
Bound By Honor

Love knows when Love is near." "Love knows that Love is painful." Nazpari drinks the sweet poison, which seers her soul, and open up gates that were long forgotten and abandoned. It's said that when life gives you lemons, sqeeze it in it's eyes. But How could Nazpari do that when she has skeletons in the cupboard and monsters lurking under her bed, waiting for her to step out of the line? That surreptitiously changes when she meets Adnan Sultan but it seems like his past is catching up to him. Little they both know, that both their actions are catching up. But what left behind, is the Past and all echoes of it, which reverberate in the cold gloom of the unshed words, unshed tears, and all the miles apart. And no one knows how to fix that pain, if ever that can be fixed. Family betrayal, steamy nights, cold shivers that will chill you to the bones! {Not a cliché book} {Full of violence, betrayals, backstabbing, tortures, and many more Mature rated themes} {MATURE:- 18+ Preferred for Adult Audience} Cover Copyrights 2020 to Owner

DaoistWzUroW · Urban
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12 Chs

h a'a d= limit

He fastened her seatbelt, her head swinging sideways. He drove the car at an even slower speed.

He continuously looked over at the sleeping form of the girl, who had drunk dialled him, and like a lap-dog he had come to help her.

He picked up her purse, hesitating to open it but he did open it anyways to find her home keys. He searched the purse thoroughly but there wasn't anything that had the littlest similarity to the thing her was searching for.

I will have to take her to the hotel then.

Thinking about the consequences he measured them and her life, and her life won over. He reversed the car  towards the direction of the hotel.

Once parked in the hotel's car parking area, he got out giving his keys to Raines, who looked quizzically at him.

Than he went over to the passenger seat, unbuckling Nazpari's seatbelt. He picked her, and slowly took her out of the car seat.

He glanced at Raines, whose face was slack in astonishment, seeing his Master bring a girl home, which never had happened before.

"Long story Raines."

Adnan said nodding in Naz's direction.

He held her, adjusting to carry her, and walked towards the modernized lobby of the Chancellor's House.

Upon entering the hotel's lobby, he soon found pairs of eyes turning to him, as he walked through the Hallway. People were taking out their mobile phones and other gadgets to take their pictures and Adnan was getting annoyed.

When the people made a circle around him, it was Raines voice that dispersed them.

"All of you, please let him go and don't create a fuss."

Adnan climbed up the Grand Red Carpeted Staircase and finally reached his VIP suite.

He gestured for Raines to unlock the suite's door, as they both went inside. Pushing open the door to his bedroom he lay Nazpari on his bed.

"Mr. Sultan isn't she Ms. Aarfa's daughter?"

Raines inquired.

"Yes, she is. She was the one who had called on the landline number."

Adnan said, closing the door to his bedroom door quietly behind him as to not disturb Naz with their conversation.


Raines replied, shock still reigning his features.

"Raines you are dismisssed for the night. Goodbye."

Adnan said, going to the built-in bar in the kitchen parallel to his room.

"Yes, Sir."

Raines nodded, picking up his coat and cell phone. Putting his gun in the holster, he put on his coat, opened the suite's door and left without a word.

Adnan placed the glass back on the bar slab, filling it with the strong Italìan Amàrón. He picked it up and placed the glass to his lips, taking large, satisfactory gulps out of it.

Placing it back in it's place, he marched towards his bedroom, intent on taking a warm shower.

Just as he opened the door, his eyes directly went to the sleeping beauty, who lay asleep in his white, masculine sheets, engulfing them around herself.

He was getting mesmerized by her appalling beauty and innocent charm, which her face reflected. Her age, he was able to bisect, was maybe equal to his sister's, maybe she was a little more younger in months than Warda. But that unpenetrable layer of youth and Noor, as his mom would have said, was very noticeable.Her fair features were complimentary, with her dark but soft brows, and equally alluring dark lashes were beautiful and seducing in their own accord.

High but soft, baby pink cheeks, which didn't needed the presence of any blush on, to look more attractive than they already were, and dark pink lips, which demonstrated that some things were more red and appealing than a rose. All in all, she was a masterpiece, created by Allah, and he could bet all of his wealth, that she never needed the presence of any kind of make up products.

Adnan slowly walked towards her, her presence calling him to her like  magnetic rays. He went to her and sat beside her on an armchair, looking at her in utter concentration.

She mumbled something, her eyes fluttering, as though she were in some kind of sleeping trance. Her hands tensed, as she clutched the white sheets in her small fists.

Suddenly, like a flash of lightning she sat upright on the bed, looking as though she had seen some nightmare.

Her eyes still looked drunk, and her body looked tensed.


Adnan started.

And then she attacked him.

She lashed out at him, fisting her hands and tried to punch him, but Adnan took hold of wrists tightly, leaving no room for her to move or fight.

"Where am I?"

Breathing heavily she asked, her face pale with fright.

"You're in my hotel suite. You had passed out."

Adnan said, still onto her wrists. They were standing close enough, with the bed immediately behind Nazpari.

"You are hurting me."

Naz whispered, looking pointedly at her clasped wrists.

"Oh! Sorry."

He left her wrists, which showed dark marks on the underside and upside of her wrists. They started to turn blotched red in colour.

Adnan looked at Nazpari, his face showing nothing but shock.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Confused on his reaction she questioned.

"You're the first girl ever whom I have apologized to."

Adnan said, brushing his fingers in his hair, desperately trying to quench his own feelings, which this girl evoked.

A blush spread on Nazpari's face, staining her neck, and cheeks with crimson. She hung her head low, trying to hide her face from Adnan, but to no avail.

"Aren't you uncomfortable in that dress?"

Adnan questioned, the strong wine taking some control over him.

"Yes, I am. Will you help me get out of it?"

A drunken Naz asked flirtatiously.

"I will be more than pleased to help, baby girl."

Adnan replied in that seductive manner of his.

Without even waiting for her to say anything, he pulled at her arm causing her to stumble into him. She looked up at him, his features much more pronounced than before, as she looked into his stormy, grey eyes, that reflected her own face.

"Mr. Sultan your eyes are beautiful."

She said, still lost in the grey, oceanic orbs.

"Yes, they are. Just like you."

Adnan husky voice send a shiver down her already tense spine.

"You think I am beautiful?"

Naz asked, doubts caressing her face.

"Painfully so."

He conveyed so much emotions in just two words, that Naz felt raw feelings spilling out.

Without even thinking, Nazpari got on her tiptoes and brushed her lips on his.

The alcohol giving her false confidence.

"We both will probably regret this, but I have never felt so alive."

Adnan said, looking at her matter-of-factly.

One hand on her waist and the other on her shoulder, Adnan closed the gap between them with one smal step.

Both their torsos met, with their lips colliding with the other's. Adnan pushed her on the bed, sliding over her, and holding her arms over her head, in a death like grip with one hand.

From a gentle hustle of a brush, the kiss started heating up. Not just because Adnan had an animalistic tendency to him but because Nazpari's fingernails on his back turned him on.

A moan escaped her now kiss swollen lips, and Adnan got the chance to explore her mouth. He dived his tongue right in, exploring her caramel flavoured mouth. Nazpari moaned again to which Adnan bit her lower lip, causing a flood of unearthly moans to filter through the room in total bliss.

Kissing along her jawline and than trailing hot open-mouthed kisses down her neck, Adnan sucked at the centre of her throat. She immediately tried to buckle him off with the intensity of it, but his grip on her didn't let her waver and than he kissed again at the now red area, leaving his mark there.

"This dress."

Naz whispered in his ear.

Suddenly he gripped the red piece of sin, and tore it apart.

Shocked to the core, Naz blinked at him and he just stared at her.

"That was easy."

Adnan said, opening the buttons of his white shirt, which now had smeared lipstick marks on it.

He threw it somewhere behind him, and tightened his hold on Nazpari once more.

"Say my name."

He huskily said, their foreheads touching.


Adnan snothered her with a kiss, that left them both breathing hard. Their tongues didn't fight for dominance as it was agreed that Adnan is the animalistic one, and Naz calm but emotionally high.

Passion cracking like lightning around them, as the kiss again intensified again, Adnan dominating Nazpari.

They broke the kiss, for air as they both sat up, Naz only in a thin, strapless shirt which she had worn beneath the dress. It barely covered her thighs as her panties peeked from below.

She got up from the bed, but suddenly a huge wave of dizziness clouded her vision. She stumbled, trying desperately to find something to hold to. She gripped Adnan's hand, as he offered it to her.

"You're still drunk, aren't you?"

Adnan asked, his grey eyes swirling with transparent colors.

"Your eyes. They are endless, with no limitation to them."

Nazpari said, sounding as though already in dream.


He started.

Naz went limp, sliding into his muscular arms. He caught her and lay her on the bed, shutting off the side table lamp.

Nazpari opened her eyes to a bright, sunny morning. Light flooded in between the slit in the curtains, as she sat up straight on the bed, the sheets bunching around her waist.

Her head hurt, with a terrible hangover. She touched her forehead, massaging her temples with her fingers.

Sighing with frustration and pain, she swung her lean legs off of the bed, and just fainted at the sight of her semi-nakedness.

Who the hell took off that dress?

She immediately snatched the white sheet off of the bed and covered herself with it. Not knowing what to do, she glanced around the room, her muscles tense.

Just then her eyes landed on a plate sitting on the side table. She walked towards it, recognition registering on her face.

On a white pristine plate, sat a glass of water with two tablets, each having a little card-tag stuck onto it.

She picked up the tablets glancing at the card, which read 'eat me'.

Than she picked up the glass of water, reading the other card, which had the words 'drink me' on it.

When she was finished, she walked towards the door but before she could open it, it was dragged open by none another than Adnan Sultan.

And fuck boy! He was looking damn hot.

Wearing nothing but a pair of workout pants with a black vest, and a towel around his shoulders, he looked ready for some shoot.

Giving the idea of being ripped out of Hollywood's Magazine cover.

"Good morning, Nazpari."

Adnan said, while Naz eyed the trickle of sweat on his throat, as it slid down his chest and into his vest.


She replied, her true shy self coming out.

Looking at him, the previous night's events came crashing onto her. She cringed on her fake confidence, which that alcohol filled her up with.

She hated that she had kissed him.

She hated that she had let him come close.

She hated herself for it, not him.

"Raines bought some clothes for you, as per my instructions. You can shower and change into them."

Adnan said, giving her the clothes which were hanging loosely on his arm.

She hadn't even noticed them. She was just busy admiring him.

"Yes. Yes-of course. Th-thank you."

She nodded, putting the clothes down on the high-backed chair, which stood beside the bed.

"Please be quick, the breakfast is in twenty minutes."

With that he opened the door, and left an aggravated Naz behind, who sighed and then started getting ready for the shower.