

what's danger without warning signs "you are playing with fire little girl, I can burn you in a second ." he warned with his burning eyes. " I am determined to go to hell with you, if that's what it takes, make me yours." she was also determined to make this work " take my hand then, hold on." he smirked

Ta_Sha_6022 · Fantasy
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20 Chs


For the next few weeks everything was going so well and wonderful.. Little Hope has grown up to start crawling all over the house making it hard for her parents to keep up with her

" you are too energetic little one.. come to mommy." Leah picked Hope up taking a sit on the couch," and how are the most two beautiful ladies doing today?." Lucian walked in kissing his little wife and a soft kiss on Hope's little forehead," Daddy's finally home.. and it looks like he has a gift for us." Leah smiles sweetly.. Lucian opened up a velvet black box, they were two silver identical lockets.. there was a black Raven printed on both lockets," for the mother and daughter." Lucian smiled grabbing one and putting it around Leah's neck.. and the other around Hope's neck

" Lucian.. it's beautiful, thank you I love it." Leah kissed him deeply.. Hope giggles sweetly clapping her little hands," she's happy too." Leah chuckles.. later in the day.. Lucian and Leah took Hope to the park

" I'm gonna use the restroom real quick." Leah said going to Parks restroom while Lucian watched over Hope.. a woman dressed in a pair of black jeans and a black hoodie followed Leah behind into the restroom," Luna!" the woman called out.. Leah turned around to see a gorgeous face she wasn't familiar with," do I know you?." Leah spoke

" No.. but I know you." she said, Leah creased her brows together confusingly

" I work for Dante.. it's time Luna, you're coming with me back to Falls." Leah's eyes widened.. she completely forgot about the proposal Dante made to her in order to save Lucian's life.. with all honesty she wasn't ready to leave her daughter and husband.. nor will she ever be," I know how hard this is for you Luna.. but if it means to save your husband's life.. I would leave too, I will wait for you in mystic falls pinpoint.. don't use any public or personal transport.. you can teleport there, I repeat.. do not leave any clue behind that's suspicious.. make it look like you're leaving freely, I will be waiting for you at night fall." Sonya said before walking out of the restroom.. Leah gasps a few times shading tears.. she angrily hit the wall with her two fist cracking the wall.. On the other hand, Lucian was wondering what was taking Leah so long.. a few minutes later she joined up with them

" are you okay? you look tired." Lucian spoke

" I'm alright.. I just feel a bit weak that's all."

" we should get you home so you can rest.. I don't want anything happening to you." Lucian spoke driving them back home


" and where do you think you're going?." a man's voice echoed inside a silent dim room," since when did you worry about my movements Jace?." a proud woman's voice spoke," don't do anything stupid Vallie." Jace spoke," I will try to keep that in mind.. right now I have a plane to catch." Vallie smirks walking away


" how was Dante able to get through the barrier of a Raven spell? it's not possible." Hazel said slamming her hands on the table

" unless.. someone did help him get through the barrier.. one of our kind." Said Elena

" are you saying one of our own betrayed us? who?."

" I'm not sure who... but clearly they're in cahoots with Dante." Elena stated," I want you to keep an eye on everyone here.. we need to find that person." Hazel calmly said


Lucian and Leah arrived back home.. he handed Hope over to Zara while he took Leah upstairs to their room," should I get you anything to eat or drink?." he spoke lying her down

" thank you.. but no, I want you to stay with me and don't leave me alone." Leah lowered her voice clinging onto his arm, Lucian sat next to her tucking some hair behind her ear and said," I'm not going anywhere." he gave a slight smile kissing her forehead.. Leah rested her head on his broad chest closing her eyes.. Lucian rested his head on the back of the bed board closing his eyes

" hey Anna.. where's Skylar?." Kathryn spoke approaching the living room

" you just missed him..he left with Xander." Anna said," do you know where?."

" afraid not Kathryn.. anything wrong?." Anna raised a brow," No.. excuse me." Kathryn stepped out of the house and into her car driving off.

" where are we heading?." Xander spoke staring at Sky who had his eyes fixed on the straight road," something doesn't feel right." Skylar calmly said," am I missing out something here?." Xander frowned," the dagger was taken out of it's barrier.. someone is trying to hurt Lucian."

" do you think Dante has something to do with this?."

" yes... that's the only logical explanation, he might be working with someone on this..he couldn't simply go through that barrier alone." Skylar coldly said," so one of the Ravens are working with Dante?." Xander said," yes.." answered Skylar speeding up

The car pulled over at Zach's Villa..Sky and Xander got out of the car approaching the door way when they saw Zach rushing out," we need to talk." Sky said," not now.. I'm heading out." Zach coldly said," it's important and urgent Zach."

" Whatever it is it can wait."

" damn it Zach.. it's about the dagger." Skylar cursed

" April was abducted..I need to go." Zach was losing patience

" abducted?." both Sky and Xander widened their eyes

" yes.."

" who abducted April?." Xander creased his brows

" I don't know.. someone just sent me a picture and the address." Zach was also confused to whom would want to kidnap April..and why?

" we're coming with you." Sky said," no.. you need to stay here and speak to Lucian about the missing dagger." Zach said getting into his car and drove off..Sky and Xander also drove off to Lucian's house

" welcome young sirs." Mr Williams bowed slightly

" where's Lucian?." Xander spoke

" Master is in his room.. and wishes not to be disturbed."

" it's urgent Williams..let Lucian know..we will be waiting in the study room." Sky said going upstairs with Xander..Mr Williams went ahead and knocked on the door

" who is it?." Lucian's cold voice was heard from the other end of the door

" Master Lucian..Mr Kinn and Mr Xander are waiting in the study room.. they say it's an urgent matter Sir." Lucian sighs pinching the skin between his brows..he stared at his little wife's sleeping face and smiles cupping her soft cheek.. carefully, he stood up not to wake her up and walked out of the room proceeding to the study

" what's so urgent?." Lucian went ahead sitting on his chair behind the desk

" Lucian, the immortal dagger was taken out of it's barrier."

" and we suspect Dante has it.. figuring he's the most person who wants you dead." Xander added

" and Zach?." Lucian simply said not seemingly bothered

" apparently someone abducted April...Zach went straight there."

" April is abducted?" Lucian creased his brows

" yes... I'm not planning on telling Anna till I hear from Zach, I don't want her worrying." Sky said..they all nodded figuring it was for the best


it was dark and pouring when Zach arrived at the supposed location, the rains were pouring heavily as the thunder roared and the lightening strike to the east and west..Zach spotted April standing in the rain..he could tell she was crying and frightened despite the heavy rains.. behind April stood a woman, Zach didn't recognize her making him frown..he simply got out of the car approaching them

" Stop! stay right there," the woman said with a command in her tone," we finally meet again..Zach Kinn." the woman smirks cunningly," do I know?." Zach calmly asked," you might not remember me but I remember you clearly.. you didn't think I will let you roam freely just like that did you? not after what you did?."

" I have no time for your little games.. get straight to the point." Zach narrows his eyes

" you're right, let's get straight to the point.. seeing your little human girlfriend's confused little face..makes me think she has no idea what's going on..or what you are," she smirks," well..I have always wanted to tell this story.. it's a shame you have to find out like this April, that's your name right? she chuckles licking April's cheek.. April cries out looking back at Zach with her scared confused eyes," a thousand years ago in Mystic falls..a grey house that was located in between the town falls lived a happy family..a young girl and her parents, you came in and killed the girls parents with no mercy.. just because they were half vampires..I cried and begged for you to spare my family but when those bloody eyes are red it's useless to hear anyone beg, the only mistake you made was to spare my life.. you should have killed while you had a chance Zach.. tonight I will take away something that's prescious to you, and I won't have mercy." Vallie firmly said," don't you dare..touch her." Zach's eyes glow red

" I have nothing to lose anymore..I fear nothing." Vallie said..her hand piercing throw April's chest from the back.. Both April and Zach's eyes widened, April coughs out blood staring into Zach's eyes.. she could feel her heart being ripped out

" we're equal now." Vallie smirks ripping out April's heart out of her chest and ate it like a vicious beast..she laughed like a crazy person before disappearing from the place.. April fell to the ground.. drained in her own pool of blood, Zach appeared in front of her dead body pulling her in his arms

" Ahhhhh...." Zach could only scream and growl angrily..his eyes were blood red..his fangs and claws sharp as he hugged April's motionless body in his arms full of anguish and pain..the rains poured even more heavily on them as if it could feel Zach's pain and anguish, he kissed April's soft lips one last time..not minding her bloody mouth.

Skylar and the others were getting worried.. they tried calling him a few times now but no answer

" I think we should go and find them." Skylar said and both Lucian and Xander nodded, they were about to get into the car when Skylar's phone buzzed..it was a text from Zach

" April is dead.. let your wife know." it read.. Sky's eyes widened staring back at Lucian and Xander

" what's wrong?." Lucian spoke," April is dead."

" what!? Xander widened his eyes in shock," where's Zach?." Lucian spoke calmly," he didn't say.. his phone is switched off now," Sky said," damn it.. how will I break this news to Anna." Skylar cursed

" Lucian? Leah's voice called out from behind," what happened?."

" it's cold out here.. you should get back inside before you catch a cold."

" what happened to April?." Leah asked instead

" she was killed." Xander said," killed? Leah slammed her mouth tears rolling down," but..but how? w-who killed her?."

" Skylar and Xander will find out and report back, right now you need to rest.. let's go." Lucian held both her shoulders taking her back inside

Lucian tucked Leah in bed," get some rest." he kissed her forehead," don't go.. stay with me." Leah grabbed his wrist.. Lucian laid down next to her.. Leah captured his lips getting on top of him, she stripped off her clothes and his.. Lucian held her slim waist hungrily kissing the life out of her.. they made love and rested back

Zach lazily laid back in his leather sofa in his dark room..he was twirling a glass of whiskey with his eyes closed, he has never felt so helpless.. the door cracked open and a tall woman's figure stood at the entrance.. she simply walked towards him and stood a few steps away

" may I know why you asked me here?." she spoke calmly.. Zach fluttered his eyes open staring back at her with his cold.. boredom eyes, Zach simply got up from his sofa taking steady steps towards her..he had his hands in his pockets while staring down at her

" you're late." Zach calmly said

" it's not a 10 minutes walk to get here Ezekiel." Elena simply said," couldn't one of your sisters teleport you here?."

" get to the point why you asked me to come here."

" follow me." Zach led the way and Elena followed behind him..he led her to a closed room.. Elena saw a woman's body lying on the bed, she was wearing a long simple yet stunning white dress with flowers on it..her ginger brown hair was let loose spreading on the white pillow.. Elena noticed there was a stain of blood on the left side of her breastbone

" who is she.. and what happened to her?." Elena looked back at Zach curiously

" April..her heart was ripped out of her chest," Zach simply said looking back at Elena," I want you to use your powers to prevent her body from rotting..she needs to stay like this." he told her

" was she that important to you?." her words got Zach thinking..at that moment he didn't know what he felt..all he knew was that he blamed himself for her death and the guilt was hunting him..he gave a slight sigh and said," she didn't deserve to die like this..do it." Elena approached the bedside.. she stretched her arms at April's body closing her eyes, foggy steam like mist surrounded April's body before disappearing.. Elena's ability could freeze someone or something giving her the advantage to destroy them in a blink of an eye..in April's case, she didn't freeze her but made sure the coldness runs through her body preventing her from rotting or having a bad smell, she didn't understand why Zach asked her this favor..but again she didn't want to meddle in his business

" done." she stepped back," thank you..and this stays between us." Zach said..Elena approached him, she tiptoed and kissed Zach's lower lip before stepping back," and this stays between us..I wish you well Ezekiel." she said walking out and left

Zach stared at April's face..she looks peaceful as though she was just asleep and not dead, with a sigh..he turned around walking out and locked the door behind him

meanwhile Skylar tried everything to get her to stop crying but it got even worse," please stop crying Anastasia, you'll get sick otherwise."

" she was my only sister..not only that but like a mother to me, she didn't deserve to die like this Skylar."

" Zach will avenge her death..I promise you." Skylar assured Anna

" but that won't bring her back would it?" Anna snapped running upstairs..Sky was about to go after her when Kathryn stopped him," give her time to mourn for her sister.. let her release all the pain she's feeling." Skylar pinched the skin between his brows..he really needed to give her time," whiskey?" Kathryn offered," yes." Sky nodded lying back on the sofa.


Leah carefully slipped out of Lucian's embrace..she grabbed her black coat and left the room going into Hope's room, she picked up a piece of paper and a pen writing down some words..she opened Hope's locket taking out the little family photo..she grabbed a seizures cutting out her image and put it back..she also put in a small piece of paper for her alone.. Leah kissed her baby's little face before leaving.

Lucian shifts in bed his hand wanting to touch his little wife's body..when he felt nothing, he opened his eyes seeing Leah wasn't in bed

" wife!" he simply called out turning on the bedside lamps..he spotted a note on the bedside table and picked it up.

" I was so excited and free before I met you.. but I became happy when I had you by my side.. but I didn't feel free, my purpose was to make you powerful and immortal, I fulfilled my purpose Lucian.. with that I gave you more than I shouldn't have, I gave you my love and through that love I gave you a beautiful daughter..I thought a vampire and a Raven could be happy together but I was wrong, I tried to pretend like everything was fine but i couldn't.. that's why have decided to leave you, I want to be free.. don't come looking for me, take care of Hope.. love her and never leave her alone..

Your wife..Leah.

Lucian panicked storming out of the room screaming out Leah's name," Leah!...Leah!" he searched all the rooms but couldn't find her," damn it..where are you Leah!?" Lucian was losing his mind heading to his study

" Lucian.. what's wrong?." Zara spoke walking into the study

" Leah.. have you seen Leah?." Lucian grabs Zara's shoulders

" Leah? n..no.. what happened?."

" I can't find her anywhere..she left a note saying she's leaving, where the heck did she go huh?."

" Lucian you're hurting me." Zara cracked her voice

" what do you know Zara? tell me where Leah is." Lucian's hold tightened.. his eyes were red, his fangs and claws elongated piercing in Zara's arms

" Ahh.. Lucian, y..you.. you're hurting me." Zara's eyes teared up not taking the pain anymore

" it's hurting.. Lucian you're hurting me please..Stop!" Zara's eyes turned cold pushing him away from her.. Lucian was pulled backwards with a powerful force, Zara slide down holding her arms..they were bleeding endlessly, Lucian jumped out the window and disappeared

" Ms Zara..are you okay?."

" help me Williams." Zara winced painfully," let's get your wounds treated." he sat her down on the couch getting the first aid kit

Lucian leaped from tree to tree in the dark woods, he searched everywhere for Leah but no sign..he stood in front of Mary's door step and rang the doorbell not minding what time it was..it was still pouring out, Mary opened the door and was surprised to see Lucian

" Lucian my dear.. please come in, oh goodness you're soaked from the rain.. please get inside before you catch a cold."

" no.. I'm not staying..I came -

" did Leah come with you? where's she?." Mary cut him off.. Lucian's eyes flicked red and quickly shut them closed taming himself

" she isn't here..damn it" Lucian thought to himself..he looked back at Mary, if he tells her that Leah left she will get worried and ask to many questions.. what now?

" well.. Leah and I will be leaving for a while.. thought to let you know before we leave tonight." he told her

" leaving? to where?." Mary asked," a vacation home at a certain island..we will be back soon not to worry."

" oh.. alright, tell her I said hello.. and take care of her and my granddaughter." Lucian nodded and left..he spent the entire night looking for Leah but it's like she just disappeared in thin air.

Leah appeared in Falls at the pinpoint where Sonya was readily waiting for her," thought you changed your mind." Sonya spoke," not that I have any other option..where to now?." Leah said," I hope you like bikes.. I'm a motorcycle kinda girl, love to taste danger." she smirks handing Leah a helmet.. Leah hopped on the back putting on the helmet.. Sonya started the bike and drove off.. the drive was half an hour straight, Sonya stopped in front of a cave," this way." she led the way..the hallway was dim lit all the way to the main hall..Leah stepped into the main lobby, the place was amazing and luxurious..it looked nothing like a cave inside which was surprising," you will love the back.. luckily your room over looks the back garden.. you will find it to your liking." Sonya said," why are you being nice to me?." Leah looks back at Sonya who simply said," I'm only doing my job."

" Leah...we finally meet again." Dante spoke descending the staircase.. how much Leah wished to rub off that achievement smirk on his face," welcome to your new home."

" this will never be my home..my home is where my husband and daughter are." Leah firmly said

" it's a shame you had to leave them.. you must be tired and it's pretty late, Sonya.. take our beloved guest to her room.. will see each other tomorrow." he smiles warmly.. Sonya led Leah to her room and left her to rest


The next morning.. Lucian barely slept, the cold threatening air surrounding him was frightening..

" what happened to you?." Xander asked Zara who's arms were wrapped in bandages

" I will be fine.. I'm more worried about Lucian." she said..Xander and Skylar went into the study," found anything?." Lucian coldly spoke," nothing.. she must have teleported, we couldn't trace her." Skylar said, Lucian ruffled his hair leaning back in his chair


Leah was inhaling in the fresh morning air on the balcony to her room.. indeed the view was beautiful, no wonder they couldn't catch Dante or locate him.. it's impossible to leave this place, it's like a palace..Leah tilted her head to the other side and spotted a man, he seemed to have just gotten out of the shower.. his weird looking hair caught her attention," a man with white hair?." she was really amazed by his weird looking appearance, his body though..he was so damn sexy and well built, Leah watched him pick up his shirt putting it on, he approached the balcony to his room buttoning up his white shirt, Leah found herself glued to the floor unable to move..Jace took in a deep breathe tilting his head, he raised a questioning brow seeing a little woman staring at him..he leaned on the rail of the balcony wiggling his brows,

" I had no idea I got a new neighbor next door." Jace simply said..Leah blinked a few times turning around and ran inside her room..her eyes widened open when she found him in her room sitting on the couch

" you..h.. how did you get in here so fast?." Leah creased her brows

" so you talk."

" I asked you what you're doing here? get out before I -

Leah was pulled in his arms and pinned to the wall between his arms, he stared down at her little figure.. Leah swallowed hard staring at his perfect face and features, her eyes spotted a small black Raven to the side of his neck

" you.. you're..a Raven?." Jace furrowed his brows confusingly

* how does she know about a Raven's mark*

he thought to himself.. Leah tucked some hair behind her ear and turned to the other side for him to see," I'm a Raven too." she said staring back at him

" and what's a Raven doing here?." he spoke," I should ask you the same question..all the men in our clan died in the war.. it was only us women and the little kids, why didn't you come back to the village? why are you with Dante..are you helping him in anyway?." Leah had so many questions about him and she needed answers

" you ask too many questions..I don't like it." he simply told her

" you will have to answer me eventually.. please." Leah looked at him with pleading eyes

" ladies first.. tell me how you ended up here." Jace said stepping back and went to take a sit

" Dante has the immortal dagger..he threatened to kill my husband if I didn't come to stay here, I'm only here because I don't want anything to happen to my husband and daughter."

" immortal? you mean to say you're Lucian's wife?" Jace spoke amusingly," I didn't know Dante had enough balls to take away the Devil's wife...so you possess the all powers of each element of the Ravens."

" correct... and you, what powers do you possess?."

" Teleportation" he nonchalantly said," after the war..I was just a young boy..alone and frightened, one of the vampires found me hiding behind a thick tree in the woods..by my white hair and appearance they knew I wasn't ordinary, they were about to kill me when Dante appeared out of the blue..he killed them and offered me to stay with me, I grew up here in these walls..he even told me I could leave anytime to find my people and be with them.. but I chose to stay, I choose to be alone." Jace simply said," but you're a Raven.. your people need you..we need you."

" and yet I still don't know your name." Leah blinks a few times at him

" Uhm..Leah." she said

" Jace.." he too introduced himself


Somewhere in Falls.. Vallie was knocked down to the ground, she groaned painfully spitting out blood

" Kill me already.. what are you waiting for?."

" it's not up to me to kill you." Louise said squatting on her level.. Zach arrived at the place, he took off his gloves.. his sharp claws elongating.. Vallie gasps as she felt her heart being ripped out of her chest.. Zach took his precious time sending her to her death

" I..I will.. meet you in hell." Vallie smirks

" you will have to wait for a really long time cause I won't be joining you any time soon." Zach calmly said ripping out her heart and threw it away

" get rid of her body." he said walking away.. Sonya saw everything from afar in the thick woods, she leaped away before they could notice her presence


Xander picked up some medication for Elriel at the pharmacy..on his way a girl bumped into him making her stumble back

" oh goodness.. I'm so sorry." she apologized facing down

" are you alright?." Xander politely asked, she looked up to meet his gaze.. his beautiful face threw her a bit off guard

" what a beauty" she thought to herself," Uhm.. I'm alright thank you.. excuse me." she gave a slight bow and ran off, she was late for her appointment with the doctor.. Xander proceeded to his car where Elriel was waiting for him in the car seat," take this for your headache." he handed her the meds and a bottle of water

" thank you."

Xander drove to the city hospital where doctor Ember was waiting for them in her office

" I hope you carefully thought about it Ms Elriel.. this is a big decision."

" yes doctor..my husband and I thought about it and a surrogate is the right decision." Elriel was ready to go through with it..her and Xander has been married for a month now, she so badly wanted to give him a little Xander but all her dreams shattered when she found out she couldn't conceive..yes she can get pregnant but it's not certain that she would give birth to that baby..in fact it can put both her and the baby at risk..and that's death, they decided to go with the option of surrogacy..her eggs will be implanted in another woman's womb and she will carry their baby

" alright then.. give me a moment," she dialed the table phone to the receptionist desk," you can let her in." a few minutes later..a young woman walked in.. Xander and the young girl recognized each other from earlier, she was the same girl he bumped into earlier at the pharmacy area

" Mr and Mrs Kaun.. this is Ciri Uri, she will be your surrogate, Ciri.. this is Mr Xander and his wife Elriel." Elriel looked at Ciri.." how old are you?." she asked

" 23 Ms."

" 23? doctor isn't she too young?." Elriel said

" well Ms Elriel.. this will be Ciri's second pregnancy..trust me she's perfect."

" well if you say so doctor.. can we start the procedure right now."

" of course Ms Elriel.. come this way please." they went through with the implantation and procedure

" we will be able to tell the results within a few days or a week." the doctor said


Zara stepped out of the shower drying herself up, she took the hair dryer drying her hair..a knock echoed inside..she went to open the door and saw Lucian standing on the door way

" may I come in?."

" Uhm.." Zara stepped to the side letting him in

" why are you here?." Zara spoke

" I came to apologize..I wasn't in my right senses last night, I just want to find Leah." Lucian said

" I was terrified..I could have hurt you."

" yet you didn't." Lucian took a step towards her, Zara looked up to meet his intimidating gaze..she held onto her small bathing towel staring at his lips

" what's on your mind?" he spoke taking steady steps..each step made her step back, her back hit the wall and there was nowhere to run anymore

" we can talk after I get dressed..I need privacy." Zara lowered her voice

" I will be in the living room." Lucian said stepping back..he turned around and began walking away

" Lucian!" Zara found herself calling out his name, Lucian came to a halt looking back at her..she walked towards him standing in front of him

" I also want to apologize for pushing you with such force," she tiptoed kissing his upper lip, Lucian blinked a few times confusingly..Zara pulled back regretting it later on," I'm sorry I didn't mean to -

Lucian held the sides of her face deepening the kiss

his arm was wrapped around her waist leaving no space between them, all this felt like a dream to Zara that she was afraid of breaking the kiss..by any chance if she did she might wake up, Lucian on the other hand..he was completely drown into her, he wanted to stop..stop this from happening but his body said otherwise, the desirable monster inside him has completely taken over..he found himself doing the unthinkable, he slept with Zara..her moans drove him more and more insane, it pushed him to do it over and over again till she finally became numb and past out

" and where are you getting all dressed up to?."

" damn it Jace.. you have to stop appearing in my room without authorization." Leah glared at him

" should I be concerned?." Jace raised a brow

" I want to see my baby..so yes I'm leaving." Leah said

" is Dante aware?."

" No..and he doesn't have to find out.. right?." Leah said and teleported back at her house..Jace sighed heavily

Leah smiles upon seeing her little girl

" hey.. did you miss mommy? it has been only a day and I miss you so much." Leah kissed her baby's soft puffy cheeks


" Sir..the doctor is here." one of Zach's men informed.. Zach stood up from his comfortable couch and went downstairs

" Mr Kinn." the doctor greeted

" doctor.. this way," Zach led the way to the closed room," hope you brought all the necessary tools for this operation doctor..any mistake and you'll pay for it." his cold tone made the poor man tremble

" yes sir." he nervously nodded looking at the girl..he had so many questions to how she died and why her heart was missing.. but he remembered the guards words not to ask too many questions and just do his job, he opened a blue box where he took out a heart, he operated on April carefully giving her a new heart

" next I will have to-

" the rest is not necessary.. you may take your leave now." Zach said giving him a cheque

" Uhm..thank you Sir." he said and walked out, Zach locked the door and approached the bedside..he gradually held April In his arms, he moved the hair to the back and leaned on the side of her neck.. his sharp fangs elongated sinking into her flesh, he held on tightly onto her little weightless body..he licked off the blood on her neck and put her back in a sleeping position, he locked the door behind him and left


Leah found herself drowning in her own darkness..her eyes were filled with water seeing her own husband holding another woman's body in his arms..both naked and entangled in bed, dark smoke surrounded her formed fists..she broke down to the floor powerless.. Lucian twitched his eyes in his sleep hearing a slight noise..he fluttered his eyes open and saw a familiar beautiful face he missed very much

" Wife?" Leah was lost in her own sorrow that she didn't realize Lucian being awake," Leah wait," Lucian was about to get out of bed when she disappeared and teleported back at the cave to her room

" Ahhh! I hate you! I hate you!" Leah smashed everything that was on sight," how could you do this to me Lucian..I trusted you damn it..I trusted you I did..I hate you." her tears were uncontrollable

" Hey..hey" Jace came to her embracing her in his arms," calm down.. you're okay," Jace patted her head gently

" I trusted him..he betrayed me Jace..he betrayed me." Leah could only sob her eyes on his shoulder

" tell me what happened?."

" I saw him..I saw him in bed with another woman Jace."

" please stop crying now.. you will get a headache," he comforted her," I will fill up a bath for you." he sat her down on the bed while he filled up a warm bath for her.. Leah got out of her dirty clothes, Jace looked thee other way swallowing hard

* she always gets annoyed and tells him to knock before entering the room.. but isn't shy getting naked in front of him?* he thought.. Leah went to the bathroom to get a relaxing bath

after the bath she got into her robe going back to the room

" feel better?." Jace spoke on the couch

" yes." Leah nods," I will let you get dressed now." he stood up with intentions of leaving but Leah stopped him..she pulled him in for a hot intense kiss, she didn't know why but she's been dying to taste those soft pink lips..she wasn't doing it because she was angry with Lucian, but because she really wanted Jace..she wanted him in her bed

" Leah..

" please.. just kiss me Jace." she whispered on his soft lips

Jace pulled her waist closer devouring her all..her moans drove him crazy, he pinned her down kissing each part of her bare skin..he took off her robe and made her his, they made love and entangled in bed in each other's arms


" are you sure she was here?." Zara spoke uneasy

" yes..damn it what now?," Lucian cursed

" I'm sorry..I shouldn't have gotten carried away..I should have kept my distance." she lowered her head

" no.. it's my fault, I made a mistake." Lucian said leaving the room, Zara bit her lower lip hard that little blood oozed out from the little cut


Leah got out of bed running her fingers through her smooth silky hair

" going somewhere?." Jace' spoke with his sleepy husky voice

" I need some air, be right back." she said and left the room, Leah walked towards the huge wooden black door.. carefully pushed it open and stepped inside

" where can he be hiding it?" Leah stretched her arms, a white glow surrounded her hands as she searched the entire room in seconds," found you," a smile curved on her lips

the dagger was finally in her possession

" I won't let you touch Lucian Dante.. nobody hurts my family, I end you tonight." Leah said..she heard footsteps approaching and hid behind the door.. Dante walked in and came to a halt, Leah was about to stab him but he caught her wrist in the air

" how brave.. you actually want to kill me?."

" your reign ends here Dante," Leah murmurs some words and Dante found himself unable to move

" w - what have you done to me? why can't I move?,"

" you underestimate me Dante..you killed me before and I won't give you a second chance to kill me again.. you dare threaten to kill the father to my baby, I will kill you the same way you killed me.. with no mercy." Leah stabbed him with a gasp..she stabbed him over and over again viciously," I'll see you hell.. Dante." she whispered throwing him to the ground, Leah wipes the blood off the dagger

" Dante!" Sonya ran to Dante's side crunching down

" you stabbed him?"

" he deserves to die.. and I will kill anyone who gets in my way and tries to challenge me.. you know I really like you Sonya so I will give you a choice, follow me and survive.. fight me and you die.. what's it going to be?" Sonya creased her brows.. she has no choice but agree, Sonya stood up bowing to Leah

" have someone clean up this mess." Leah said and left.


Dear BOUNDERS, I would like to announce that the movie trailer for BOUNDED TO LUCIFER will be posted on my YouTube Channel next year on the New Year 01, 01 ,2024.

follow my YouTube channel to be notified immediately

YouTube Acc: @Authoress Tasha

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