
Bought by the Billionaire Prince

Author: Theresa Oliver is an author of clean contemporary romance, clean historical romance, young adult, middle grades, and children's picture books. Theresa is the author of the Christmas Cove series, the Whiskey River Brides series with Hot Tree Publishing, and much more. She lives in Florida with her husband, children, a persnickety cat, and a very bossy dog. Synopsis: She's a college student, trying to save her sister. He's the Prince of Estrea, trying to save his family. Together, they discover the true meaning of love and sacrifice.... College student Ari Douglas just learned that her sister, Henley, has leukemia. As the daughters of a single mother with no insurance, they don't have many options or hope. Then a friend tells Ari about AmericanMate, an elite modern matchmaking service. With no other options and needing cash quickly, she applies to the service. Former playboy Prince Grayson Pierce of Estrea is tired of women wanting him for his money and title. Having just suffered a very public breakup, Grayson is through with love. At the urging of his best friend and wanting to settle down, Grayson decides to go through AmericanMate. But he has just one catch: He's in it for life. There has never been a divorice in the long line of succession of the monarchy... ever. After just one meeting on the Internet and with no other options to help her sister, Ari agrees, But she has to be at the altar in Estrea in three days. Now, with a shadow cast over the realm and the ticking clock of her sister's illness, can two hearts sacrificing for the good of their families find love in each other? Or will their marriage be the ultimate sacrifice? In this heartwarming tale of love and loss, two hearts discover the true meaning of love, family, and sacrifice in Bought by the Billionaire Prince.

Theresa Oliver · Urban
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147 Chs

Chapter 7

“Don’t worry, Mom. Everything’s going to be all right.” Ari squeezed her mother’s hand, waiting in the hallway just outside of the hospital administrator’s office. Ari could only imagine why. She just hoped they would continue to treat Henley.

Cecille gave her arm a gentle squeeze, forcing a smile, but said nothing.

“Mrs. Douglas?” A woman greeted them, dressed impeccably in a business suit, her hair styled into a perfect brunette bob.

“Yes,” Cecille asked, rising to her feet. “I’m Mrs. Douglas....” Then she motioned toward Ari. “And this is my daughter, Ari Douglas, Henley’s sister. Would you mind if she sits in on the meeting with me?”

“Yes, of course.” The woman smiled, extending her hand. “My name is Dr. Alice Sanders, the hospital administrator.” She motioned toward the open door. “Would you come in?”

Ari followed her mother into the office. Everything was just as meticulously arranged as the hospital administrator. Everything has a purpose. Everything has a place.

“Please. Sit down.” Dr. Sanders indicated two chairs in front of her desk. Ari and her mother both perched on the edge, unable to relax, but the administrator sat comfortably in her own chair. It was clear she dealt with issues such as theirs daily. She gave them a sympathetic look, clasping her hands atop her desk. “I’m sure you’re aware of why I asked you here today.”

Cecille nodded. “Yes, of course. Are you still going to treat my daughter?”

Dr. Sanders forced a smile. “Yes, of course. We would never turn away a patient.” The administrator’s expression turned grim. “I’m sorry to have to ask, but do you have any insurance or savings that could help with the medical cost?”

“No. I’m a waitress and have no insurance.” Cecille rose from her seat, clenching her jaw. “But you continue to treat my daughter and I’ll make sure you get the money, or I’ll pull her out of here and put her into a children’s hospital.”

Dr. Sander gave Cecille a sympathetic look. “I’m afraid they only admit children up to eighteen years of age. Henley is nineteen.”

“I’m well aware of my daughter’s age.” Cecille pulled a wad of ones and some change out of her pocket and laid it down on the desk. It was obviously some tips she had saved. “Consider this a down payment. It’s all I have right now, but I’ll get you the rest as soon as I can.” She looked down at Ari and whispered, “Come on. Let’s go.” Then she looked back at the administrator. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must attend to my daughter.”

“Mrs. Douglas, please take this....” The administrator indicated the pile of ones and change on her desk, but Cecille kept walking. Her mother was out the door when Ari saw the administrator shake her head as her lips formed a straight line.

Ari stepped back inside and said in a low, firm voice, “As my mother said, you will get your money. Thank you for caring for my sister.” Then she walked out, stepping up her pace to catch up with her mother. A moment later, she caught her arm, stopping her. “Mom, don’t worry. Everything’s going to be all right.”

Her mother looked up and tears filled her eyes as she placed her hand on the side of Ari’s cheek. “I know, Ari Baby.”

Her mother hadn’t called her that in years. Instinctively, Ari knew there was no hope.

But the look in her mother’s eyes solidified her decision. “Mom, why don’t we go get something to eat. You look exhausted.”

Her mother shook her head. “No, thanks. But you go ahead.”

Ari wrapped her arm around her mother and pulled her to her side. “Mom, I promise you. Everything’s going to be okay.”

Cecille nodded. “I know.”

They walked into Henley’s room and she was asleep. Her once vibrant red hair had already dimmed from the treatments, and her face looked ashen. For the first time in Ari’s life, she wondered if she was going to lose her sister.

“Mom, I have to go do something.” Ari kissed her mother on the forehead. “I’ll be back in a little while. Will you be okay?”

Her mother forced a smile. “Go. I’ll be fine.”

Ari pulled out her cell phone, hurrying down the hallway toward the elevator and looked up the number for AmericanMate. Once she was outside, she called.

“Good afternoon!” A cheerful woman answered the phone. “You’ve reached the administrative offices of AmericanMate. How may I assist you?”

“I’m interested in becoming a mail-order bride,” Ari replied, for lack of any better way to say it.

Ari could hear the smile of the woman at the other end. “Well, we call it making an international date. But I’d be glad to help you.”

Ari spent the next half hour speaking to the woman. Once the woman decided that she would possibly be suitable for the program, she told her a laundry list of things she needed in order to apply.

“And one more thing,” Ari added, “I’m a virgin.”

There was a pause at the other end. “Oh. I see. In that case, I’ll need a statement from a certified doctor attesting to the fact.”

“I’ll get it. Anything else?” Ari asked, determination filling her voice.

“Just fill out the application and send me the other documents as soon as you can, along with a headshot,” the woman replied. “To what e-mail address shall I send the application?”

Henley gave the woman her e-mail address, thanked her, and hung up. She headed back into the hospital armed with a new purpose, feeling hopeful for the first time in what seemed to be a very long time.


Henley walked to the nurse’s station on another floor from her sister so no one would recognize her right away. Also, she didn’t want her mother to know. A woman pounding away at a keyboard glanced up, raising her eyebrows when she saw Ari. “May I help you, miss?”

Ari let out a deep breath, summoning her courage. There was no other way to ask. “Is there a doctor who can certify that I’m a virgin?”

The woman stared at her in disbelief, her mouth opening slightly in disbelief, but quickly regained her composure. “Your family doctor would be able to help you with that.”

“I don’t have one and I need the certification as soon as possible.” Ari’s voice sounded desperate, even to her own ears.

Just then, a doctor stepped up and looked over at the nurse. “I’ll take care of this.”

The woman nodded, a crease forming between her eyes.

The man gave her a kind smile as he pulled her to the side. “My name is Dr. Carmichael. May I ask why you need the certification?”

Ari sighed. “Because I just registered with AmericanMate. My sister is sick--”

“AmericanMate?” Dr. Carmichael asked, cutting her off.

Ari nodded.

The doctor smiled. “I’ll be glad to help.” Then he turned toward the nurse. “Samantha? Would you mind assisting me?”

“Of course, doctor.” The woman walked around the desk and followed them down the hallway.

Ari was glad that they could take her quickly. She was equally glad that a nurse would be present for the exam. She just hoped that the administration at AmericanMate found her a match quickly... before anything happened to Henley.