

I've finally made it, I'm here! With my grandpa's sword on hip, I'm going path the way for my success.

But first things first, I need to get to the adventurer's guild, they are the first step for every adventurer.

After asking for some directions I make to the guild building. It's a normal looking building with touchups done by the guild.

I get ready by psyching myself up, I push the front door open and enter. After passing through the doors I see a huge variety of people that I would've never have seen if I stayed at home.

Buff warriors, wise mages, half naked barbarians, beautiful healers, sneaky assassins, they're all so unique looking.

I'm starting to feel a bit nervous, but I need to do this! I walk up to the front counter and I ring the bell.

A woman behind the counter approaches me and she gives me a professional smile.

She asks "Hello, what do you need?" and continues with "Are you here to register as a adventurer or are there any question you would like to ask?"

"Yes! I would like to register." I say excitedly."

"Okay, here's a paper for you to fill in. After that I will give all the info about being an adventurer."

"Okay, thanks." I say while beginning to fill in the paper.

After filling the paper, she gave informed me about alot of stuff. There were a bunch of rules that are supposed to be adhered to, stuff like don't attack your fellow adventurers and don't do the jobs of your fellow.

There's also a ranking system for adventurers, from lowest to highest, E to S. It just boils down to how high the difficulty of the missions on is, the pay mostly being about the difficulty.

She also makes a adventurer necklace that shows my name and rank. It also has perks like money storage and money transfering.

And with all that done, I'm free to do what I want. I decide to enter the dungeon first, because that's the last place the diary talked about.

First I need to find a team to join to assist me in the dungeon. I look around to search for a team to join.

The first team I saw had a bunch of dtrong looking men, I try approaching them them.

I say "Hey can I-"

"No." One of them says sternly, interrupting me, not even looking at me.

"Huh-uh- why not?" I ask.

"Because you just joined, you.", He nudges my chest with his finger, looking at me in the eyes.

"We don't want to become babysitters for your ass." another man adds. "You'll just be in the way without contributing to anything."

"What?!" I say, sounding offended. "If you just let me join you guys, I can learn, contribute now, and contribute more later!" I say stubbornly.

"I promise that I'm decent swordsman."

"Well.", he says. "Do you know how to utilize magic?.

"What? No, why?"

"Well we don't need another fighter, you moron!", he yells at me.

Now that he says that, I realize that all the members on the table are strong, tough looking men

"Fine! I'll find another perfectly good team.", I say while walking away, "I don't need you guys."

"We don't need you either!"

I said that confidently, but all of other teams in the vicinity refused me too, all of them telling me basically the same thing: "We don't need a fighter or swordsman."

I guess all I could do now just walk away in shame.

While walking, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings, I bumped into someone and I hear "Ow!".

They fall down onto the ground from me bumping into them. It was a girl with silver hair.

She's pretty, much more so than the powder users of high society.

"Hey!", the person behind her is armored young boy in plate with red hair, he also wields a sword. And behind him are two more people, a girl wearing glasses with orange hair and a woman in a black dress with purple hair.

Seems to me that someone has a harem.

"Oh, sorry.", I say.

"Next time, look where you're walking.", he says while helping the girl off the ground.

"Yeah..." I say while still being dejected.

The silver haired girl looks at me, inspecting me, and she asks me "Hey, what's wrong?"

I look to side while scratching the back of my head. "Well..." I hesitate to answer, "No one wanted me to be a part of their team."

They all look at me with mixed responses, the silver haired girl looks at me with pity, the red haired boy looks at me with disinterest, the orange haired girl looks at me with a "That's just how it is" look, and the purple haired woman just chuckles.

The silver haired girl grabs my hand with both of hers.

"We could recruit you."

My face immediately brightens up. The feeling of finally being accepted after so much rejection was gratifying, she's so nice. But somebody had a different opinion.

"Wait? Are you Serious?" said the boy. He puts his hands on her shoulders, "Are you seriously thinking about inviting this random stranger. You're too trusting! Strangers are bad news, remember Strangers. Are. Bad. News."

She responds with "Yeah, you are right."

"Yes!", he says.

"But I want to believe in him."

"No!", he says.