

Every human being is born bound to a spirit. It is a system set up by the gods to prevent genocide. Most humans are bound to a low level spirit, like a fairy or a ghost or a sprite. Some humans are bound to stronger spirits, like angels, or reapers, or elementals, or demons, however getting bound to a demon is rare. When a human turns 12, they perform a test that reveals a human’s spirit. Most get low-level spirits, some get elementals, however, that is not the case for our protagonist. Emery Stone was the only spirit-less being in a world where your existence is determined solely on how strong your spirit is. Now, 5 years later, she is disowned by her human parents and adopted by a powerful forest guardian, attending a low-class high school with only one friend, wanting only to live a peaceful life, only for a powerful demon spirit to appear out of nowhere one day claiming to be her Bound Spirit?! How dare he!

Frozen_Roze · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Kuro Krow

When Emery came to, her magic had just managed to finish replenishing itself. She sat up with a groan, her head was pounding. "Here, take this and drink some water." Dante said, at her side almost immediately, holding out Advil and a glass of water. She took them with a quiet thank you. When she was done, Emery sat the glass on the bedside table, before realizing, "This isn't my room." She said, stiffening. Dante chuckled, "That's because it's my room. The Ignatius family attempted to kidnap you while you were unconscious of mana depletion. I brought you in here to better protect you. There are runes all over the room to prevent sneak attacks while I sleep. I guess I should have put them in your room as well. Lady Willow and I spoke last night regarding recent events, but first, let's get some food in you." Dante explained. "How long was I out?" She asked, getting up. "About 3 days." He answered, wrapping an arm around her to help her walk. Emery leaned against him, "Damn, that's a lot of school day missed." She mumbled. Dante snorted, "Please, I already know that you know everything they teach anyway. The only reason you showed up was for the show and Sakura. Speaking of which, it's good you woke up when you did, she called about 20 minutes ago saying she was going to come over in an hour. First, food, then a change of clothes, then, hopefully, you can explain to the feathered stiff that I didn't corrupt you, you were pissed." Dante said, leading her down the hallway.

Once they finally got down to the dining room, Kuro was already there, waiting for them, and Ejeera was standing off to the side, eyeing the angel harshly. "Good morning Ejeera." Emery greeted. "Ah! Lady Emery! Greetings! It's a pleasure to see you up and about. I had a feeling you'd be up today, so I had the kitchen staff prepare a large number of pancakes for you, smothered in syrup and a large dollop of whipped cream on top, with a cut strawberry topping it all off, with a tall glass of orange juice." He informed her and Emery grinned, "Thank you Ejeera, and thank the kitchen staff too if you will." She asked him and Ejeera bowed in acknowledgment, "Yes, Milady." He said, before retreating out of the room. Dante helped her into her usual seat and Emery tucked into her pancakes, paying Kuro no mind, much to the angel's ire and Dante's amusement. Once she had finished her plate, she felt well enough to walk on her own and stood, "I will return shortly, Dante, I'm going to go put on some clothes that haven't been slept in for 3 days." She told him, before exiting the room and ascending the stairs.

Once in her room, she pulled on a simple black knee-length lace dress with long sleeves. She put her long frost blue hair up into an elegant bun and pulled on a pair of black lace-up knee-length boots with no heel so that she could run easier. Just as she moved to leave the room, she saw something move in the room. She froze, before acting like she forgot something and moved back towards her bathroom, where she kept an extendable bo staff. She rummaged around in her drawer, letting the intruder get closer, before spinning around and extending the staff, catching the intruder in the head, knocking them out cold. She kicked them in the head for extra measure, before stepping over them and into the room to check for more intruders. Emery moved to stand in the middle of the room, observing her surroundings.

Dante was downstairs finishing up breakfast and attempting to ignore Kuro, when Emery's voice rang out, "Dante!" he heard her scream, her voice filled with fear and panic. Dante acted fast, jumping up and extending his wings, flying quickly through the halls, reaching Emery's room in record time. He tried to go in, however, the door was locked. Groaning in irritation, Dante kicked the doors down, just in time to see Emery unconscious, tossed over the shoulder of someone dressed head to toe in black. They looked back briefly, before vanishing. Dante let out a stream of curses, before turning on his heel and going quickly to his room, changing into battle appropriate clothing. He ditched his fancy clothing and pulled on a black, long sleeve, loose tunic, and pulled on a lightweight chest piece over it, a pair of black leather pants and a pair of knee-high riding boots. He walked over to his desk and pulled out his communicator and called Lady Willow, and pulled a pair of fingerless black gloves on. "Yes, Prince Dante?" She asked, a look of worry on her face. Dante gave her a grim look, "They got her. I'm on my way over there now, it would be a pleasure if you could meet me over there." He asked her and she nodded, the communicator going blank. Dante grabbed his sword and after he made sure his diadem proving his lineage was on, made his way downstairs, where Kuro Krow was standing outside the dining hall, confused, "Dante, what is going on?" he demanded. Dante glanced at him, "My bound human was just kidnapped. When I didn't show up five years ago, her family disowned her, but now that I have, they are adamant that she return. I'm going to retrieve her. Before you jump to follow, know her family is the infamous Ignatious, the human family backed by The Sun Kingdom's Royal family." He warned. Kuro frowned, "I may not know her, but I can not allow the bound human of a close friend to come to any harm. Let's go and get her back." Dante nodded and they left, on their way to meet up with Queen Willow and storm the Ignitious Family Estate.

Emery came to with a start, only to wince at the pain from where the lackey had hit her. She took a moment to gather her wits, before taking note that whoever had bound her had made sure to tape her mouth shut, as well as bind her arms to the arms of the chair. She glared at the space in front of her for only a moment, before looking around to observe her surroundings. 'It seems I was right, this is Dad's Personal Study.' The door opened, drawing her attention back to the front, as she glared at the older man entering the room. He was tall, with dark hair and crimson eyes, and was dressed in expensive clothes. He walked over and leaned against the desk in front of her, clasping his hands in front of him, "Hello, Emery." he greeted, the all too familiar cold look in his eyes. She glared at him, her eyes full of hatred and anger. He ignored the look in her eyes and continued, "As you have probably figured out, now that you have a spirit, it is your duty to return to the family to your post as heir. You have no choice in the matter. either you agree to return, or you die. You know very well how connected your mother and I are, it would be no problem to have you… disappear." he informed her, "For the time being, I will place this bracelet on you to bind your powers to prevent you from fighting back." He reached behind him and pulled out a silver cuff and put it on her, before using his fire ability to melt the metal shut, preventing her from being able to pull it off. She growled, however, he paid her no mind, reaching over and ripping the tape off, and burning her bindings away, "Don't bother trying to escape. The manor house has been placed under lockdown. No one can get through and no one can get out." he warned her. Emery snorted, "I know. I have lived here before." she sneered. He let out an ominous chuckle, "Oh, dear, you misunderstand me. We are not at our regular manor. We are at our ancestral home, Ignitious Castle in Ireland, on the other side of the world. And since Spirits can not fly in planes, their magic disrupts the instruments, they will have to take the long way around, which will take a little over a week, at least. Enough time for you to… think about what I've said." he informed her. She glared at him and stormed out of the room, not encountering anyone.

Emery had been to the castle in Ireland a few times before when visiting her grandparents and knew it like the back of her hand. She quickly made her way to her little hidey-hole, a secret room in a tower accessed only from a specific book in the library. Upon entering her little hole, she immediately noted that it was clean, and occupied by a young girl of about 4, who sat reading a rather thick tome. She and the little girl exchanged looks before the little girl jumped up, "I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone else used this room. I didn't even know anyone even knew about this room." The little girl rambled. Emery let out a short laugh in surprise, "I, uh, don't worry about it. I am Emery, what's your name, little one?" she asked, sitting down beside the little girl. The little girl perked up, "I am Valiant, Grandma and Grandpa told me about you! They said Mom and Dad sent you away cause your spirit didn't show up! if mine doesn't show up, will they send me away too?" She panicked. Emery sighed and pulled the young girl into her lap, "Listen Valient, if the time comes, and no spirit appears for you, I will come and I will take you to live with me, alright? That man and woman do not deserve to be called Mom and Dad." she told Valient, who teared up, but nodded nonetheless. "Now, tell me about this book you're reading." Emery asked and Valient perked up.

When Dante and Kuro arrived at where Emery had told Dante the manor was located, with Queen Willow waiting for them, they stormed the manor, only to find out that everyone had left, they had relocated to the Ancestral Castle in Ireland. Dante grit his teeth in anger and, with a loud roar, punched a hole in a nearby wall. Queen Willow seemed to be no better, holding her fan tightly, her face pinched in anger. "This is an unfortunate outcome. Since we are spirits, we cannot fly by the human's airplane. We will have to take the long way around." She said lowly, she barely contained anger just barely audible in her voice. Kuro frowned, "Can we not take a shortcut through the spirit realm? Surely there is a way to get to the Fairy Country from there." Kuro asked and Dante perked up, "Of course! Thank you kindly Kuro! Let's go!" he said, and with a twist of his hand, a large swirling blue portal stood there, leading to the Spirit Realm. they entered one by one and were surrounded by the swirling blue, before coming out on the other side, the Kingdom of Gaia on the other side. Kuro sent a questioning look at Dante, who gave a sheepish look, "I, uh, I'm avoiding my parents right now." He answered sheepishly. Kuro nodded, understanding, "Your engagement." Dante groaned, drawing a chuckle from Queen Willow, "You have no idea. She's so… obsessive. It's driving me nuts!" Dante growled, before shaking the thoughts aside, "I'll worry about her later. We need to focus on getting Emery back. Hopefully, I can resist the urge to destroy them in the process." He was met with nods of agreement. "I can send in some of my blackguards to do some reconnaissance." Queen Willow offered, "Since they are in a castle, it will be significantly harder to breach than a normal manor. We will need to plan this out. No going in with a half-cocked plan, we could get Emery hurt. Dante, can you use your connection with her to see if she's alright?" Queen Willow asked and Dante nodded, focusing his sight inward to the connection between them, only to frown and open his eyes, "All I can tell is she's alive, there's something blocking our connection. I-I can't… Aaahhh!" He screamed in frustration. Kuro set his hand on Dante's shoulder, "Calm, Dante, we will find your bound one." he assured the demon. Dante nodded, "I know, and when we do, Lord Ignitious is going to pay."