
Bound To The Vampire Prince

The human race was at war with the vampires but it all came to an end when an agreement was made. A truce that had been in existence for centuries– a woman would be offered to the current vampire prince to be his wife or mistress, trapped forever as his prisoner. It sounded drastic but thousands of women would kill for that spot but Eliza was the unlucky one Some said she was lucky, while others said it was through power and wealth that she managed to catch the interest of the cursed prince. Eliza lost all her privileges the moment she was proclaimed his bride but what happens when the vampires demand for their prince to have a child with Eliza? Or he chooses another human female that would do the job. " Don't worry, I respect your decision, I understand if you want to take in another wife." She whispered with a handful of tears ready to spill out from her reddened eyes " No wife, you are the only woman in my life!" Dav exclaimed. Will that promise hold for a long time, when Eliza refused to do her duty as the Prince's wife?

Ozioma_Ebube · Fantasy
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230 Chs

Chapter 119

Dav refused for anyone to touch him, instead, he insisted that he would walk to his residence on his own even when the poison had affected his arm and was now spreading to his shoulder. 

After a long walk, he got to his house, only to see his wife waiting for him at the front door. This angered him, he had clearly told Leo to keep her indoors. What would have happened if Lucius' army had managed to pass through the gate? No… he wouldn't want to think about it.

On sighting her husband, Eliza rushed to embrace him but her action was cut short when she saw Dav, who had tried to avoid looking at her, wincing in pain. This made her direct a confused look at him and also, a worried one.

Dav's body was no dwelling place for injuries, so why was he placing his palm on his other hand and why was blood dripping from his wound? It shouldn't be possible unless…