

Kiara's Point of view:

"I'd rather regret the risks that didn't work out than the chances I didn't take at all."

- Simone Biles

I woke up with a big smile on my face even though my bandages were ripping and my wounds were hurting.

Today is my 17th birthday I hope I'm able to have a mate who cares for me.

Looking to the side seeing the girls still asleep I went to take care of my daily business.

Afterwords I went into the closet and put on my birthday outfit.

(Outfits and hairdues are going to be at top in the heading😊).

I started to shake the girls awake, they yawn and rubbed their eyee. Looking at me they hugged me tightly whispering in my ears "happy birthday sis."

The they started to slap kisses on my face so many times I feel my checks getting wet.

I tell the girls to go wear the clothes I picked out for them.

They rush into the bathroom to their daily business while I checked the time and saw it's 6:00 so I have enough time to make breakfast for the girls and everyone else making sure no one sees them.

I turn to the body mirror and looked at myself.

For the first time 6years I felt beautiful; I looked at my figure and face and I was really satisfied with it.

Snapping out off my thoughts, I make a note for the girls telling them I'm going to make breakfast.

Going downstairs with my backpack I went to the pack house to make the pack's breakfast, when I'm in the kitchen I make eggs, sausage, bacon, pancakes,waffles, french toast, and cinnamon rolls.

After making the food I put it into the oven, got 2 plates ready for the girls and watched them eat while I cleaned the kitchen.

After they ate I looked at the clothes that I gave them and I gotta say i looks gorgeous on the girls.

(Remember outfits are in top heading^)

I gave them a hug and "It's 7:00 get your bags and go downstairs."

They agreed and got their bags to wait for me to feed everyone.

After I rung the bell everyone came downstairs and just like every other day the taunting and the disrespect never changed; as I saw the Alpha family come downstairs I smelled the most delicious smell.

One smelt like cinnamon and chocolate, while the other one smelt like forest and pine; it smelt so satifying that I closed my eyes and inhaled sharply.

I opened my eyes to see the Alpha twins looking at me with an unreadable emotion in their eyes.

I looked away feeling embaressed and confused.

After breakfast I walk out the pack house to see my sisters talking and sitting on a wooden bench.

I walk up to them seeing them stand up and grab my hand, then I started walking them to school.

After I drop the girls off to the elementry not before recieving another round of "Happy Birthday" and kisses from them.

I started walking to the high school more conflicted then I've ever been in my life.

Walking into the building I started feeling eyes on me but looking around, I didn't see where they were coming from.

As I was walking pass the janitor's closet I was suddently pulled in.

Looking around the dark room I saw the Alpha twins looking at me with a smile and the same unreadable emotions in their eyes.

I think I saw lust, desire, love but whatever it is...I kind of like it.

Before I can say anything Kadin kissed me from front while Coby kissed me from behind.

Halfway through the bliss I push them away gently, "What does this mean for us?"

Coby and Kadin looked at each other for a while, then Kadin shrug, "after this we continue to act like we don't know each other."

I push them away and stare at them in shock.

"Who the hell do you think I am?! Peaches or some girl that you can just dump afterwords? I AM YOUR MATE!"

I practically scream in their face.

They look at me shocked confused and Coby asks,"I don't see what the problem is? you get the pleasure and you please us."

I took a deep breath and grabbed my backpack off the floor. "I'd rather not be in a relationship with you guys. I'm not going to let you treat me like some undisciplined girl."

They share another look then Coby whispers in my ear. "since you were so loud practically the whole school must have heard you. So I gotta do this, don't blame me..blame the fact you were destined to be unloved."

Before I could understand what he ment I was thrown out the janitor's closet into the hallway with everyone staring at us in curiousity.

Then they did something that will forever scar my heart.

Kadin clears his throat, "Kiara Storm here is our mate, we fell in love with her at first sight. But she didn't show us any sign of love, instead she showed us the lust and greed shining in her eyes.

Then she tries to take advantage of us. "Since both of you are my mates I have the right to order everyone around. Especially the weak and untamed assholes here, but don't worry darlings I'll help you both take good care of the pack."The looks in her eyes were that of a selfish person and a Luna has to be a mother figure to all.

So with a heavy heart me and my brother was going to reject her until she screamed at us and you heard her outburst thriugh the janitors closet.

So now we have no other choice but to reject her."

Then everyone gasps in suprise and gives me looks of distain and mockery

Coby and Kadin then shout together.

"I Coby/Kadin Miles, Future Alpha of the Northwind Pack, Reject, Kiara Storm and Bestow Peaches Wesley as the new Future Luna of the Northwind pack."

I think my heart broke with every word peircing into my soul, but instead of crying.....I Laughed, I laughed so hard through the emotional pain that my chest hurted.

I looked up at my brothers to see them staring at me with mixed emotions, shock, suprise, disgust, and guilt.

While I looked at Peaches and Riley I see victory smiles plastered on their face along with contempt.

Then as I cross my eyes across the negitive looks from the highschool students and teachers, I look at my "MATES" they look at me with shock, sorrow, and guilt but they quickly mask it when they see me.

I smile and said to them with grief filled eyes, " I Kiara Storm, Daughter of Teri'sha and Bryson Storm accept the rejection of Coby/Kadin Miles." I leave the school with my back pack and my phone. Smiling with my head held high.

I run to the elementry school and see the girls playing outside by themselves, I tell the teacher that pack dinner needs to be cooked quickly and I need their help shopping for the food.

Without waiting for her response I grab the girls and run to the empty pack house.

When we're in the attic Joy asks "what's wrong and why are you our packing bags?"

I tell them "we can't stay here anymore. If we stay their will be more beatings, more tauntings, more unfair treatment that'swhaiting for us.

And i'm not going to sit around waiting for the day the start beating you guys just for the fun.


They looked shocked knowing that I've never yelled at them before but knowing the importance of the situation, without another word they start packing.

When we're done packing I passed by a few hard drives and a broken computer left in the attic by Aunt Meria; I looked at them and smile. When I got the camera on I started to make a video:

"Hello assholes, I have an important message, and as you see the bags being packed in the backround WE are leaving. You guys didn't really think that we'd stay around longer so you can continue PHYSICALLY abusing me? I never really cared how you guys hurt me, but EMOTIONAL, MENTAL, and VERBALLY abusing MY GIRLS that SHIT, I'm NOT GOING TO TAKE."

I point to my girls in the backround, who looked so hurt after their fake smiles cracked.

"Why the FUCK would you think that abusing children, CHILDREN the age of HALF your GOTDAMNED kids around here is ok?! HUH?! After mentally abusing my girls how are you still able to look at your children, look at each other and smile!! It's not ok, or acceptable, but extremely DISGUSTING!"

Before I can finish talking I heard a knock on the door, with the camera still rolling I quickly took the bat that was in the attic and told the girls to hide and if anything happens take the money and run to a safe place.

Kissing them on the head I went down stairs and yelled very loudly, "Who the fuck are you and why are you here?"

I let the man follow me back up the stairs when I saw that he was no threat.

"I'm your lawyer for your family's will after your parents died. Do you wanna do the process now or later. Because you've looked like you are angry at something."

He says looking at me in worry and concern. I honestly don't blame him, my neck is red and I've looked like I've been through hell and back.

I take him to the attic and smile sarcastically, "Do you want to see me room?"

After I showed him my "room" he looked around in disgust, not towards us though but the room.

Then I told him "Can we do the documents with the camera rolling, im not doing this to sue you or anything.

But as a goodbye video to those who, were you can see," I paused and as I pointed across the room.

"Abused us, can I also take custody of my sisters NOW Please?"

He smiled in a understanding look and said " You can do the documents with the camera rolling but you can't take custody of the kids until another year."

I scream in anger and panic."NO If I let them stay their wont BE A NEXT YEAR FOR THEM, THEY MIGHT END UP IN AN EARLY GRAVES AND IM NOT TAKING THAT CHANCE!"

He gives in. "Alright you can take the kids but be sure to protect them, they look like they deserve a good life." 

I Thank him and with the camera still rolling I put the girls next to me and let them play on my iPhone since I don't have to worry about the pack knowing about my phone now.

After 30 minutes me and the girls ended up with 2,500 dollars, 2 iPhone's that im going to give the girls, and a black mini van.

After that I sent him downstairs and came back to the camera and said, "You guys are so pitiful it's embarrassing. I'm cutting all ties with this pack and my "brothers" and Aunts family.

But I'm keeping ties with my grandparents, my sisters, and parents. I love them all extremely"

I point to the camera and question my sisters.

"Girls do you have anything to say to them?"

Lovely ignored the camera while Joy huffed. "They don't even care why should we say anything?"

Agreeing with them I  turned off the video, threw our bags in the van, buckled the girls, and droee to see Joey one last time.

After many hugs and goodbyes we get back into the car and leave Florida and I look back at the girls and smile. I'm really happy for this Self reflection.