
Bound To You For A Lifetime

"There will be stars, but you'll be the brightest of all. There will be music, but everyone will be entranced by you instead. There will be laughter, but the sound of yours will bring peace to their hearts. Then, there will be us. You and I for a lifetime because you are bound to me amd I to you." This was his promise to her. "I will wait for that day to come. This is our first steps to forever. You are my final destination." That was her promise to him. This is the third installment of the THREE AMIGOS story. Welcome to Flora's happily ever after.

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Upon her next visit, Sandy had gained some color, although she was still weak.

"Sis Flora, when is the wedding? I'm so excited to see you in a dress!"

Flora thought for a while before responding.

"If you're better, we'll get married here next saturday so you can hand over the rings. How's that?"

Excitement was evident in Sandy's eyes.

"You'd really do that for me? That would be awesome. I will definitely get better."

Although she had asked to be part of the wedding, she didn't really think it was going to happen. Her parents had been looking bad these days and her brother's eyes were always swollen. She knew through that that her condition had worsened. She was very joyful when Flora said that.

"Of course. I'll check on your progress on Friday to make sure you've kept your end of the deal."

The girls did a pinky swear before Flora headed out to see the other kids.

Later that evening, Flora told Frank about the promise she made Sandy. He was even more excited than the little girl.

"Do you need me to prepare anything?" He said with a huge smile on his face.

"Nothing. I'll get a lace gown and a veil when I go shopping later on. You already wear suits everyday, so that should not be a problem. I will bring the flowers also, and we should be good to go," she told him as she set the table for dinner.

"What about the priest?"

"What priest?" She stopped her movement.

"The priest that would hold the ceremony?"

She chuckled, "we are just holding a small gathering to fulfill Sandy's wish. There's no need to make it formal.

Frank shook his head, disagreeing with her, "whether it's small or large, it's still a wedding ceremony. You don't worry about that, I'll handle everything."

Flora let him have his way. Due to the reason surrounding the ceremony, the couple did not let their families know. Not because they would disagree, but they didn't want them to waste too much energy preparing for two weddings.

Just as she promised, Sandy looked a lot better than the previous week. Her parents were also holding on to the hope that she'd get better soon after seeing her recover more spirit.

Saturday came pretty quick. Flora wore a knee-length, white lace gown with long sleeves, white heels and pearls to go along. She used a short flower crown veil. She looked heavenly. Sandy was also dressed in a similar outfit.

The hospital garden was used and a shade was put up for convenience. Frank wore a silver-grey suit, white shirt, and a black bow-tie. He exuded manliness, but that didn't take away from the bride's beauty. Sandy was escorted by her parents on a wheel-chair.

Once everything was in place, the master of ceremony showed up and the wedding began.

The couple exchanged their vows.

Frank: You are the kindest soul I have ever met. You bring light where there is darkness and hope where there is none.

Flora: You've seen me grow from a young lady to the woman that I am now. You've loved me with my flaws, my headaches, and my hiccups. You are the best man I know.

Frank: Although the preparation time was rather short and I couldn't give you the grand wedding we discussed, I'm so glad I still get to be with you in front of our friends.

Flora: As long as you're with me, everywhere is home. You are my pillar and my rock.

Frank: I will love you in this life, only you in the next life and just you in the life after that.

Flora: You are my one and only before, until, and after death does us part.

They smiled at each other with tears of joy in their eyes. Sandy handed the rings over and Flora gave her a peck before straightening up.

The rings were exchanged and the wedding was over.

This event brought joy to many hearts there. Sandy was very energetic during the whole process. They drank and ate and danced.

The day was filled with happiness. Pictures were taken to capture every moment. It was a good day.

Sandy returned to her ward and fell asleep right away. Her parents thanked the couple endlessly for making their baby's wish come alive. Flora consoled them before going home with her husband.

On getting home, Frank didn't give her a chance to get a break before jumping into the honeymoon mood. It was their first night together as husband and wife. He had a week off and he was about to make it a love-making week.