
Bound by Fate: The Villain's Hold

An ordinary young woman who mysteriously transmigrates into a novel she was reading. She assumes the role of a previously Tragic character and finds herself entangled in a complex relationship with the captivating yet enigmatic villain. Her main objective is to survive in this dangerous world, navigating treacherous challenges while uncovering secrets and confronting her own destiny. Will she overcome the villain's hold and find her way back home?

Ana_Axle_4444 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: A Mysterious Transmigration

Amelia had been engrossed in reading the novel "Shadows of Destiny" for an hour when frustration overcame her. Slamming her phone onto the bed in a fit of annoyance, she vented her exasperation at the tragic fate of the captivating villain.

"Why did that beautiful villain have to meet such a tragic end?" Amelia muttered, rubbing her temples in frustration. "If she didn't like him, why give him hope?"

As she let out a sigh, releasing her pent-up emotions, Amelia leaned back on the bed. Unknown to her, the distance between her and the wall seemed to shrink, leading to an unintended collision. With a sudden impact, her head struck the corner of the window's wall.

"Darn..." Amelia exclaimed, feeling a sharp pain in her head as blood began to trickle down, staining her bedsheet and flowing towards her phone. Unintentionally, the blood made contact with the phone charger, causing a sudden electric surge.

Silence enveloped the room, followed by a faint glow emanating from the phone before it abruptly shut down.


Moments later, Amelia regained consciousness, finding herself in a small, grimy room. A girl of approximately eight years old, she wore tattered and dirty white clothing, resembling that of a beggar.

"Ah...am I... alive?" Amelia whispered, her voice filled with confusion and uncertainty as she sat up, experiencing a sharp pain in her abdomen. She looked down, realizing her tummy was in bad shape.

"Ugh... what happened?" she questioned, wincing in pain as her hand gingerly pressed against her aching stomach. "I thought I hit my head, but why is my tummy hurting?"

Unable to comprehend the sudden turn of events, the kid was startled as the door swung open forcefully. A maid barged in and forcefully held her head, administering medicine without a hint of compassion.

"I knew you were like a leech, so hard to die. But now, your torture time is over. Do my work," the maid callously declared, tossing a bucket and mop at her. "Clean the hallway in front of your room."

With no explanation or sympathy, the maid vanished, leaving the door open. Confusion and disbelief clouded the kid's mind. She caught sight of a broken mirror in front of her and glanced into it, seeing a dirty, malnourished child with disheveled deep blue hair and dull purple eyes.

"...Who...?" the kid started to speak but noticed the reflection in the mirror moving its mouth in sync with her own words. Realization struck. "Oh no... don't tell me... I have been transmigrated! Just like in those stories!"

Overcoming the pain in her stomach, she mustered her strength and got up. Determined to investigate her surroundings, she knew there was a task at hand. "But before anything else... let's do the work," she muttered to herself.

Dragging herself along, the kid began cleaning as instructed. The evening eventually arrived, and she found herself sitting on the floor of her room, surveying the shabby surroundings. "It's like a storage room," she observed. Pondering her location, she walked to the broken window, letting in the chilling air.

"As expected, the world is beautiful. But where exactly am I?" she murmured, gazing out at her surroundings. Her room was located on the highest floor of the castle, a small store room that nobody wanted to occupy for long. "But who am I?" she questioned, only for the maid who had given her orders to enter the room.

"Hmm, you did well here. Here's your meal. If only you were this obedient from the beginning, Amelia," the maid remarked, taking away the bucket and tossing an apple onto the floor. "Well, at least it's not molded bread."

Dia walked towards the fruit, picked it up, and took a bite. "So my name is Amelia, huh?" she mused, gazing at the enchanting sunset through the window. "I don't remember who I am, but I will see how I can survive. This body will soon die if she keeps being mistreated. Whoever you are, I will take care of you better now that I am here, Amelia. I hope you rest in peace."

With those words, she looked up at the night sky, where a shooting star streaked across the darkness, bringing a glimmer of hope to her uncertain journey.


Amidst a gruesome battlefield,

where purple blood stained the ground and lifeless bodies lay scattered, four figures donning armor with silver lining stood stoically. Among them was a small individual, also clad in armor, who happened to glance up at the sky, catching sight of the shooting star streaking across the expanse.

"Huh, a shooting star?" the person in armor mused, momentarily captivated by the celestial phenomenon. However, their attention was quickly drawn to a soldier rushing towards them.

"Congratulations, my Lord and Prince's , on your victory, as always," the soldier exclaimed, conveying his admiration. The leader, a towering figure adorned in gleaming armor, nodded in acknowledgment.

"Take care of this mess," the leader commanded, striding away with the other four armored figures trailing behind.

"Yes, Lord," the soldier responded promptly, immediately summoning others to begin the arduous task of cleaning up the remains of the fallen monsters. The aftermath of battle required diligent efforts to collect the bodies.