
Bound To Him

COMPLETED Tristan Ambrosio is a 32-year-old eligible bachelor. He is the CEO of the famous Ambrosio group. He was always described to be as cold as ice, but he was also sly as a fox. Love has never crossed his mind. His childhood experiences marred his desire to get married. To compensate for the loneliness, he spends all his time and energy in building his empire. He belongs to one of the four powerful aristocratic families in the country. He has too much on his plate. He may seem uninterested, but when something sparks his interest, he will make everything possible to make it happen. Ava Wesley is a 20-year-old pampered princess of the Wesley family. She is the epitome of beauty and innocence. Sheltered by her parents and she is struggling to find her way in the world when she attends college. They met once, and it sparked Tristan's interest. She, on the other hand, was intimidated and intrigued. Nothing will keep them apart. She was bound to him, whether she knew it or not. Sara Wesley is Ava’s older sister. She is one of the top international models. She was in demand everywhere she went. Because of her family’s influence and rising fame, everything was handed to her on a silver platter. It took one scandal to throw her from her high horse and turn her from riches to rags. Her reputation was ruined. When she thought all was lost, she met Blake Anderson. He offers her a deal she could not refuse. She had no other options, so she took the deal. He saves her, but what will it cost her? What was his motivation behind it? Blake Anderson is one of the guys in Tristan’s inner circle. He controls the entertainment industry. He has seen every type of actress and model in the industry but never has he met anybody like Sara. She was feisty and opinionated, but she was obedient and loyal at the same time. She never bows down to anyone. He takes advantage of the scandal to tame her. He wanted to make her dance to his tune. They both thought they were getting the best end of the deal. They never expected to find something beautiful. Something they never knew they wanted. Aristocratic Series : Book 1- Bound To Him [completed] Book 2- Bride Of Hades [completed] Book 3- Bewitched His Soul[completed] Each book can be read as stand alone . Note - Follow me on Instagram @ starysky96

StarySky96 · Urban
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156 Chs

Chapter 23

Tristan was sitting in his car with his eyes closed. His clients were all over the world, and the time difference always made it difficult for him to get enough sleep. It would take him all day to prepare for their business meetings and all night to conduct them. Most days, it felt like he didn't even have time to breathe. 

When everything's been accomplished, and all the deals have been signed, he will get the next two days off. It will be good for him to relax and regenerate.

When he reached home, he walked directly towards the stairs. He was heading to his room. The servant intercepted him at the stairs, "Sir dinner is ready."

Tristan did not like to have too many people in his house. All the servants did their work in the morning and finished their jobs before he came home. All except one was allowed to stay until after dinner had been served. 

At night he was left alone in his big mansion. No one stayed there permanently.

"I will have it later, you can go," Tristan said as he walked to his room.

The servant sighed and thought that he should eat when the food was hot. He never had his dinner on time. Sometimes the servants would come in the morning, and his dinner would remain untouched on the table.

As soon as he entered the room, he felt that the atmosphere was as cold as his life. He lived alone and had got used to his solitude. He had everything but no one to share it with. Sometimes he worked extra hours just to distract himself. 

His mother's betrayal had formed a huge impact on his life. 

He could never open his heart to anyone. He just didn't trust women. 

He has never found anyone who made his heart flutter or made him forget his fear of betrayal. He was the oldest among his friends, and he has no intention of getting married.

His phone rang, and the caller id said it was his grandmother. He knew the topic of conversation even before he answered it, so he hesitated.

"Hello grandmother," Tristan greeted.

"You make me so angry! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Grandmother screamed.

"Tell me, what did I do this time?" He asked, loosening his tie. He could feel a headache starting between his eyes, "Ugh, this again."

"Today, Natasha came to your office to see you, and you chased that poor girl away," Grandmother got a call from Natasha and complained about Tristan.

Since Tristan was not bending to her will, Natasha used her last option. She knew Tristan listened to his grandparents and it was time to use them. She called Tristan's grandmother, crying her crocodile tears. Natasha said she was in love with Tristan, but he wouldn't give her a chance.

She went on this dramatic story about how she would care for Tristan once they get married. His grandmother was truly moved and told her not to worry. Grandma promised to talk to Tristan and convince him to give her another chance.

Natasha thought her plan had succeeded. She thinks his grandma was easy to fool, that she was not very intelligent, and was very emotional. 

"Grandma, you know that I do not like people disturbing me at work. I also told you that I'm not interested in marrying her," Tristan explained.

He may still yet find that one person that makes his heart beat fast and makes him throw caution to the wind. That person that makes him lovesick enough that he would want to spend every passing day with them. 

Someday he might find that person that would be more important than his work. But until then, he is not budging just for the sake of getting married.

"Fine, if you do not want Natasha, tell me, is there somebody else?" Grandmother said. "I'm fine with anyone as long as you like her," she added.

"Grandma, give me some time," Tristan said, rubbing his forehead.

"Tristan at my old age I just want to see you happily married. That's my only request," Grandmother said dejectedly.

"Okay grandma, take care. I just got home from work. I want to unwind," Tristan said. This topic was getting old. He knows they're getting old and they want to see him with grandchildren, but he's not going to do it just because they said so.

"Here's my ultimatum. You have to find someone you like within one year or I will select your bride. You will agree to an arranged marriage and that is final," Grandmother threatened Tristan and cut the call.

She was scared that they are getting old, and if they die early nobody will be left to take care of Tristan. Knowing his cold and aloof nature he may remain single his whole life.

Tristan took a bath and wore his black robe. Holding a glass of red wine he stood towards the large glass window of his bedroom, he was staring at the moon. The moonlight fell on his face and illuminated his sharp facial features.

He was a man standing alone in the dark wearing a cold expression. Nobody knows what's on his mind. His presence and the atmosphere made him look like a dark prince.

Yes, a dark prince.

Tristan was untouchable. People were drawn to him because of his looks, but most people wouldn't bother to come near because of his sinister expression.

Tristan closed his eyes, and a face appeared in his mind.


A small smile unknowingly formed on his face. Yes, Ava was the only one who could make his heart flutter. 

He had met her unexpectedly in his dull life. The first time he met her, he was instantly attracted to her. He's never made the first move to talk to some woman in his entire life. But something compelled him to do so.

Stunned by her beauty, it made him want to keep staring at her forever. It was like having his own life-size porcelain doll. When he started talking to her, her innocence and naivety drew him in. She was untouched by the evils in this world. He was drowning in the darkness, and she will bring him everything that is pure and bright.