
Bound to a Tyrant Billionaire

Growing up with a single mum is hard, but what could be more difficult than finding out that you're the killer of your best friend?.... Marilli's life gets altered when she wakes up into a tragic nightmare that threatens to destroy her. In just a flip, she lost her friend, freedom, and choice. She's then forced to marry Logan Blackhood, a notorious billionaire who is hell bent on ruining her life, for killing his only brother. Marilli was then used as a pun to nip her mum, who's the leader of the darkest society in Narnia. All these while, she believed Logan loves her, and began to rebel against her mom. What will happen to Marilli when she begins to fall for Logan's seductive charm, which was a strategic game plan to end her?

susansuccess100 · Urban
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4 Chs

Marriage Proposal

Logan's POV.

Matthew has been my childhood closest friend. We were a clique with Nato, along with two others, Brian, the only son of the president, and Cruello Johnson, a senator's son.

Nato was the cool one who was always with the ladies, while Cruello was a shy type. I doubt he'll ever convince a fly to follow him, and that's why he's friends with people like me who'll bring up the audacity he needs to run campaigns for his dad

As for Matthew's personality, he's just like me, and that makes me proud of him. We were more than brothers, unified by our similar scar- a longing for love.

We all grew with a hideous one faced side of love. At some point, we all lost our parents, and either grew into the hands of a Cruel fierce Grandma or Grandpa. Cruello was the only lucky breed amongst us, but he's another shade of a broken home, caused by the tragic divorce of his parents.

And that's why we're here.

My Grandma, along with the President, set up this meeting on behalf of the singles community, as Nato always called it, while he was alive.

"I'm sure you all know why you're here", My Grandma says, while we all nodded. "We've decided that we'll strategically come up with some marriage plans to save President Williams Johnson's re run in the election coming up".

"But, we're still mourning Nato", Brian spoke up immediately".

"You see", the President clears his throat. "That's the main reason we're here. There's going to be a lot of disaster. Narnia has gotten 3 back up cities for the daughter of the city tout".

"What!" I banged the table immediately. "Then, set up bombs in their warehouses and explode them to pieces".

"They're just bunch of low lives, but we have to be smart on this, or we'll lose our chance in the coming election. Besides, you know what you stand to lose from the investors I got your company if I don't win".

My Grandma stood up impatiently as well, and moved back and forth with her fingers on her chin, like she was in a very deep thought.

Cruello is crying as usual. He's been crying for days now over Nato's death. Amongst all of us, he seems to feel the loss more, because Nato mostly had time for his silly ideas to open a Fish farm.

Now, Narnia has gone too far, and they must pay. I'm sure all these are done by Mama Gunna, the leader of the darkest community in Narnia. I would have killed her when I have the chance. Now, I swear, I'll make her pathetic daughter pay for her crimes.

Both mother and daughter are very wicked. Pathetic mongers trying to get society's pity, I swear, they're gone.

"What do you think is the way out?" Grandma spoke out sharply.

"I haven't come up with a plan, yet. But, the worst thing to do now is to waste the hostage. She's going to be our only access to Narnia and other bordering city. But, if we're not sensitive, they'll outsmart us in this game".

"What do you mean, President? Please come clear at my face".

"Marry her…"

"Damn!", I kicked the table away, making some army officials at the entrance come closer. "Damn your useless idea".


"Where are your manners, Logan?"

"So, you called me here, just to come up with such backward shaded plan?, I pointed at the President, making disrespectful gestures. "I'm disappointed".

I pushed the army officials from my way, and walked out. 

Cruello and Brian hurried after me, trying to pacify me.


"Do they take us for some bunch of idiots? Damn what's stuck up there's some wood, not a heart, I hate them".

Cruello immediately hugged me when he saw I became teary.

"We're going to be fine, I promise you. We're gon' be alright". He patted my back.

Brian came closer too, and we all placed our foreheads together, to exhale all the pains we've been stuffing up in our heart.

But, then, we looked around, and didn't find Matthew.

"Where's Matthew?" I cleaned my tears immediately, and the others looked at me in shock as well.

"The tout's daughter", we all chorused, as we ran towards my room.

Matthew can be very evil when it comes to repaying his enemies, and I guess he must have gone to take up vengeance in his hands.

As we approached the room, we saw a trace of blood, and Nato's culprit was nowhere to be found.

All we could see was a messed up room, and blood on the window of my room, and the bed as well. The window was broken, and I could see a blood stained bracelet, which I remembered the girl wearing, when I kissed her. 

My gaze was then deviated to the blood inscription on the bed. It was written in coded German language, and only Brian could speak German amongst us. He looked at it and translated what she wrote.

"Your friend, my death, balcony".
