
Bought by the Billionaire Prince

Author: Theresa Oliver is an author of clean contemporary romance, clean historical romance, young adult, middle grades, and children's picture books. Theresa is the author of the Christmas Cove series, the Whiskey River Brides series with Hot Tree Publishing, and much more. She lives in Florida with her husband, children, a persnickety cat, and a very bossy dog. Synopsis: She's a college student, trying to save her sister. He's the Prince of Estrea, trying to save his family. Together, they discover the true meaning of love and sacrifice.... College student Ari Douglas just learned that her sister, Henley, has leukemia. As the daughters of a single mother with no insurance, they don't have many options or hope. Then a friend tells Ari about AmericanMate, an elite modern matchmaking service. With no other options and needing cash quickly, she applies to the service. Former playboy Prince Grayson Pierce of Estrea is tired of women wanting him for his money and title. Having just suffered a very public breakup, Grayson is through with love. At the urging of his best friend and wanting to settle down, Grayson decides to go through AmericanMate. But he has just one catch: He's in it for life. There has never been a divorice in the long line of succession of the monarchy... ever. After just one meeting on the Internet and with no other options to help her sister, Ari agrees, But she has to be at the altar in Estrea in three days. Now, with a shadow cast over the realm and the ticking clock of her sister's illness, can two hearts sacrificing for the good of their families find love in each other? Or will their marriage be the ultimate sacrifice? In this heartwarming tale of love and loss, two hearts discover the true meaning of love, family, and sacrifice in Bought by the Billionaire Prince.

Theresa Oliver · Urban
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Chapter 5

Grayson took a sip of his wine, but hardly touched his dinner, not in the mood to deal with his father. But he thought that he would get it over with. He hadn’t seen his father since the incident, and he had nearly thrown a fit for him to come to the castle. This was their first family dinner in a while. It was a shame that it had to be under these circumstances.

Grayson missed the days when his mother was alive. Back then, they had dinner together every evening, no matter what was happening in their lives. After she passed away of cancer, the family dinners just weren’t the same. Grayson had been ten, and Xavier was eight when their world changed.

After she passed, their father had become hard, not the carefree man that he had been when his wife was alive. He soon became distant, treating his family as a business firm and not a true family. But luckily, Grayson and Xavier had remained close over the years.

Looking back, it was impossible to believe how they had survived it. But the absence of their mother was still felt, even though they were now grown men.

“I say good riddance to the witch!” King Maxwell bellowed. “It was about time that you sent her packing.”

Grayson sighed. “Father, let’s not talk about her anymore.”

“What you need is a good Estrean wife!” The King was about to take a drink of his wine but pointed with it to his sons instead. “Both of you! Settle down! Find good Estrean women!” He took a drink, set down his glass, and looked them in the eye. “You both have responsibilities to have children to further the lineage, you know.”

“Father, I’m gay.” Xavier sighed.

His father studied him for a moment and then replied, “Well... that shouldn’t stop you from taking a wife! Do your duty to your country, man!”

“We’re well aware of our duty.” Xavier threw down his napkin. “And I’ll not take a wife just to make you happy.”

Their father slammed his fist down onto the table. “Yes, you will!”

“No, I won’t,” Xavier calmly replied, and then rose from the table, laying his napkin on his plate. “Now. If you’ll excuse me.” With that, he walked out.

“Do not walk away from me when I’m talking to you!” the King bellowed.

Xavier walked back in. “That’s all you do, father! You talk to us! Or lecture, rather! You never listen.”

“Finding someone is easy. But falling in love is quite another story,” Grayson interjected, trying to take the pressure off Xavier.

The King huffed. “Who said anything about love? Do you think our forefathers waited to marry until love struck them over the head? Hell no! They married a suitable wife, fathered their lineage, and our family continued.”

Grayson held his wine glass toward Xavier. “A true testament of love.”

Xavier smirked and sat back down.

The King’s head snapped up. “Grayson, this is no laughing matter! The future of Estrea is at stake!”

Grayson set down his glass a bit harder than he should have. “Father, no one’s laughing.”

Their father looked between he and Xavier, studying them both. “Then tell me, my sons, what progress have you made for the continuation of our family name?”

“As a matter of fact, I’ve started seeing someone,” Grayson lied.

Everyone stopped eating and silence fell over the room. Even Maryellen and Rachelle, the maids, froze as they stared at him.

Grayson ignored them.

His father finally regained his composure. “Well, good for you! Is she a good Estrean girl?” King Maxwell had been adamant that his son’s future wives be Estrean, so much so that it was coming out his ears. At this point, Grayson didn’t care if his future bride was Estrean or from Mars.

“Father, I’m tired of our love lives being the center of this evening’s dinner discussion.” Grayson stood and downed what was left of his wine. “And with that, I’ll take my leave.”

“Son, I’m sorry if I came on too strong. But with everything going on and this thing with Marcus... well....” The King softened. “Please. Stay. You haven’t even touched your dinner.”

Grayson sighed, and patted his father’s shoulder. “Next time. Good night, Father.”

Before his father could say more, Grayson walked purposefully out the door and didn’t stop until he was outside.

“Let me drive you home. You’ve had too much to drink.” Grayson turned around and Xavier had followed him out.

“You’ve had just as much.”

Xavier shook his head. “Nope. I sipped one glass of wine all night.”

Grayson sighed. “Whatever.” It would give them an opportunity to talk, too.

“Let’s take my car.” Xavier hit the unlock button on his keyring and his vintage Corvette beeped. “You can come back and get your car tomorrow.”

Grayson nodded, silently relenting. As they headed down the road toward Grayson’s townhouse, he watched the evergreens pass. “Xavier, I’m so sorry that Dima outed you. She could attack me, but she should have left you out of it.”

Xavier shrugged. “I think father already knew anyway.” He glanced over at him and smiled. “Anyway, it saves me the trouble of holding a press conference.”

Grayson chuckled. No matter what was going on, Xavier still found the humor in things. Grayson just hoped that Xavier kept his positive outlook in what was sure to be the trying months to come.


“You want to come up for a drink?” Grayson asked Xavier when he stopped the car in front of his townhouse a little while later.

Xavier smirked. “No, man. I’m driving.” Then he looked into his eyes. “Are you going to be okay?”

Grayson patted his shoulder. “Yeah, thanks. I am.” He raised an eyebrow. “You?”

Xavier smiled. “Never better.”

Grayson laughed. “Yeah, right.” He pulled his brother in for a hug and released him. “Be careful driving home.”

Xavier smiled. “I will.” Grayson got out of the car, but before he closed the door, Xavier added, “You’re going to have to tell me about this mystery girl of yours sometime!”

Grayson laughed, knowing his brother must have suspected that there wasn’t a “mystery woman”.

“Later. Much later.” Grayson closed the door and Xavier nodded toward him and pulled his car out, headed toward home.

On his way up the stairs, Grayson pulled out his cell phone and hit the number for AmericanMate. There was no time like the present.