liking Ms?,"

" I love it.. it's perfect," April twirled around with a smile

" You look beautiful.. Zach will just die with one glance at you," Anna giggled

" Perfect then I will let Mr Kinn know and will be on our way.. congratulations and have a good day," they arranged their things and Anna showed them out

" I thought we would just buy a random wedding dress at a store.. I didn't think he would have it hand made," April said to Anna when she returned

" He loves you.. I'm happy for you," Anna embraced her sister, after a long day night finally fell.. Anna finished up packing everything necessary for Kai and Hope's school trip, after dinner she tucked the kids into their beds.. She hasn't seen Skylar since last night, when she woke up he wasn't there.. not to mention Zach as well, she wasn't feeling sleepy and decided to step out for a while.. she took the car keys on the counter and got into one of the cars driving off, their house was a mile away from the crowded city of New York so it took her about half an hour to reach and got herself a hamburger and fries with a cold drink.. getting what she craving for_she began driving back home, the car suddenly stopped half way in the middle of nowhere

" No!.. no!.. no!, this isn't happening damn it," she whines getting out of the car," a flat tire seriously?," she sighs.. she was in a dark cold lonely road, it was quiet only the sound of wind and moving of trees was heard.. the creepy sound of an Owl made her even more afraid than she was, she grabbed the phone from the car trying to call for help when she heard a sound.. Anna was startled looking back but saw no one

" I-is anyone there? Hello!," she called out but got nothing.. she heard movements in the dark woods and it frightened her," who's there!? Come out now," she shouted despite her frightened.. she got into the car locking the doors and windows, she hesitantly dialed April's number but couldn't get through," damn it.. why do you have to go off now.. please," something landed on top of the car causing a loud noise.. Anna screamed hiding her face as she sobbed, the door was ripped off and something pulled her out of the car pinning her against the car, Anna screamed with her eyes closed trying to get away but it was useless.. they were too strong and she was weak," p-please don't hurt me.. l_let me go I'm begging you," she cried out

" Shhh... quiet," She heard him whisper tracing his cold finger on her cheek, Anna slowly opens her eyes and met a pair of red eyes staring back at her.. her eyes widened as she stared into those killer eyes that showed no mercy.. she could clearly see them saying there's no way out for you, the only thing that awaits you is death

' no, she can't die today.. not now at this night, she still needs to see her son grow up.. she still needs more time with Skylar and her family.. this can't be happening right now.. she hasn't even eaten the hamburger and fries she bought, this must be a nightmare '

She panicked inside

" Enough playing with our dinner Michael and get on with it.. have been watching you for minutes now and it's becoming sickening," a woman's voice said from behind

" I just find this dinner pretty attractive.. it's a shame we have to kill her," he smirks tilting his head.. he licked Anna's neck grazing his fangs on her neck, Anna screamed crying begging for her life

" Please let me go don't kill me," she cried out

" Not to worry sweet thing.. it will be quick and I promise it won't hurt as much," he sank his fangs into her flesh.. Anna gasps feeling her whole strength and life was being drained out of her body

" Enough! It's my turn," the woman pushed him away and sank her fangs on Anna's neck drinking her blood.. Anna could no longer keep her eyes open, she was falling into a deep hole and the darkness was closing in on her

' is this how it feels like dying? Your whole body becoming numb and cold.. surrounded by nothing but darkness and loneliness, a strong hand pulled the woman back with strong force.. she went flying in the air and hit a large tree

" Ahh," she groaned painfully strangling to get up.. the man was already dead next to her.. his head was ripped off from his body," M-micheal!" She widened her.. she looked straight ahead and saw a man pulling the woman in his arms, she could tell he wasn't an ordinary Vampire like her.. he was a Hybrid vampire.. a pure breed, she couldn't fight him even if she wanted to.. she would lose after all_but she will definitely get revenge for her lover, she gathered the little strength in her getting up and disappeared

" Anna don't die on me I'm begging you," Skylar touched her face holding her closer to him... She wasn't opening her eyes," fuck!," he bit his wrist blood pouring out reaching it out to her mouth.. he opened her mouth letting his blood drip into her mouth, he then bit the other side of her neck," please don't die on me wife.. don't leave me," Skylar hugged her not able to control his tears," I'm sorry I got here late.. I'm sorry I let you down _i couldn't save you how pathetic am I," he whispered lying on her chest.. he stayed like that for a really long time unmoving on the ground, Anna gasps strangling for air.. she was panicking and scared," hey_hey it's alright I'm right here with you okay.. I'm right here with you," Skylar patted her head holding her closer to him.. Anna breathes in taking in Skylar's scent, that made her calm and relax," let's go home," he gathered her in his arms and leapt away.


Leah got out the shower and saw a red tight dress lying on the bed.. beside it laid a note, Leah walked over picking up the small note reading it

' have dinner with me, I will be waiting in the garden'

She tied her hair picking up the dress and went to change.. she admired her figure in the mirror and wore her black heels to match her dress, Lucian was dressed casually..a long sleeve black shirt leaving two buttons undone..black straight long pants and leather shoes, he looked hot and sexy at the same time patiently waiting for his beloved.. Leah made her way to the garden with her sexy cat walk, Lucian stood up pulling out a chair for her.. Leah sat down tilting her head staring at him

" You look absolutely beautiful.. always," he complemented

" Tell me Lucian.. when you look at me what is it you see? Have never been so confused right now.. have never had to compete with another woman for you, fighting for my own husband imagine that," she gave a sarcastic smirk picking up a glass of wine.. Lucian tilted his head staring intensely at her and said

" I don't like hurting you Leah.. have made mistakes that I truly regret because I made you cry over and over again, you're my wife.. the mother of my kids and a lover, without you I'm a mess.. I'm nothing but an empty vessel _ I love you too much that the thought of losing you drives me crazy, have loved you from the first day I laid my eyes on you in that study.. and have loved you since_ nothing will ever change," he told her," getting involved with Zara was a mistake and I truly regret it.. please forgive me wife," he added

Leah stood up from her seat making her way to his side

" Promise you won't screw me again," she whispered holding his neck and grazing her lips on his

" I wouldn't dare," he whispered back.. she missed him so much that it felt like it's been forever since they made love to one another

" I want you Lucian.. I really want you," her fingers slipped through his shirt feeling his warm broad chest and abs.. Lucian wanted her so badly but _he remembered Zach's words ' try not jumping into sex as soon as she forgives you ' those words echoed loudly in his ears.. he held her wrist breaking away from the kiss and said

" Don't you want to eat first.. the food will get cold," he told her.. Leah stepped back with a frown

" You don't want me is that it?," she scoffs turning around to walk away

" Fuck," Lucian grabbed her wrist pulling her back to him, he devoured her mouth kissing her hungrily.. he cleared the table dropping everything to the ground, he sat her on top lifting her dress up.. he kissed and teasingly grazing her thighs _ he took off her lace panties teasing her there with his tongue

" Ahhh!"

Leah moaned feeling a bit embarrassed cause they were outside, she bit her lip controlling her screams.. his right hand reached the inside of her dress caressing and teasing her round soft boobs," Ahh_ Lucian," Leah dang her fingers through his silky hair throwing back her head with pleasurable moans," now_ I want you now," she breathed heavily.. Lucian captured her lips one more time and said

" we should get inside.. I don't want you catching a cold out here," he took her in his arms as she wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his neck.. she couldn't even dictate his movements.. the next thing she knew was her being pinned on the bed and Lucian hovering on top of her, his lips doing the unthinkable to her body.. everything he was doing to her was pleasurable torture, he slowly made his way inside her smoothly sliding in due to her wetness.. he growled with pleasure thrusting and placing passionate kisses and bites all over her body, Leah moved her body against his moaning ever so loudly.. moving her hips and rubbing her chest on his.. the thrusting became louder so did their moans, he flipped her over holding onto her ponytail while his other hand grabbed her waist then her soft ass.. he kissed her back.. waist and continued hitting it from behind

" F*ck yes.. yeah_ ohhh shit yes," she would curse at him and begged him for more and faster, Leah pinned him down.. it was her turn to fulfill all his fantasies, she held the big guy bringing it to her mouth.. her tongue did all the little tricks it knew at him.. her hand moving up and down as her mouth did it's magic, Lucian moaned holding onto her ponytail as she increased her pace.. his voice was hoarse and husky.. his breath heavy and shallow, he was going to cum any minute from now.. he was close.. close to bursting_ Leah continued her blow till he finally cum.. she looked up at him looking like a little girl who just did her homework on her own and was waiting to be praised.. Lucian cupped her cheek with a satisfied grin on his face caressing her lips.. he devoured her mouth with his, Leah sat on top of him having him slide in as she rode him like a cowgirl twirling her hips in circles.. they had the entire night to themselves and they made the best of it.


Anna woke up scanning her surroundings.. she was back home in her room _she sat up in bed holding her head, she remembered everything that happened last night.. the vampires who attacked her and drank her blood leading her to death, the darkness was closing in on her when Skylar arrived at the scene and pushed the woman away from her.. even though she was slowly losing consciousness she could clearly hear his words.. begging her not to leave him alone and apologizing endlessly, she remembered the taste of blood on her tongue making it's way through her dry throat.. the sharp sting on her neck and her gasping for air as though being pulled out from the sea that was drowning her.. she could hear her heartbeat beating loudly in her chest _noises from a far distance and her vision clear as day than usual, Anna dropped her feet down getting up and approached the dressing mirror.. she stared at her reflection in the mirror, her skin was slightly pale unlike before.. the little wrinkles on her face she used to notice before were completely gone, her face and skin was smooth and radiant like a new born baby

' Skylar's blood... does that I'm a- a vampire now?," she widened her eyes touching her face.. her eyes glew red and went back to their normal brown in a flash, Anna startled stepping back seeing what happened

" Eventually it will all look normal.. you'll get used to it with time," she heard Skylar's voice across the room.. he had a glass in his hands with thick red stuff inside

" What is that?," Anna looked at the glass curiously

" Blood.. you need to drink it to avoid any misleads," he simply told her

" I am hungry.. thirsty," she added.. her throat was dry and she wanted something liquid to drink_ not water or something related to juice but _ but blood.. she was craving for it like crazy, Anna reached for the glass drinking it all down and asked for more.. Skylar opened a drawer bringing out a battle and poured some in a glass giving it to her

" Since you're half vampire it will take you some time to crave for it again.. unlike us who need it at a regular basis, you must be hearing stuff which is normal.. they will subside soon and only hear them when you want to," he explained it to her," I'm sorry I had to turn you into a monster to save you.. that was selfish of me but I couldn't lose you," he added holding her cheek.. Anna held his hand staring into his brown eyes giving him a hug

" Mommy! The bus is here," Kai called out

" Oh no the kids.. I completely forgot," Anna ran towards the door.. she accidentally bumped into the door making her stumble back," Ahh.. it's like I just teleported here," she rubs her forehead, Skylar chuckles helping her up and said

" You will have to take it easy.. everything is new but you'll get the hang of it," Anna smiled kissing him

" I want you," she whispered... Skylar smiled _ he wanted her to but they needed to attend to the kids

" The kids are waiting," he told her.. he had a good point _ Anna and Skylar left the room to see the kids out

" Take care of yourselves and look after one another okay," Anna said

" Yes mommy,"

" Sure thing godmother," they both agreed.. they got into the school bus waving at everyone as the bus took off, Zach and April turned to Anna

" Are you okay? We heard what happened to you, " Zach spoke

" Well.. I'm alright_ thank you," Anna gave a reassuring smile

" Oh sister," April gave her a hug," everything will be fine," she strokes her back.. the weather suddenly changed.. it became windy but later subsided after Hazel and Jace came through the portal

" Hello," Hazel gave a slight smile _ Jace giving a slight nod

" Hazel.. what a surprise visit," Zach simply said

" Well it's disappointing to know I just missed my eldest granddaughter but I still have my other two grandkids.. I came to pick up Kami and Kale _ they will spend some time with me in FALLS, I hope you don't find a problem with me taking them," she raised a brow

" Of course not.. if they want to go with you I can't object," Zach said

" Grandma!_ Jace!," the twins ran to hug them

" look at you two is it just me or you've grown taller," Hazel smiled.. she rarely smiles or laughs, kids are really special.. they warm and melt our hearts," I came to take you with me.. thought we could spend time together till your sister returns,"

" We would really like that," they smiled," would you like to take anything before we go?," Hazel asked

" Not really.. we have most of our stuff back in FALLS so we can leave now.. uncle Zach.. Uncle Skylar see you soon, Aunt Anna and Aunt April.. take care of yourselves," they waved

" You too sweethearts.. love you," Anna smiled

Jace opened up the portal and they went through

Anna turned to Skylar and said," you and I have some unfinished business," she walked away and Skylar followed her behind.. Zach and April were left alone and silence followed

" Did you like your dress?," Zach spoke

" Hmm.. it's beautiful _ thank you," April smiled sweetly

" I was thinking we get married next week when everyone has returned home.. I want to make you my wife as soon as possible," he told her.. April loved the idea and nodded cutely in agreement, Zach gave a dry chuckle staring at the blue sky.

" Helen! Where is everyone else.. I haven't seen Lucian nor Leah since yesterday," Zara spoke seeing no one else around

" Mr and Mrs Reign went to California.. Hope and Kai left for their school trip.. Ms April and Mr Kinn are outside and Ms Anna is in her room,"

" Lucian went to California? What for to do what exactly?,"

" What do you mean what for Zara?" April walked into the dining room," Lucian and Leah are husband and wife.. and they went to California to spend time together is there a problem?,"

" Of course not.. I just assumed that since they weren't in good terms Leah wouldn't agree to go," Zara simply said collecting herself

" Like you said you just assumed.. do me a favor and let them be.. they're happy together and not you or anyone else will ever come in-between," April said her final words and went to sit down to have breakfast," aren't you going to have breakfast?," April added

" Thank you.. but I just lost my appetite," Zara walked back upstairs.. Nick was descending the stairs when he came across Zara

" Hey.. aren't you having breakfast?," he spoke

" I don't know why but I suddenly find this sentence very annoying.. don't bother me," she said with grit teeth proceeding to her room, Nick sighs proceeding downstairs

" Good morning," April gave a warm smile

" At least someone looks happy to see me this morning," he teased taking a seat," having breakfast on your own?," he added

" Something urgent came up and Zach had to leave.. Skylar and Anna will join later," she simply said


Leah stared at herself in the mirror wearing a brown bikini and was ready to hit the poor.. Lucian walked into the room seeing her standing there looking all tempting, her figure and looks were captivating.. she was like a beautiful rose with thorns that will sting you if not handled properly, he was drawn to her and everything about her made his heart race.. Lucian approached her standing behind her.. Leah smiled still staring in the mirror and said

" How do I look?," she waited for his response patiently.. Lucian reached for the string of her bra pulling it, she could feel it being untied and loosened around her body.. Lucian took off Leah's bra looking at her through the mirror and said in a husky deep voice that almost sounds like a whisper

" I like you better this way.. kitty cat," his lips brushes over her neck kissing her bare skin.. he held her waist turning her to face him, Leah captured his lips wrapping her arms around his neck.. she jumped on him wrapping her legs around his waist losing herself in his warm deep kisses that were caressing and teasing.. pleasing to the mouth igniting a flammable ignition between her thighs.. her entire body wanted him so badly, Lucian walked towards the bed with Leah wrapped around him.. he laid her down taking off his clothes and made pleasurable love to his little wife twice in a row, after that intense hot s*x... They went into the pool for a relaxation

" When I was a kid before my Dad died.. he would always take me camping even though it was at the back of the house, since we lived at the farm it didn't make a difference.. we were so happy," Leah smiled thinking about the old days

" You loved your father huh," Lucian stared at her little face.. Leah nodded with a warm smile, Lucian held her chin so she was facing him," much more than you love me?," he teased flushing a naughty grin.. Leah splashed him water and giggled, Lucian shook his head shaking off the water.. Leah found herself dazed by that soaked dripping wet hair, she found herself frozen in the water staring at this gorgeous wet god.. Lucian ran his fingers through his wet hair.. he tilted his head with a smirk, Leah's cheeks flushed a bright pink.. Lucian pulled her towards him kissing her and said against her lips

" I'm crazy about you," he leaned back kissing her forehead.. after spending a few minutes in the pool they went back inside and Lucian prepared lunch, filling their stomachs.. they cleaned the dishes and the kitchen, for the rest of the afternoon Leah picked out a movie list for them to enjoy and watch together.. they sat in each other's arms covered with a fluffy quilt with snacks watching a romance comedy.


" Hey," Elena stood at the entrance to Jace' room

" Hey.. come in," he gracefully said taking a seat on the sofa.. Elena closed the door behind her and went to sit beside him on the opposite side, silence followed making it really awkward for both of them.. mostly her because she's the one that came to his room without a proper reason.. she just really wanted to see him and look at those beautiful shiny eyes of his, it was enough for her to go crazy for him.. how bad she wanted to kiss him and make love to him like a crazy woman, her thoughts drove her crazy by each second that went by.. as though knowing what she was thinking, Jace held her cheek leaning in and collided his lips with hers.. Elena widened her eyes obviously shocked by his sudden move, it was their first kiss and if they were going to make love it will be there first time too.. not that they were both Virgins but it will be there first time sleeping together, she closed her eyes kissing him back.. she wanted to seize this moment for as long as it could last, she unbuttoned his shirt taking it off.. Elena pulled away from the kiss taking in the sight of his broad hard muscular chest.. his abs and arms, she didn't leave any part of his body untouched.. Jace smirked looking at her expression _ she looked like a little girl that has been given a magical toy that can grant wishes, Jace cupped her soft cheek resuming their passionate kiss.. he unzipped the back of her dress sliding the dress down up to her waistline, Elena felt a sense of coldness swipe over her but Jace' body on hers made up for it, moans and heavy breathing filled the room.. tranquility of pleasure in the atmosphere surrounded them setting a peace of mind, Jace laid back in bed while Elena rested on his chest.. he kissed her hair holding her in his arms as they fell asleep in each other's arms. It was nearly noon and Hazel was setting up the kids beds making it as comfortable and warm as she could

" Grandma can you tell us a story," Kale spoke and Kami nodded her head in agreement

" A story huh_ what kind of story do you want me to tell you?," Hazel smiled

" About our origin Grandma.. we barely know anything about our clan," Kami said looking curious.. so adorable

" Alright then.. first let me tuck the both of you in bed and I will tell you all about the Ravens from way back, my mother used to tell me whenever she tucked me in bed," Kale and Kami jumped in their separate beds while Hazel tucked them in.. she sat on the sofa in the middle and began telling them their history.

" Well a very long time ago before the war our Clan lived happily and peaceful, back then it was a custom that only males are to lead the people.. females were simply to listen.. fulfil and have children, time came when the Ruler's wife became pregnant and gave birth to a female child.. the child was going to succeed his father's rule over the Ravens.. only if he was going to be male, the leader was so disappointed in his wife because he knew to say it was going to be impossible for his daughter to rule and the power was supposed to go to the elder male's son who was his brother, with much thought and sleepless nights the Leader finally came to a decision.. he bent the rules and decided to put his very own daughter as hair and ruler over the Ravens, he didn't trust his elder brother and his way of ruling.. if he did decide to crown his brother's son as ruler the clan would crumble.. the brother was furious and couldn't accept such traitorous manner, he went against his younger brother and turned most of the people against him, from there the clan was dividend in two.. the elder brother gathered his people and went to settle in another region naming his son ruler.. I never heard anything from them again, after the way both my parents and many more died .. but I swore to protect my people and clan, that's what my Dad wanted." She gave a slight smile

" you're that little baby Grandma?," Kami blinked at her Grandmother

" Yes.. your mother and Auntie Elriel used to be filled with excitement whenever I told them this when they were little like you,"

" It is pretty amazing.. you're like an Amazon warrior_ I admire you very much," kale said.. Hazel chuckles placing a kiss on their little foreheads

" You should sleep now it's getting late," she told them switching off the lights and left.


Lucian led Leah to the Beach.. her eyes were blindfolded with a black cloth unable to see anything.. he was holding her hand the whole time so she wouldn't trip and fall

" Where are we going?," Leah spoke with a wide smile

" We're almost there," Lucian said.. they stopped in front of a well beautifully decorated picnic arrangement, he took off the blindfold and Leah was greeted by a beautiful setting on the beach.. a camping tent and a bonfire, camp chairs.. a picnic table with snacks and marshmallows her favorite, she turned to Lucian with teary eyes

" You did this?," she gave a weak smile unable to control her tears

" Do you like it?," he asked instead holding her cheek.. Leah nodded standing on her toes and kissed him

" I love it.. thank you," she hugged him," what time did you do this we were together the entire time?," she added going to get a pack of marshmallows opening it up

" Early this morning when you were asleep, it's private property so no one will dare intrude.. you can scream and call out my name as loud as you can kitty cat," he teased.. Leah pushed him back with a blush tucking her hair behind her ear _ Lucian chuckled helping her with the mellows, they sat around the bonfire roasting the marshmallows having a conversation.. it was a beautiful night and the dark sky was surrounded by bright twinkling stars and the bright moon, they made love on the open beach under the bright night sky.. then went for a night swim making love again, even though the water was cold there bodies were warm which was enough to feel the heat between them.. going back and forth having fun, chasing one another around the beach and playing in the water.. they didn't get tired making love after every five minutes, they were having so much fun that time seemed to pass by quickly, it was past 12 am in the morning.. they went inside the tent to finally rest _ the top of the tent was transparent and you could see the sparkling stars.. Leah laid comfortably in Lucian's arms staring at the sky till she could no longer keep her eyes open and fell asleep.

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