
A Rainy Escape

It was a dark and stormy night, the full moon barely visible through the thick blanket of clouds. Most of the streetlights were out, casting an eerie shadow over the deserted streets. The rain poured heavily, its sound filling the air along with the earthy scent. However, this night did not feel peaceful at all.

In the midst of this gloomy scene, two men chased a young girl named Dhalia. Her sleeveless, long pink dress clung to her body, soaked by the rain. Fear was etched across her face as she desperately tried to escape her pursuers. The wind howled, making it even more difficult for her to run.

One of the men said, "Let's catch her before she runs away too far. She's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." The other man chimed in, "Where can she go? She can't get any help around here. There's nothing for miles." With a sinister laugh, they called out to her, saying how beautiful she was and that she shouldn't be alone at such a late hour. But their words only heightened her fear.

Dhalia's heart raced as she realized the gravity of her situation. She knew she had to find a way to escape from the menacing men who were relentlessly pursuing her. Fear gnawed at her insides, and she pushed herself to her physical limits, desperately trying to evade them.

Thoughts of her mother consumed her mind, intensifying her fear. She pictured her mother's face, filled with worry and despair upon hearing the tragic news of her daughter's demise. Dhalia couldn't bear the thought of causing her mother such immense pain. She wondered how her mother would cope with the devastating loss and who would have the heart-wrenching duty of delivering the news.

As she frantically searched for help, the streets remained deserted. Not a single person or vehicle was in sight, indicating that this was a rarely route and with every step she took, the rainwater splashed beneath her feet.

Dhalia ran as fast as she could, seeking refuge. She darted through alleys and narrow streets, doing her best to lose her pursuers. Finally, she found a large pillar and hid behind it, trying to catch her breath. She covered her mouth, praying they wouldn't hear her heavy breathing or see her trembling body. Pulling her dress between her legs, she hoped to remain unnoticed.

She could hear the sound of the men's footsteps splashing in the water as they searched for her. Her heart pounded, fear gripping her tight. With cautious movements, she quietly circled around the pillar, while the men paused to figure out where she had gone. She continued to run, glancing back to see how close they were.

But in her panic, Dhalia failed to notice a small rock in her path. She stumbled and fell to her knees, scraping them along with her elbows. The pain was excruciating, and tears welled up in her eyes. As she cried out in agony, the men closed in, ready to capture her.

Then, All of a sudden, a loud and powerful roar echoed through the night, causing the two men, to freeze in their tracks. The sound erupted from a nearby alley, gradually growing louder and more intense with each passing second. It was a wild and ferocious animal letting out its mighty roar, filled with strength and untamed power.

As the roar reverberated through the air, a wave of uncertainty washed over the scene. The men who had been relentlessly pursuing Dhalia exchanged startled glances, their confidence waning in the face of this unexpected turn of events. They were now faced with a new and unknown danger lurking in the shadows.

Despite the cold weather, beads of sweat formed on their foreheads, their bodies frozen in fear.

This is my very first story ever. Please let me know in the comments section whether you liked it or not. Thank you.

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