
Bound to Soar across the sky

Author: ImmortalFeng
Sci-fi Romance
Ongoing · 24.4K Views
  • 7 Chs
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What is Bound to Soar across the sky

Read ‘Bound to Soar across the sky’ Online for Free, written by the author ImmortalFeng, This book is a Sci-fi Romance Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, REINCARNATION Light Novel, SYSTEM Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Born as an orphan, Yu-Long rose high from the bottom tier of echelon, absorbed knowledge like a sponge, as anything new ...


Born as an orphan, Yu-Long rose high from the bottom tier of echelon, absorbed knowledge like a sponge, as anything new fascinated him. In his blind search for gaining new skills, he ventured deep into the forbidden areas of the continent, learning everything he could from the only one deemed as the strongest in the entire continent. His hunger for creating new techniques, which marvelled all the kingdoms and his vast knowledge, led all the factions to corner him to his death. Fortunately or unfortunately, to get out of the sticky situation, he uses his last trump card at hand. REINCARNATE! Where? He has no clue, and neither did he think it through, as it was his trump card. Will he seek knowledge even in this life, or will he live at ease? *** "Aah!! What in the world?? Why am I in this congested space?" "Holy smokes! My soul is shrinking!!" "Oh, wait. It's more like my soul is merging with the body or getting absorbed by some force." *** "That settles it. Let's get out of this palace this instant. I can't keep up with my curiosity if I'm not allowed to go into the outside world." *** The bigger question would be: does she know which direction would take her to her destination? Is seeking knowledge wrong? It's not. So why was he forced to flee from the world? *** " Darling daughter, how many people have you brought back this time? The palace may be huge, but every time you come back from your adventures, the entire younger generation of the noble faction comes along with you." Her mother sounded distressed, yet proud at the same time. "I do not understand why they follow me everywhere I go, it's becoming troublesome. I will fix it, mother dearest." She leaned in close and gave a slight peck as greeting to the beautiful lady standing in front of her. *** Sometimes being overly focused in search of accumulating wealth in the form of knowledge will make you dull to the other factors of life. This heavenly beauty knows no bounds, attracts men and women like how a beautiful flower attracts butterflies and bees, yet all she seeks is knowledge. *** Will she be able to continue on the path purely of knowledge, or will she meet the same fate as before? Let's discover that. In the next chapter of BSS.

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The story is pretty funny with a lot of potential for humor and adventures. I'm looking forward to reading more about baby Lei Cui's adventures haha


The plot is interesting and the writing style is great. The background is very well thought out. It's obvious that the author is putting a lot of work into this project.


The story is so good and interesting. The story make me to hooked up. Building up the plot is good, The way author designed the protagonist is excellent . Looking for further chapters. Good work...keep it up. Best of luck Author.


A great storyline, the mc is made to stand out and grabs the reader's attention and the world is described beautifully. There are also other unique characters like Lei Cui the baby cultivator xD This novel seems pretty fresh compared to others out there and has a lot of potential. Hope there will be more content in the future. Adding to coll, nice stuff :>


A great start with great image created. The plot grows so well throughout the chapters while the picture becomes clearer through those words written. Overall a great read


The storyline is beautifully written with compelling characters and a twist at every turn. The chapters are that perfect balance of predictable and unique to keep your attention without being too weird. A must read!


Hope I can see more of this, maybe a lot of rare cultivation for incoming babies!!! And the rare fantasy book like this can also be a must-read for all of readers!!!!❤


Guys check out this story and let me know if I should continue writing or not. Well I just started so you might find my writing very ******* style and trying to hard to write words or some words you may have difficulty in understanding if you are new to the Eastern Fantasy genre with cultivation bases. When it comes to weird names in the middle , just try and relating it to something funny. I'm gonna try and further improve my skills if you guys approve of my style of writing.


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