

what's danger without warning signs "you are playing with fire little girl, I can burn you in a second ." he warned with his burning eyes. " I am determined to go to hell with you, if that's what it takes, make me yours." she was also determined to make this work " take my hand then, hold on." he smirked

Ta_Sha_6022 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 15of15 you Used to Love me.


The next day, Elena arrived at the addressed coffee shop in town... She went inside spotting Jace in a corner and approached him

" Hey,"

" Hi," he offered her to take a seat.. the waitress brought two cups of coffee and a Menu, " you look beautiful," he complemented

" Thank you.. you look great as well," she stuttered, Jace gave a dry chuckle

" I didn't imagine you to be a nervous kinda person,"

" I'm not.. I just uhm... I don't know," she shyly looks away, it's true she didn't know what was going on with her.. it's not like her to get nervous or shy, she is a strong willed woman who doesn't let her emotions get the better of her.. she takes a sip of her coffee trying to make up something to say

" Sorry for insisting on having coffee knowing perfectly well you're very busy with everything concerning the rogue vampires and protecting the people of this city,"

" No worries.. I needed a break anyway," he sincerely told her.. Elena smiled staring outside the window

" Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?," Jace glanced at Elena through his mug," you and Sonya have known each other for like forever right.. a-are you perhaps you two-together?," she bit her lip staring into his grey eyes.. Jace put down his mug, their eyes not breaking away from one another

" Yes," Elena's heart suddenly skipped a beat," yes.. have known her all my life, but there's nothing going on between us.. she's like a sister to me whom I truly care about, besides... She's into women if that puts you more at ease," he told her

" It does, " she blurted out," I mean cool, " Jace chuckles

" Have you figured out what you're going to order?," he spoke

" Yes.. I will have a salad with fries,"

" I will take a salad," he said and the waitress wrote it down and went to get their orders.


" I'm going to the supermarket be good," Leah told her two kids grabbing her car keys and coat

" Yes mommy,"

As she was heading out she bumped into Zara who was all smiley and happy

" Leah," Zara spoke

" I see you're back," Leah didn't seem to hide her displeasure of seeing her

" Yes.. it is my home too right,"

" No it isn't.. it's mine and my family's home.. and you're just not part of it," Leah told her

" Well it's clear we both despise each other so here goes nothing... You don't like me and I don't like you, but... We are in love with the same man,"

" That man you're talking about is my husband.. my kids father, you better watch your mouth Zara.. I won't tolerate you anymore," Leah was holding onto the last string of her sanity

" I don't want to start a fight.. honestly I'm still exhausted from last night's transformation, see you when you get back, " Zara giggles going inside.. Leah glared at her with intense burning eyes, how badly she wanted to kick her ass.. taking a few deep breaths, Leah got into her car and drove off.

She arrived at the supermarket and began filling her shopping basket

" Hey... You're Hope's mother right, Hi I'm Rory.. we actually met at the sports yesterday," she introduced herself

" Oh.. Hi," Leah gave a slight smile

" Actually my daughter Samantha and your daughter Hope are in the same class, I'm the president of the PTA program for the parents and we would like to welcome you to the group chat if you're okay with it.. this way we catch up with the meetings and what's good for our kids and the school programs,"

" Ah," Leah nods knowingly

" Do you mind," Rory brings out her phone to scan Leah's contact," there you go.. I just added you to the chat group please feel free to ask anything," she sweetly smiles

" Yes.. thank you, if you excuse me," Leah grabs her groceries and walks away... In a hurry, she bumped into a tall figure dropping all her stuff

" Great.. this day couldn't get any worse," she murmurs

" You and I should stop meeting like this," a man spoke with amusement in his tone crouching down to help her pick up her stuff

" You again... We should really stop meeting like this wouldn't you say?," Leah raised a brow.. Nick chuckles," would it be stupid of me to invite a stranger over to my house for dinner... Just to thank you for looking after me when I was unconscious,"

" It's been a long time I had a warm home cooked meal," Nick responded

" 8'Oclock.. here's the address," Leah gave a slight smile

" See you then," he smiled back, she picked up all her stuff and walked to her car.. her phone rang and she picked up immediately

" What do you have for me Sonya?,"

" I'm guessing Zara has arrived at the house by now," Sonya spoke from the other end

" Tell me you have good news for me and you managed to convince him," Leah leaned on the car seat

" Yes.. Nick met Zara but she wasn't happy about it or want to believe what he told her,"

" Nick is his name huh... Listen to me Sonya, let Nick know that he's more than welcome to come stay at the house where he'll be close to his mate," Leah told her

" Consider it done," Sonya said

The call was disconnected.. Leah leaned back with eyes closed taking a moment.

A knock echoed inside the study," come in," Lucian spoke from the inside

" I hope I'm not disturbing," Zara smiled.. Lucian took off his reading glasses looking at Zara

" Zara! When did you get back?,"

" About an hour ago... You're the first person I wanted to see," she closed the door behind her approaching his desk

" Zara... It will be best if we keep some distance between us, it's not right," Lucian said calmly

" It's not right that I love you and I can't have you Lucian.. seeing you standing so close to me and not being able to touch you or have you, it's torment after torment.. Lucian I want you," she throws herself to him and captures his lips, she couldn't resist the burning sensation anymore," Lucian please.. have me," she whispered on his lips.. Lucian sat her on the desk kissing her with hunger, at this rate he lost all senses of pushing her away, he was in-between her legs as he kissed her neck.. Zara moaned running her fingers through his silky smooth hair urging for more, she reaches for the buttons to his shirt unbuttoning them one by one.. down to his pants unbuckling his belt, Lucian held her little wrist stopping her... He came to his senses and stepped back

" Why did you stop?," Zara looked at Lucian with sad eyes

" I can't do this to Leah... She doesn't deserve this,"

" And I deserve it? Lucian!," no other words could come out other than his name * how can one woman be so lucky? Why her? What does Leah have that she doesn't?* Zara asked herself this inside her head over and over again, angry with herself she got up and began walking away... Lucian didn't want her to leave in such a manner but again he couldn't stop her, Zara walked out of the study in a hurry that she didn't notice Leah coming in the hallway, Leah felt her heart drop shattering into small little pieces watching Zara come out of Lucian's study.. her hair and clothes all messed up, at that moment she lost all hope and trust in Lucian.. all she wanted was to run... Run far away, a little voice inside her head kept saying run.. run.. run, it got louder and louder and louder every second that went by.. no longer having no strength left in her, Leah fell on her knees breaking into tears.. after a while of sobbing and blaming herself, she got back up and went to her room and locked the door, she laid down on the couch closing her eyes... Falling asleep was the only way she could not feel pain and betrayal

Time seemed to pass by quickly, Lucian was still in his study lost in his own foggy thoughts.. he was stuck between a rock and a hard place, he had no doubt Leah was the woman for me.. she was his life.. soul and his entire world revolves around her, he loved her very much and he wouldn't think of replacing her with anyone.. but again with Zara it was a all different case, whenever she is close he couldn't stop himself but want her... Frustrated he ruffled his hair getting up from his seat and walked out of the study, he went back to his room but for some reason the door was stuck... Lucian tried to push it open but it wouldn't barge.

" Leah! Are you inside? Open up... Liliana!," Lucian called out but there was no response, he knocked down the door and went inside.. he saw her lying on the couch so peaceful, he could tell she wasn't okay.. something was wrong and he could feel it, he slowly approached her and crouched down next to her.. she looked more and more beautiful when she was asleep, he reaches to tuck some hair behind her ear when Leah woke up startled

" I didn't mean to wake you up," Lucian smiles slightly.. Leah sat up avoiding his touch

" What are you doing here?," she spoke

" I'm no longer allowed to enter my room?," he raises an eyebrow

" What time is it?,"

" 6pm,"

" Already... Damn it how long was I asleep?," Leah tied her hair

" Do you have plans tonight?," Lucian spoke

" Yes... I have to prepare dinner because I'm having a guest over at exactly 8pm sharp,"

" But we have servants to do so.. you don't have to enter the kitchen," he frowned

" I'm running out of time Mr Reign... Excuse me," she grabs her phone and walks out, Lucian sighs sitting on the couch and grabs a book.

Leah took out her recipe book and began preparing her famous beef stew.. she put the turkey in the oven while she cut some vegetables and fruits, she cooked the Italian pasta and macaroni and cheese.. when she was done with the main course she baked cupcakes and cookies for dessert, everything smelled so good and delicious.. staring at her hard work that turned out perfectly, she didn't realize how late it was

" It's already late... Helen prepare the table and set everything for me," Leah said

" Yes ma'am,"

Leah went back upstairs to the kids room," come on kids.. hurry up," she called out and went downstairs... Her phone buzzed and she unlocked it to see what Sonya sent her, it was a photo and she wrote something down

" That's Nick... Zara's mate,"

Leah's eyes widened... shock written all over," he's Zara's mate? Interesting... This night just got more interesting," she smirks... Everyone came downstairs for dinner and took their place around the table

" Everything looks good Leah," Skylar smiles

" Thank you... I hope everyone enjoys," the door bell rang.. one of the servants went to open the door and led Nick to the dining table, Zara stood up with wide eyes staring at Nick

" Good Evening... I hope I didn't make you waiting," Nick gave a charming smirk

" Of course not... You're just on time welcome," Leah smiles sweetly.. Nick kissed Leah's hand before taking his seat, Lucian creases his brows displeased

" Zara? Will you keep standing there like you've seen a ghost.. please take a seat," Leah spoke... Zara sat back down glaring at Nick, Helen filled up everyone's plates and poured them wine," all of you must be wondering why I hosted a special dinner and how I'm connected with this fine gentleman... Well everyone allow me to introduce to you Nick, a while back I crashed my motorcycle and passed out in the cold.. dark woods, Nick looked after me till I regained consciousness.. who knows what would have happened if he wasn't there... Thank you Nick,"

" You're welcome, " he gave a slight nod

" Not only that... Nick is also a werewolf apparently he also survived that tragic war, he's also thee Alpha male.. also Zara's fated mate, so we have a lot to celebrate tonight, " Zara choked on her wine staring back at Leah

* How the heck did she find out about this? Did Sonya tell her or was it this good for nothing Nick?* Zara stared between Leah and Nick

" Enough!," Zara slams her hands on the table startling the kids," you're such a bitch Leah... How dare you meddle in my life,"

" I will ask you to mind your language in front of the kids Zara," Leah was calm as ice.. she nodded at Anna who gathered the kids and took them upstairs

" I'm so sick of you playing the victim... Yes I have always admitted I love Lucian I'm in love with him! if he loves you like you always say he wouldn't have gotten so attached to me,"

" Zara enough," Lucian spoke," if he really respects you Leah.. he would have kept his distance but no... That's because he's in love with me, when I touch him... Kiss him and feel him, I bet whenever he's making love to you all he sees and thinks about is me,"

" Zara!, " Lucian yelled.. Leah was done holding onto the string of self control. She widened her hands releasing a powerful force that sent Zara flying across the room and hit a wall breaking it, Zara groaned spitting out blood glaring at Leah... She crouched down turning into a werewolf and attacked Leah, Leah teleported them outside

" We need to stop them or they'll kill each other," April looked over at Zach who didn't seem bothered

" That won't be possible now... Jumping in would be like asking for death yourself, it's like a rat trying to get in-between a cat and dog fight.. who do you think will die?," Nick calmly said, Zara scratched Leah with her claws... Leah blasted Zara with a fire ball blast hitting her on the shoulder

" You've been a bad.. bad dog, I'm gonna have to tame you," Leah used fire.. Zara attacked throwing paws and bites.. Her movements were quick that Leah couldn't entirely keep up, most of Zara's attacks reached her and she wasn't able to rest," let's end this," Leah's eyes turned foggy like clouds and mist.. she used a quick attack that Zara didn't seem to keep up with.. all she felt was pain and cuts on her body but she couldn't see Leah, Zara fell to the ground turning back into her human form, with a heavy sigh. Nick approached and covered Zara with his jacket gathering her in his arms and took her inside

" Where's her room?," he spoke," this way," April led the way and Nick followed.. Leah fell to the ground exhausted out... Lucian crouched down holding her shoulders

" Are you okay?,"

" Don't touch me... You're the last person I want to look at right now," Leah coldly said.. she stood up and went inside

" F*ck," Lucian cursed

" What are you going to do now?," Zach spoke from a distance with a straight face

" I don't know... I have no f*cking idea," Lucian got up and went back inside, Zach sighs staring at the bright half moon.

Leah grabbed her suitcase packing her stuff

" What are you doing?," Lucian walks into the room

" Isn't it obvious? I'm leaving you Lucian.. I'm leaving this house,"

" No you're not,"

" Oh yeah? Who are you to tell me what I should and shouldn't do huh? Clearly we both know who you chose in the end.. even though she has a f*cking mate," Leah angrily packed her things.. Lucian began unpacking them and putting them back into the closet," what the f*ck is wrong with you! What the hell do you want from me huh!?" Leah pushed his chest," I'm tired of you playing me.. making me a fool in front of your mistress, you need to respect me as your wife Lucian even if you no longer love me damn it! I'm sick of running after you like a lonely puppy... I saw Zara running out of your study this afternoon looking all messed up, did you sleep with her? Did you fuck her! Huh?,"

" I didn't... I didn't sleep with her," Lucian was calm as spoke while Leah screamed from the top of her voice... She was hurting and he understood that perfectly

" You're such a damn lier... I hate you.. I hate you!," she cried out hitting his chest," I hate you so much," she let herself slide down to the floor drowning in her own tears, Lucian stared down at.. at that moment he hated himself more than she did for hurting her.. for betraying her, he was a monster that hurts everyone around him.. indeed the devil that was manipulative and evil in everyone's eyes, he was the devil in her life.. only bounded to destroy her happiness. But this devil was deeply in love with her no matter what... The love he had for her still burns hot as hell fire, from the very first day he met her in the Kinn Castle in his upper tower study back in Falls thousand years ago.. still burns bright as the sun, they were bounded together by love and sacrifice... No matter what happens she was his and he was hers, Lucian crouched down holding Leah's little chin so she was looking at him.

" I admit she did kiss me and I kissed her back.. but I couldn't bring myself to go any further, Leah! You're the only woman I truly love.. no other woman can ever replace you I promise you this, nothing happened," Leah wipes her eyes maintaining eye contact and said

" You used to love me.. all I am to you is the mother of your kids.. a title of a wife. Nothing more, what you feel isn't love it's pity... you pity me Lucian.. and I don't need your pity," she stood up and walked out of the room with a straight firm back. Lucian closed his eyes running his fingers through his hair

" Why is mommy and daddy fighting Aunt Anna?," Kami looked over at Anna

" They're not fighting sweetie... It's just a phase were couples have a misunderstanding and by tomorrow everything will be fine you'll see, I always have a misunderstanding with your Uncle Skylar but we still love each other.. don't worry and go to bed alright, all of you," she tucked them into bed turning off the lights and left the moonlight stars nightlight on closing the door behind her, she bumped into Skylar on her way out

" Where are you going?," Anna spoke

" Leah wishes to sleep with you tonight so I will sleep in Lucian's room tonight.. or the day after tomorrow.. and the day after tomorrow.. tomorrow, and the day -

" I got it... I just hope they resolve this issue quick, I don't like seeing them so apart," Anna sadly said

" Hopefully.. goodnight," Skylar kissed her forehead and continued walking towards Lucian's room, the door was wide open but he still felt the need to knock

" You okay?," Skylar spoke walking inside and closed the door behind him

" Am I supposed to have an answer to that question?, " Lucian simply said pouring a glass of whiskey," what are you doing here anyway?," he added

" I'm here to sleep with you," he said making Lucian raise a brow," sorry that came out wrong.. Leah seized my room so I will sleep here till you two resolve your problems out," he told him

" You can take the couch," Lucian pointed

" But the bed is big enough for the both of us... I will break my back for sleeping there for more than 24hrs," Skylar complained.. Lucian creases his brows

" Fine... The left side, you better keep your hands to yourself.. remember I'm not Anna," Lucian said

" I should be the one telling you that," Skylar said.. he had already changed into his PJS before coming so he went straight to bed.. after gulping down a whole glass of whiskey, Lucian went to change into his PJS and went to sleep as well.

" I forgot my nightwear in the room," Leah spoke

" It's alright.. I have a spare in the closet," Anna picks out a pair of white and black silk shorts and a top

" Thank you... I didn't mean to intrude but I wasn't going to get any sleep knowing I'm in the same room as him, I'm just pissed about everything going,"

" You're not intruding.. and Skylar perfectly understands the situation so don't feel bad, I'm always here for you Leah count on it... I love you best friend," Anna gave her a warm reassuring hug

" Thank you," Leah smiles dropping a tear

" If it makes you feel any better you can sleep in my arms,"

" Yes it does," Leah chuckles jumping in bed.. Anna held her in her arms as they fell asleep.


Anna gave a slight knock on the door.. after a few knocks the door was opened revealing Lucian who leaned on it

" Good morning... I brought Skylar's cloths and tooth brush,"

" How is Leah doing?,"

" Horrible... She cried all night and fell asleep in the morning, only you can make things better again Lucian.. she's a mess and I'm worried about her," Anna told him

" I wasn't able to get some sleep either because she's the only one who was in my head the entire night.. I will give this to Sky when he wakes up," he said going back inside.. it was a Saturday morning so everyone was still in their rooms.


" Are you sure about what you're saying Elena... This is a serious accusation towards our people," Hazel spoke

" I also found it hard to believe when Ezekiel told me Queen mother... But those bodies didn't have any sort of bite marks on their necks so it couldn't have been vampires, there's someone in the village that's working for Athia," Elena explained

" If that's the case then we must act soon and find this person before they cause anymore trouble, gather everyone who possess the powers to drain out souls and gather them in the chamber," Hazel ordered

" Yes Queen mother," Elena left... She brought all five of the women to Hazel

" Summon Sabrina also," Hazel spoke and Elena went to fetch her

" Do you know why I asked specifically for you five women here?,"

" No Queen mother," they answered

" Dead bodies in New York City were found at east coast near the river.. both young and old, it wasn't an ordinary death but an extraordinarily one... One that only a Raven can manage to do, draining their life form and taking their souls without any form of resistance or bruises.. we don't kill innocent helpless people, we are here to protect them and not kill humans... If you know you're guilty and killed those innocent people I command you to step forward," Hazel's tone in voice was that of a true leader... A Queen, no one dared to come in front and kept still," so non of you will admit it huh? You leave me no choice... Sabrina!"

" Yes... Queen mother, " Sabrina stretched out her hand as her eyes turned foggy and a bright blue light surrounded her hands... Her powers could see through someone's mind with clear images, what they did during a specific time slot

" You... Step forward," Sabrina pointed at the woman in the back.. the woman hesitantly walked forward and threw herself at Hazel's feet crying

" Please forgive me Queen mother i-i didn't want to kill them but she had my kid and threatened to kill him if I didn't do her that favor,"

" You should have come to me before acting... I would have helped you that's my job," Hazel spoke

" Please forgive me," she begged

" You committed treason.. and you shall be punished for it, but since you did that to save your son it won't be death. But you be thrown in prison till further notice, take her away," she ordered the guards," and the rest of you let it be a warning to everyone... I won't stand betrayal, you're dismissed," she added.. they gave a slight bow and left, when everyone left including Sabrina.. Elena spoke

" But what did she gain from all this I don't get it?,"

" As far as I know my sister.. this was simply a distraction to keep Lucian and the others while she carries out her big plan," Elena sighs tilting her head.


Zara was still unconscious from last night's blow and Nick took care of her through the night.. she would groan and turn in bed as though she was having a bad dream. Her forehead would burn up and he would put a wet towel on her forehead to bring her temperature down," what a drag," he would say.

" All that happened last night?," Sonya spoke from the other end

" Hmm.. she's quite a stubborn one insisting on a married man, I didn't leave Los Vegas to come all this way to watch a live romance drama, I was searching for my people and now I'm here to babysit," Nick nonchalantly said

" She's your mate," Sonya spoke... Nick scoffs staring at Zara

" She's a problem... I have enough problems on my hands as it is," he said hanging up, with a sigh he got up from the sofa and headed out... He came across into Leah in the hallway

" Good morning," she greeted

" Morning," Nick gave a slight nod

" Can I have a word with you for a minute in the study," Leah proceeded to the study without hearing his response whether it was a yes or no.. Nick followed her behind without a word

" When I crashed you knew who I was.. and you also knew Zara was living here with us yet you never said anything... Why?," Leah looked over at Nick

" You were the one looking for me so I heard.. me seeing you there unconscious was just a coincidence," he simply answered

" True.. I was looking for you so I can finally get rid of her, since she doesn't want to leave I want you to move in.. keep her close and away from Lucian, she's a big problem to me,"

" At least we agree on one thing... Excuse me," he turned around to leave

" Nick!.... good luck, you'll need it," Leah said.. Nick nodded and left, Leah went downstairs to grab a glass of water.. her head was spinning like crazy

" Good morning Mrs Reign," Helen and the others greeted

" Morning... Did you call the repair guys to fix that wall?,"

" Yes.. they will be here shortly," she said.. Leah opened the refrigerator to grab a jar of water, closing it... she found Lucian standing behind her which made her startle and almost dropped the glass jar

" Damn it... You scared me," Leah cursed walking to the counter

" Can we talk for a moment,"

" There's absolutely nothing to talk about," Leah firmly said

" Liliana!

Lucian held her wrist," I hate it when you use my full name.. now if you excuse me I'm quite busy," she took her hand back and walked away

" She's really pissed with you huh?," Zach spoke entering the kitchen

" Since when did you start entering the kitchen?," Lucian spoke with a boredom expression

" Just now.. you look like you need some free advice," Zach calmly said

" Oh yeah? And what kind of free advice do you have for me," Lucian nonchalantly said

" With that Sarcasm tone of yours.. I don't think my pride will take that, be a little appreciative,"

" I can't be appreciative when I haven't heard your advice can I Zach," Lucian frowned getting pissed. Zach sighs grabbing an apple from the fruit basket on the counter and said

" You have a beach house in California.. take Leah there.. clearly you two need some time alone to reconnect and solve your pity issues, don't jump into sex after solving your problems.. instead show her love and care... Appreciate her and spoil her to no end, the rest you'll have to think for yourself on how you'll gain her trust back," Zach said

" She will never agree coming with me if I asked," Lucian spoke

" That's why your kids are here for... Make it seem as though it was their idea to take this trip," Zach said and walked away.. Lucian went to the kids room to make a deal

" So let me get this straight Lucian.. you want us to lie to mommy that we came up with this idea of you two going to this trip?," Hope folded her arms together as she spoke

" I'm also your Dad can't you do this little favor for me?," Lucian said staring down at his three kids who looked uninterested," fine... how much do you want?," he added seeing they weren't willing to help for free

"$ 10 dollar... Each," Kami said

"$ 5 dollar," Lucian negotiated

" $10," Kale added," $5 dollar and that's it," Lucian stayed firm on his proposal

" $15 dollar," Hope creased her brows," $10 dollars it is," Lucian finally agreed.. he took out his wallet and gave them a $10 dollar each," this is called corruption kids."

" Nice doing business with you.. leave it to us," they ran out to find their mom. Leah was taking a cup of coffee in the garden when she heard a noise

" Mom!,"

" Good morning my sweethearts, you should have breakfast before it gets cold," Leah said

" Before that we would like to talk to you," Kale said and the rest nodded

" Is it serious? You're scaring me...are you okay?," Leah checked their bodies if they have any bruises of sort

" We're fine.. it's you we're worried about, you and Lucian were arguing last night and we don't like it," Hope said sounding really worried

" You don't have to worry about anything." Leah gave a slight smile

" That's why we bought two tickets for you and Daddy to California.. you two need some time alone and love each other again," Kami said

" You did what?, Leah blinked a few times at her kids.. she couldn't believe what she just heard a few minutes ago

" We used Lucian's credit card without his knowledge and your laptop to buy the tickets online, your flight leaves tomorrow morning at exactly 05am sharp... Please go mommy, that will put us more at ease that you and Lucian are okay," Hope said . Leah pressed her lips together staring at their innocent face and finally said

" Fine.. I will go, but only because I really could use a vacation... Now go have breakfast before it gets cold," they smiled and ran along, after a few minutes.. Lucian walked into the garden and stood beside Leah putting his hands in his pockets

" California huh? Were you the one who put the kids up to this?," Leah stared at Lucian

" They just want to see their parents happy again..I want to see you happy again," Lucian spoke

" I don't know.. I don't see this marriage working out," Leah sadly said and walked back inside. Lucian simply watched her leave, Leah went to the living room were she found Anna and April seated with a cup of coffee in their hands

" Girls... Wanna do something fun tonight?,"

" Finally someone with a great idea.. I was honestly getting bored," April said leaning in

" You haven't even heard it and you think it's great," Anna raised a brow

" It's Leah.. she never disappoints," April shrugs

" True," Leah smiles feeling herself," I want to get my hair.. nails and make-up done, wear the sexist and pretty outfit I own and hit the strip club.. what do you think?,"

" Love- it... Say no more," April claps her hands together with a wide smile

" A strip club... Will the guys allow us?, " Anna looked between April and Leah

" They don't have to know.. come on I miss my wide best friend who didn't used to care about anything but having fun, we haven't had a girls night out since like before we got married," Leah said.. with a lot of thinking and hesitation Anna finally agreed

" Fine... I do miss the old days," she smiled open to the idea

" Great.. then we can schedule the beauty parlor at 2pm sharp,"

" Yes," they agreed and continued having a conversation.. Leah told them about her trip tomorrow and how she doesn't know how to handle everything, her life was just a mess at the moment.


Elena visited Jace at a motel he was staying at, it was located in the center of town and it was the biggest motel there so it wasn't so hard to find, she went upstairs and rang the doorbell.. Jace opened the door and set aside for her to enter closing the door behind him

" I brought you some homemade food.. knowing you I know you haven't eaten anything with your busy schedule," she said putting the basket on the table

" Thank you," he thanked her with a warm smile

" I don't like the idea that you have to stay here when you have a home in the village.. surrounded by your people, family. " Elena looked at him worriedly and concerned

" I'm better off alone," he simply answered

" No one is ever better off alone.. Jace! I'm worried about you, please come with me.. let's go home," she holds his hand staring into his mesmerizing grey silver eyes, Jace reaches for her face caressing her cheek staring back into her golden brown eyes and said

" I'm sorry," that was his response.. Elena teared up and tried so hard to hold back her tears from flowing down, Jace pulled her in his warm embrace letting her lean on his hard yet comfortable chest.. he could feel her warm tears dropping on his chest, by the time she was done crying his shirt was soaking wet with her tears.. he has never imagined her to be a woman who would let herself cry so easily, she is very strong that he knows.. if she's like this then she really wants him to go with her, Jace pats her head gently

" If you're done washing my favorite shirt with your tears I would like to eat now.. I'm very hungry," he told her trying to cheer her up.. Elena pulled back wiping her face

" Just so you know I wasn't crying.. something got into my eyes," she said boldly

" I know... Care to join me?," he handed her his hand and she gladly took it not breaking eye contact.

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