
Bottom Trainer (Pokemon)

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and its rights belong to its respective owner. Note that I am just copying a story that i read and i want you to read it too........ Sorry 1-200 is trash,, it was the first time I wrote this novel

FebyFeb · Anime & Comics
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664 Chs

Chapter 661 I am Dodo


Chapter 661 I am Dodo


It was getting dark.

But in the courtyard outside the Laboratory, it was brightly lit.

It had to be said that the Alliance still attached great importance to genius scholars who could make outstanding contributions at such a young age.

Just looking at the layout of the site, a lot of energy, effort and resources are consumed.

Natsu and Shirona are placed in more of a corner because of their status.

With them.

There was also Steven who came to congratulate on behalf of the Devon company, and also to discuss the production and production of "intimacy" testing equipment in detail.

As the most outstanding student at Silver Academy, Lorelei came to the scene with her Professor tutor.

Likewise, Lance and Claire received the news and came to convey their congratulations on behalf of the Royal Dragon family.

After the opening ceremony of Natsu's Gym, several people gathered again.

But the atmosphere is a bit strange.

"cough cough. Lance, why are you looking at me like that?" Natsu coughed, breaking the silence and awkwardness.

"What's the surprise? they both didn't want to say anything." Lance couldn't help but ask.

Natsu rolled his eyes, not meeting his eyes.

"You should know later."

After a short pause, he asked back: "Are you so free recently?"

Lance stretched his waist and said with a smile: "There are a lot of things, and I happen to be free."

"You're really picky." Natsu couldn't help but mutter.

After Natsu broke the silence, several people's chat boxes also opened.

Start chatting about some topics about Pokémon training and fighting skills.

One of the most discussed issues concerns the configuration of the Pokemon lineup.

Everyone knows everything, so there is nothing that cannot be said.

Natsu suddenly felt a gaze from behind him, and his gaze lingered for a long time without leaving.

Natsu turned his body halfway and turned his head slightly.

He saw a 15 or 16 year old girl with long black hair, wearing tight red clothes, and dark green circles around her eyes.

There was also a hint of green light in her hand, and a wine glass full of juice, like playing around, was swirling at her fingertips.

But there was no sign of spilling, not even a drop of juice inside.

Their eyes met.

Sabrina tilted her head with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

Natsu's heart sank.

He knew that Sabrina must have felt the Psychic inside him.

But Natsu wasn't nervous.

His disguise as a hunter was not limited to his appearance, including his height, behavioral habits, personality and even his way of thinking. Naturally, he also created certain disguises for his Psychic.

Psychic, in the final analysis, is the ability of manifested Mental Power to manifest through different frequency bands.

If you want to camouflage, you can still do it.

Natsu looked at Sabrina smiling slightly, and raised the wine glass in his hand.

Sabrina was stunned when she saw Natsu's actions, then moved her lips and turned her head, as if she didn't want to communicate with Natsu.

Natsu smiled, not caring.

Sabrina is such a character, a girl who doesn't grow up, does things only by her own liking.

It's a miracle she's sitting there obediently now.

Natsu's eyes swept over the people around Sabrina.

Vermilion City Gym Leader Lt. Surge, wearing a military uniform, poured wine into his mouth. In his eyes, the wine in the glass did not seem to be wine, but boiled water.

Fuchsia City Gym Leader Koga, wearing black tights and a red mask with his arms crossed near his chest and leaning against the back of a chair, had his eyes closed.

Noticing Natsu's gaze, his eyes opened slightly.

But by the time he turned his gaze to the source, Natsu had moved away.

And the girl Erika, the Gym Leader of Celadon City, is wearing a kimono and smiling.

It seems that the table should be the location of several Gym Leaders around Vermilion City.

Sakuragi's influence is evident.

But there were three Team Rocket Executives at one table, and Natsu tsked.

Team Rocket should also pay more attention to talented researchers like Sakuragi.

"What do you see?" Shirona asked, noticing Natsu's gaze.

Natsu smiled and took a sip of the slightly bitter wine in his glass, "Seeing which great characters are present."


Shirona was clearly wrong.

Hearing this, Natsu couldn't help but laugh, looking very calm and collected.

But he answered: "en."

This is probably one of the most arrogant ways to say the most cowardly words.

Seeing Natsu casually, Shirona thought Natsu wasn't nervous at all.

But Shirona couldn't help but laugh when she heard his words.

"We're all here." Shirona whispered.

Natsu's eyes swept across several people, and finally stopped on Lance who was facing Claire, twitching the corners of his mouth.

He nodded, and let out a sigh of relief.

While they were chatting.

Soon the ceremony began with the announcement of the Host arranged by the Alliance.

Actually, the ceremony is not complicated.

Several professors who have gained authority in the Pokémon research community were invited to speak on stage one by one.

No matter what the content of the speech was, but everyone still gave face to Sakuragi.

Starting from Professor Elm, the temporarily younger Professor, to Professor Birch, to Professor Rowan, Professor Aurea Juniper, and many more.

Normally there wouldn't be so many Professors present for a ceremony like this.

But because tomorrow is an academic conference, several famous Professors from most of the Regions are present here.

The Alliance can be considered a supporting scene for Sakuragi.

until the end.

On stage is the unique and unrivaled authority in the world of Pokémon today, Professor Oak!

Professor Oak is still very funny, and he came to tell two cool jokes.

Almost didn't kill the enthusiasm of the venue directly.

Fortunately, everyone knew the name of Professor Oak's "King of Jokes" to some extent, and still gave a warm applause.

Professor Oak went up on stage and didn't come down.

With thunderous applause, Sakuragi, wearing a straight suit and neatly combed hair, came up to the stage at the Host's invitation.

Do not say that.

When Sakuragi isn't clumsy, he's still a bit handsome.

The professor's certificate issued to Sakuragi by Professor Oak is undoubtedly an absolute recognition of his ability and identity.

So far.

The Kanto region has another great Professor of Pokémon Learning, and the entire Pokémon world has other pioneering researchers.

Professor Oak stepped aside and gave up his seat to Sakuragi.

Sakuragi took out a piece of paper from his pocket and thanked many people from beginning to end according to the contents of the paper.

Seeing this scene of him, everyone smiled meaningfully.

Natsu also grinned widely.

He don't even need to think about it, he knows that this thank you list was compiled by Kikuya for Sakuragi.

After thanking the big and small people above, Sakuragi breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he officially started his speech.

Inspired by some small research he did when he was younger.

Big enough to conduct research throughout the Pokémon world, including the "Intimacy" project with Natsu.

And I don't know whether Sakuragi was intentional or not, and the name "dodo" was mentioned many times.

Natsu looked at Sakuragi, the corners of his eyes kept falling on Lance, but fortunately he didn't feel anything.

Because the Alliance made the atmosphere really big this time, and there were too many Professors present, there were also many Reporters filming on site for this ceremony.

The big and small things that Sakuragi talked about made many people who hesitated in front of the TV and computer, who were hesitating whether to pursue the direction of the coach or the researcher, quickly make their own decisions.

This can also be seen as Sakuragi's experience ceremony.

"So I hope that the thoughts and opinions in my heart can be put forward, regardless of whether they are right or wrong, whatever the results, the important thing is the process of finding the truth!

In fact, there is never an absolute truth, only a truth that gets closer and closer. And although we, as a group of people, cannot derive final and completely accurate conclusions, we can serve as paving stones on the path of exploration.

No matter how big or small a stone is, the effect is the same!"

Sakuragi's last words still resonate with many of the professors and researchers present.

In another round of applause.

Sakuragi's ceremony almost ended here.

But Sakuragi stood on the stage and didn't move. Instead, his eyes were focused on the corner where Natsu and the others were sitting.

Noticing his gaze, Natsu pursed his lips.

Steven and Shirona also looked at Natsu with a smile.

And Lance and Lorelei noticed their movements and looked at Natsu in confusion.

What is it?

When the applause died down, Sakuragi spoke again.

"Today, while everyone is here, I would like to introduce you to a good friend of mine. He is the young man I mentioned earlier, who most often puts forward his own views and opinions, and his opinions and views on the entire Pokémon world have now brought many benefits to the entire Pokémon world."

After finishing speaking, Sakuragi moved towards Natsu nodding.

"Go, Natsu," Shirona whispered.

"Come on," said Steven too.

Lance, Lorelei, Claire: "???"

Natsu took another deep breath, stood up, buttoned the buttons on his little jacket, and tipped his hat.

Tell the truth.

Natsu was never nervous during the "Lily of the Valley Youth Tournament", but right now he was a little uncomfortable.

Seeing Natsu slowly stand up, Lance and Claire looked at each other.

What does it mean?

Lorelei's eyes twinkled with brilliance.

She pushed her glasses silently, she seemed to understand something.

Just stared at Natsu's back in surprise.

Natsu slowly moved towards the stage.

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on him.

Most of them had doubts in their eyes.

They also know Natsu, the runner-up of the "Lily of the Valley Youth Tournament" and Gym Leader of Solaceon City, Sinnoh Region.

It was considered a more famous character among the younger trainers.

But that's the Trainer, what does it have to do with Sakuragi's words?

Of course, some people saw Sakuragi's comments in the Natsu newspaper three days ago, and thought of Sakuragi's behavior, and couldn't help but sigh.

Is that him? !

Natsu took the stage.

"Do not be nervous. Even if Sakuragi makes the scene a little bigger, it won't be a small advantage for you."

While walking past Professor Oak, he lightly patted his back.

Natsu silently nodded.


It's okay, just a little uncomfortable.

Came to Sakuragi's side.

Sakuragi patted his shoulder in encouragement, his eyes questioning him.

Who publishes?

Natsu sighed softly, a smile on his face.

On stage, he is calm.

He stepped up to the microphone and bowed slightly.

After a short silence.

"Sorry, this is taking up some public resources and everyone's time. It's not a big event, but it really can't beat Mr. Sakuragi."

After a brief explanation, he then said: "I'm Natsu, and I'm 'Dodo'."


What is this name?


Dodo? !

The audience fell silent.

The next second was a commotion.

Not that they were surprised by the published paper.

Even though it was very difficult to deal with, among so many Professors present, which one wasn't better than him?

What really surprised them was Natsu's age!

Is this a teenager?

What did they do in their teenage years?

Still in school.

Forget about doing research, it helps to be able to understand your studies thoroughly.

And now the network is also exploding.

Is Tactical Master Natsu a "Dodo"? !

Many people who watched the live broadcast were also people who watched the live broadcast of "Lily of the Valley Youth Tournament" not long ago, but they couldn't connect the two identities.

On the one hand, it is a very outstanding young Trainer, on the other hand, it seems to be a more accomplished young researcher.


Some people don't know who Natsu and "Dodo" are.

But in the Internet era, they can roughly obtain some information after doing a little research.

runner-up "Lily of the Valley Youth Tournament", Master Taktis, Pemimpin Gym Kota Solaceon, Natsu.

Published a number of influential papers such as Intimacy, Alleged Evolution of Eevee, A Brief Analysis and Detailed Explanation of Four New Evolutionary Types of Eevee, Alleged Evolutionary Feebas and Milotics, and Complete Analysis of the Evolutionary Process of Milotics.

These two identities actually overlap?

"Damn it! Let me now only this word can accurately express my heart.

"Tactical Master Natsu = Research Rising Star 'Dodo'? Sorry, I'm just digesting this message.

"How old is Mr. Natsu?"

"Bet! Guess how old Mr. Natsu must be to become a Professor?

"It's over, what should I do if I'm a fan?"

"I've been a fan for a long time."

"He just published several papers and won runner-up. ?"

"Did you graduate from elementary school upstairs?"

"Same question."



Sitting on the chair, Lance stared blankly at Natsu on the stage, then looked at Steven and Shirona, who seemed to have known it a long time ago, and the gleam in Lorelei's eyes seemed to have guessed it.

"You guys. Did you know?"

Shirona and Steven looked at each other, smiled and said nothing.

A trace of "pity" appeared in their eyes.

They don't respond to the title when they first see it.

It wasn't until one of their conversations that Natsu said that most of Lance's Pokémon were Flying Types, and they suddenly reacted.

Where does the original name "Dodo" come from?

"I just made a guess, it's Natsu Senior as expected." Lorelei said in awe.

Lorelei has always admired Natsu, whether in fighting, tactics, or surviving in the wild.

Unexpectedly, Natsu has such high achievements in Pokémon studies, that Lorelei's admiration for Natsu can no longer be hidden.

Lance : "So, I'm the last to know?"

Claire : "Cousin, don't forget me."

Lance knows that there is a popular one called "Dodo" recently. He also read some papers published by other parties, mainly about "intimacy", but very constructive.

But he couldn't connect Natsu with this "dodo".

Wait a moment.

Why "Dodo"?

Lance's eyes fell on Natsu again.

If this title was taken by someone else, Lance would not think too much about it.


Finally Lance understood.

Why does everyone know this secret, but not him.

Claire: Cousin, don't forget me.

Lance cursed directly "Claire, bring me my four meter sword!"

Claire: "Ready to go!"

Standing on the stage, Natsu suddenly felt a chill down his spine.


(end of this chapter)