
Bought by the Mafia

[MATURE CONTENT AHEAD!! THIS STORY IS MAFIA MEANING IT HAS A LOT OF VIOLENCE AND STRONG MATURE LANGUAGE] [NO RAPE] [NO CHEATING] [Note that the Male Lead in this story is not a prince charming who will change for his woman. He's a man with very questionable morals] I was bred in the mafia, born in the mafia, raised in the mafia, would marry into the mafia, and I would die in the mafia. In my house, my father’s word was law. Failure to adhere to the law came with dire consequences. Sometimes physical, mental, or emotional. He treated us like commodities and assets he would sell to the highest bidder and make some quick buck. It didn’t matter that we were human or that we had opinions. Antonio Agosti was a monster for a father. He killed any man who tried to get with my sister and me and made us promise to preserve our virginity until marriage. And he saw it fit to sell mine to the most dangerous gang in all of Italy, the Cosa Nostra (Sicillian Mafia). He sold me to the most feared man in all of Italy, Nikolas ‘The Beast’ Mancini. He was rumored to have crushed a man’s skull with his hands, but I didn’t know if it was true. Either way, he was ruthless, fearless, intimidating, and dangerous. He had eyes as cold as ice and a gaze as calculating as ever. He was also strikingly handsome and hot. Every woman wanted him and feared him at the same time. But he chose me. The way he looked at me scared me. Especially when he told me, “You’re mine now, Viola. Till death do us part.” And he was right. The only way out of a Mafia marriage was death. Whether it was arranged as in my case or not. If I tried to leave Nikolai, the whole Cosa Nostra would hunt and kill me. And so the question remains, was death better than being married to the devil incarnate? ***EXCERPT 1*** “Any man who looks at you suggestively, I take his eyes. If he so much as touches you, I take his hands. If he sniffs you, I take his nose. If he kisses you or talks to you, I take his tongue.” Every word sent a chill down my spine, colder than the last. What kind of a monster did I get married to? “You’re sick!” He walked closer, covered in Leon’s blood. His stride was powerful and scary. On a normal occasion, I would have stood my ground. However, he had shown me a side of him I’d never seen before. “You know what the problem is, Principessa? I showed you that I was a gentleman and I was good. I’m not. You’ve taken my kindness for weakness.” “But—” He cut me off by grabbing my neck and pulling me closer. My heart raced wildly against my chest and I couldn’t tell if I was turned on or scared. “You’re my whore, Viola and I don’t share. Don’t you ever forget it.” Using his leg to spread my legs, he hiked up my skirt using his hand. Goosebumps coated my skin and a trail of fire was left in the wake of his touch. For a moment, I couldn’t breathe. “You only spread these legs for me. Got it?” “No. I’m not a whore.” “You’re right. You are MY whore. Now go upstairs and wait for me on the bed before I cut off your lover’s other hand." ***End of Excerpt*** (Second Excerpt inside)

Mellovesbooks · Urban
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21 Chs

The Wedding

The walk down the altar seemed far much longer than it was. Maybe it was because I was dreading the ceremony.

What was meant to be a beautiful melody playing in the background felt like a funeral song. Like a repeating ominous sound that was preparing me for the worst.

The seats were occupied by mostly people I didn't recognize, smiling. They all watched me carefully. Some looked at me with envy, some hate, others happiness, and others…pity.

The music stopped when we reached the altar. Father handed me to Nikolas and stepped back. He took my small hand in his big one and pulled me closer.

When he let go, he pulled my veil over my head, revealing my face.

"You're gorgeous," he complimented. I was a bit thrown off by his compliment, not knowing how to react. He didn't smile or look happy so I couldn't tell if his compliment was genuine or not.

He was a hard man to figure out.

"Y-You look nice as well…" I uttered, hating the way I stuttered.

His stare was intense and unsettling because his eyes were so cold that they sent chills down my body. Just by looking at him, I could see why people feared him like they did. You could tell just by looking at him that he wasn't a good man.

The priest cleared his throat, bringing our attention to him.

"We are gathered here to witness the union of…."

I zoned out as the priest spoke. So many thoughts were swirling through my head. I didn't know what life would hold for me but I hoped it wasn't anything like what I went through at home.

"…take Viola Agosti to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you shall live?"

"I do."

"Do you, Viola Agosti take Nikolas Mancini to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

I hesitated.

Was there still time to run? If I bolted, could I make it out alive?

The simple answer was no. I answered, "I do."

My voice came out stronger than I was feeling and I was glad for it.

"Then I pronounce you two man and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

After putting rings on one another's fingers, he put his hand on my cheeks and pulled me in for a kiss. I shouldn't have enjoyed it, I shouldn't have closed my eyes and sighed in satisfaction, and I shouldn't have wished he deepened it.

But I did.

His lips were inviting and possessive like he was staking his claim on me. In a way, he had. He pulled away and weaved our hands together as we walked away from the altar.

Flowers were thrown our way, and I had to plaster a fake smile on my face to show how happy I was.

People cheered and clapped while others sneered and stared at me with animosity. Mother could barely hide her happiness. It was every mafia princess' dream to be married into the Mancini family.

As far as status could get, they were at the very peak. You couldn't do any better than the Mancinis.

The reception was filled with many speeches from people I didn't recognize as well as a lot of greetings. As the women came to congratulate me, they teased me a lot about my wedding night.

Every time they did, I stiffened and my heart raced. I tried not to let my anxiousness show but I knew my hands were shaking which was a dead giveaway.

I knew we would have sex on our wedding night. Mother had made sure to give me the talk but I couldn't say I was excited for it because I would be lying if I did.

"I can't believe you're married," Angie said. We were at a huge table where all the family was seated. Some were on the dancefloor while others were drinking at the bar.

The speeches were over and people were engaging in endless banter.

While Angie was seated to my right, Nikolas was on my left.

"Me too," I whispered as I forced a smile on my face.

"Vee, don't forget me," she added. I put my arm around her shoulder and stared at her with conviction saying, "I will never forget you, little sis."

Before she could speak, Mother appeared and put her hand on my shoulder.

"I want to talk to you."

Without hesitation, I stood on my feet and followed her. I couldn't see Nikolas but I could feel Nikolas's eyes on my back. The hairs on the back of my head stood and goosebumps rose on my skin.

I couldn't explain how I knew he was looking at me but I did. My body reacted in a certain way when it came to him. I desperately wanted to hate him but how could I when the kiss we shared replayed in my head over and over again?

"Today is your wedding night. Give him what he wants, Viola. If you don't have sex with him, he'll take it and it will be more painful that way."

'There goes my heart racing again in fear.'

"Make sure you have sex with him whenever he wants you to or he will have a wandering eye. Men's needs have to be satisfied or else they will look for another woman to satisfy them. Am I clear?"

I wanted to ask, "What about my needs?" But I didn't. Instead, I nodded my head in acceptance.

"Good. Be a good wife and everything else will sort itself out."

After saying a few more things to me, she sent me back to the table.

Nikolas took one glance at me and said, "You look nervous."

It wasn't a rebuke or a scolding. He was simply stating facts. I hated how casual he was with everything because I wasn't. All I felt was chaos and I wished he would feel it as well.

"Take this. It will help." He said as he handed me his glass of whiskey.

He turned to his right-hand man, Dante, and started speaking to him.

I'd never taken whiskey before in my entire life, only wine. And even then, it was still a little too strong of a strong drink for me. Maybe he was trying to get me drunk so it would be easier to coerce me to cooperate when we had sex.

With that thought in mind, I took one huge gulp.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! If you did, consider gifitng the story a golden ticket, a powerstone, or both. I'll appreaciate it very much.

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