
Bound to him, till death do us apart.

sia_sia_1630 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

It was a normal day. A day of festivities for the girl. Due to having extended family, occasions had to pop up, and thus she had met people who she never even saw ever again. She didn't want her father to scold her for being late to be before the guests so she dolled up as quickly as possible. She applied the Lip rouge carefully to not leave any area of her lips. She smiled at the mirror practicing her expression to keep in front of the guest, and realized that smiling too wide would make her seem rather odd than hospitable.

She knew that she had to put on the most welcoming expression on her face while she welcomed the guests and that is what she did starting with her own father.

"Father!" she smiled flashing her pearly teeth, a smile that was her father's favourite, despite how strict he had been. Sena was the only one that could melt the father's heart.

"You took more than the time I had given you," he stated but in a rather softer tone.

"But the guests haven't arrived yet," Sena pouted her lips speaking like how kids did.

"There's no time to talk my dear, the guests are here," the maid said to her handing her the bunch of roses so that she could welcome the most important people in.

By Sena's side stood her mom, Marry. Marry kept an eye on Sena trying to make sure that she didn't disappear.

And soon came the awaited guest, and Sena's gaze first met the boy she adored the most. He expressionlessly looked away from her. His eyes were dark colored just like his hair, distinct of all of his family since he was adopted.

Her eyes gleamed and her smile grew wide as she saw the boy she admired, Kim Han. Unlike her, Marry looked at the boy scornfully, looked at him as if he was a predator who would prey on her daughter.

Sena knew that getting married to Han was out of the question. She still remembered how her mother pulled her nine year old self away from him telling her not to play with a dirty blooded boy. That he was not the Kim's real son.

The regret that she had about asking him "How come he looked so different compared to his brothers?" still lingered in her mind and seemed to get stronger in the most secret recesses of her mind. It was also the time when she came to admire him so much.

She gave a rose to Mrs. Kim welcoming her to their manor.

Then Mr. Kim

Then the older brother.

and then came Kim Han who she was most excited to see. "Hey! Nice to see you!" She did the smile that she would call odd replaced her previous expression and she hands a rose to him.

Despite how nonchalant he looked, she clearly saw the slightly raised eyebrow and his widening eyes.

She was gleeful to have caught his eyes a little bit at least while Marry nudged her daughter's arm with her elbow while smiling to the guests.

Sena knew that she had caused what her mom would call "trouble" since her mom hated that boy. And she didn't want the boy, a dirty blooded boy more specifically, to become brazen enough to dream of marrying their only daughter.

But Sena never agreed with her mother on that. Although she wished to be able to marry him, she didn't express that since she knew her mom's wishes.

And when the guests were busy settling down Marry dragged Sena away to where no watching eyes or listening ears were present.

"Park Sena!" She gave a death glare to her own daughter. "What did I tell you?" Her mom seemed to get red on the cheeks and ears out of anger.

"Mom why do you always think Kim Han's bad?"

"Don't you dare say the name of that boy in front of me, I will make him disappear if you dare talk to him. I will make sure that you never get to see him, You get that?" Sena sniffs trying not to cry but she already was.

Sena felt too embarassed as she showed her mom the wrecked self of her. Something that Marry never liked.

"Park Sena!" Her mom raises her voice but she couldn't hear her over her own stomping footsteps as she walked into one of the rooms which remained empty and closed. And then she cried.

She was never a bad daughter to her mother but somehow her mom always tried to find things that she didn't like about her. And demanded that she do better. Marry's "do better" meant for Sena to do things not her own way. As if being nice was weakness. But she knew that wasn't the case. She knew that the wall that her mother put out was rather a weakness, not her kindness.

But physically, she got her mother's alluring beauty. Everyone said that.

But to Sena beauty was nothing if didn't come with kindness and care. As she watched the boy Kim Han's hurt expression as her mother dragged her away she decided she would never become like her mother. She would make a better person out of herself.

Soon she heard clattering as someone tried to pry open the door. Soon Sena hides behind the curtains trying not to catch those people's eyes.

As the people lighted up the dim hurricane lamp she pressed her hand over her mouth. This was a room for the people who loved alcohols, mushrooms and things that could take them to a different place.

But the worst thing was that she wasn't allowed in that room.

She didn't realize when she entered at the heat of the moment. This was a place reserved for the male guests only. And soon she tried to tip toe on her way to the door. Hoping that the two men who poured themselves alcohol wouldn't notice her. And soon one of the men dropped the Jar of Wine making Sena press her hand over her mouth again hoping that those men wouldn't hear the sound of her breathing.

Then she heard the footsteps closing in on her. She trembled yet held the urge to take a normal breath since she didn't want them to become aware of her. She didn't have much to do. She just had to turn the door knob before making a run for it. She stayed there as the man proceeded towards her to pick up the cover of the bottle of Wine before getting back to the other.

Soon she could hear the musicians playing their instruments, she knew that now was the time to leave.

She finally touched the door knob.

turned it slowly.

She didn't want to alert the guys.

Yet to her horror, she could feel a presence behind herself. "found you," her eyes widened, yet she froze unable to do anything.

It wouldn't be use if she wasn't frozen either though, since he had an iron grip on her arm, pulling her towards himself.

Before she could scream, she already felt the lips of the male overlapping hers.

She tried with the best of of her might to push him off of herself yet he continued to go further.

He bit her lower lip to get access within her mouth and forced his tongue inside her mouth, all while she trembled.

She could hear the music out there which got louder. She felt like she had travelled outside of her body as the man continued to tear off her gown. Was that it for her?

She really didn't want to die.

But wouldn't her mom be better off without her?