
Bound across time: The time I became a consort

Maria is your average college student with a mild (read: burning) hatred for studying. It is one night, stuck in the library for far too long, that the fates hear her pleads to be taken away from this life. Maria wakes up in an entire new world, amidst kings and queens, dukes and duchesses, and a red string of fate that ties her back to the cause of it all.

nuoyicloud · Fantasy
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2 Chs

2. When dreams are reality.

Theo Valentine.

It's a name Maria has come to associate with disdain. After all, how else would you feel about a guy that likes pissing you off every time you meet? Even when she gets ready for the day, that's all she can think of.

He's the eldest son of the CEO of LEON corporation. Has been a pain in the side since the moment they were introduced as kids. From pulling her hair, to tripping her when no one looks, getting all the glittery achievements and praise on the dining table till Maria's ears nearly started to bleed. His infuriatingly smug smirk, those blue-gray eyes filled with nothing but a strange satisfaction seeing her frown over at him. Maria always wanted to lunge across the distance between them and grab that black hair till it ripped off and turned him bald.

"You're uh…" Viva starts, "…gripping that pencil a little too hard."

'I know,' she wants to bite, 'but you would too if you had a dream like that.'

She doesn't even get why him! Her dream was going so well, could it not have been Rayan? For once in her misfortunate life, would it be so bad for her to get what she wants? "Do you need a refill?"

She doesn't even hesitate. "Please."


By refill, they mean getting lunch at the school cafeteria. The only place she's actually free from prying eyes in public. Viva pays with her card, and Maria returns the amount in cash. Stuffing themselves full in a secluded corner like heathens, they feel a lot better heading to class. Maria toys with the short strands of Viva's brown hair, a little jealous on how freeing it would probably feel to have it like that.

And then—

"Why were you so grumpy in the morning?" Viva asks, and she huffs.

"Had a bad dream," but under her clothes, the pendant still sits, right between her chest. She wonders what happened—did it come along with the things her mother sends? Maybe she sleep walked and took it? Otherwise how would it be there? "And saw vermin."

Viva snorts, very familiar with the nickname, "at least you don't have to see him till the end of the semester. Tian? Theodore?"

"Theo," she corrects, "just Theo."

They still meet during business dinners, but she ignores him as much as she can. No matter who she ends up with, Maria shudders for it to be him of all people. "Anyways, it was just a dream," she says, "it was a pretty strange one though."


"And think on it more? No thank you," Viva's class comes first, and she waves Maria a goodbye. Now alone with her thoughts, they still somehow transpire back.

But it was all just so odd. He looked different—in golden robes—almost regal. Posture perfect and face set and poised. She shakes her head, nearly barfing in her own mouth at the thought of naming him husband.

Maria ends up coming to the library, indeed behind for her elective. Is anyone surprised, considering her lack of activity? Probably not. She opens her books, pulling her hair into a bun, and getting her laptop out and plugged into the socket. Surprisingly, with the help of videos and intense searching, she makes it through a couple chapters.

The questions though…

Her head hurts. She tries and tries and yet, she can't come up with the right answers. Which just makes her miserable day even more miserable. She takes a deep breath in, checking the time to see it well past into the evening, and decides to take a power nap. Maybe that would help. The weather forecast shows clear skies, so that's one worry gone, packing her stuff and putting her head down. With how much energy she'd been using, it's no brainer how quick she falls asleep.

She'd been hoping for dreamless nothingness.


Maria blinks awake, looking around to see herself on a bench. Pink petals softly falling down from the tree in front. All small and delicate, a palm turned up to catch them. She smiles at the sight, catching a few more and collecting them in her lap.

"One here too," oh god, "adorned all over you."

Theo picks one out her hair, taking seat next to her. Maria makes a face and scoots away, and he stares at her like she in the strange one. Does fate hate her? Or is it her subconscious? What type of subliminal message this, making him appear once again looking all handsome?

Not that Maria thinks so. No it's just. A fact. Like how Maria is considered beautiful, so is Theo. What, with his tall build and wide shoulders? Anyways, not the point. "You seem upset since morning," he says, "had I been…too much, on our first night? I cannot help but think it might have started since then."

First night? She stares at him confused, before it clicks that they're supposed to be married in her dreams! Which means…horror dawns her as she understands, nothing but revulsion at the fast she slept with Theo of all people! "I-I do not know what you mean, haha," she says, so awkward it's laughable. Maria wants to crawl into a hole and die. But fortunately, he does not think much of this.

"Okay well…" he takes a deep breath in, "I hope you umm. Prepare well for the celebration tomorrow. If there are well..." god, why is he being so nervous? It's making her so too, just hearing him.

Almost feels too genuine. "If there are…?" she prompts, and he nods.

"Any wants, you may have for tomorrow, I will fulfill them. I have been since the night of the wedding, so I understand your feelings." DO YOU REALLY? But she can only deflate because as much as Maria hates Theo, this dude is just a figment of her imagination that clearly only shares the physical and not much else. Theo being accommodating to her? Not even to her death bed. "So—"

"Peaches," she murmurs, puffing her cheeks. It's just a dream right? So she can have the delicious plump fruits again! "That on the menu."

"I…alright then?" There is a shout, and he glances at her in apology, his eyes meeting hers. For once, they do not spell a storm of trouble, but something softer. Shy. Maybe even hesitant. Maria appreciates the way the blues and gray can become one colour of such brightness, despite their differences. "I will take your leave then, your majesty."

She does not know what to say. Nodding, and seeing him off, there is a strange feeling in her chest.

An almost pull, she does not understand, drawing her closer over and over until she has to look away to keep herself seated.

When Maria's shaken awake in the library, her heart's still beating fast, the pendant warm. A quick peek inside her top, and it gives off a pink luminescent glow. Small and fleeting, dying out the more she regains consciousness.


Is Maria losing her mind?


Who does she talk to, about something like this?

Viva would just laugh at her face or say she's in love with Theo. Or maybe she's overthinking it? It will have to be that. Thankfully, when she sleeps after reaching back home, it is a dreamless one that leaves her feeling refreshed rather than drained.

Though in the shower, there's a mark on her collarbone. Red and fresh…almost akin to a…hickey?

But that's impossible. It's probably irritation from the clothes, no?

Suddenly, Theo's words come back to her. 'Had I been too much, on our first night?' What a ridiculous thought! As cocky as he is, and big as he might be, Maria is no newbie when it comes to handling these things. Does he think of her as a fragile doll?

'He's just a part of dreams,' her brain reminds, 'stop thinking its him.' Right, she should fix that. Her mother had texted early morning to be ready, so she has to abandon her usual loose top and sweatpants combo for something more fitting and elegant.

Apparently it's some party, her mother already having sent which of the dress pieces bought for her she has to wear.

A black cocktail dress, with a tasteful slit at the side. The moment she had all the remaining accessories and pieces together, it clicks for what this might actually be.

A set up—probably a bunch of eligible bachelors coming in. No wonder she told her to wear this; highlighting her best features, neckline straight and low, held up by thin straps. Maria always feels a little out of her depth in things like these, but at least she can look in the mirror and hold a detached admiration. Her mother as shrewd as she may be, definitely knows what looks good.

Paired with black high heels, small diamond earrings and her hair open and styled back, Maria looks ready to take over a freaking runway.

At least, Viva would think so.

Why can't she come with? It would be so much more awesome with her by Maria's side. She hesitates seeing the pendant, but it's not that big anyway. Is it better for her to keep it on…? Strangely, she already feels a connection to it. She contemplates only a second more, because her mother's ringing her already.

Screw it. Might as well make it a new fashion statement or something.