
Bottom Trainer (Pokemon)

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and its rights belong to its respective owner. Note that I am just copying a story that i read and i want you to read it too........ Sorry 1-200 is trash,, it was the first time I wrote this novel

FebyFeb · Anime & Comics
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664 Chs

Chapter 647 The Fraternity


The Quasi-Elite Hatterene faced Togekiss, Beedrill, and Alakazam, three quasi-Elites, completely knocked out in an instant.

Also, Pokémon like Hatterene are very slow.

Standing in place like a graceful lady, it's difficult to fight against a Pokémon that relies on speed like Beedrill.

And, as long as the Hatterene doesn't use some fancy moves, the Characteristic Trait of the "Magic Bounce" can't work, and her slow weakness is more exposed.

She happens to have a relationship of restraint with Shiinotic, otherwise she definitely won't be able to live here peacefully.

But the appearance of the Hatterene also allows Natsu to find a special attack Pokémon that is best suited for his "Space Team" hunter status.

The premise is that the Hatterene can be completely subdued.

Natsu didn't think so.

He has worked very hard to set up a "Team Switch" system for his main Pokémon and is not fully formed yet.

But for the "Team Space" system, the less laborious one has already been formed.

Of course.

In order to deploy a certain battle power, they still need a certain amount of time to coordinate.

Hatterene is a Pokémon belonging to the Psychic-Type and Fairy-Type, originating from the Galar Region.

Hatterene has only one gender, female, which is similar to Pokémon like Braviary and Mandibuzz.

The Hatterene compatible Pokémon is Grimmsnarl, the only Pokémon to combine both Dark-Type and Fairy-Type Attributes among known Pokémon.

The Characteristic Trait of the Hatterene captured by him was the "Magic Bounce", the Implied Characteristic of the Hatterene.

The effect is that only if there is, it is equivalent to being in the "Magic Guard" state all the time.

So the Shiinotic "Spore" would not only be unable to work on it, but would even be reflected and put the Shiinitoc into a deep sleep.

Therefore, even for Natsu, the Shiinotics, who can only attack in a violent way, are a bit more complicated than the Hatterene.

"Did the 'Role Play' okay?" Natsu looked at Audino beside him.

"Audio." Audi nodded.

Her Traits temporarily became a "Magic Bounce".


It was a bit unrealistic for this Hatterene to immediately subdued, after all she was being beaten savagely by Togekiss.

But as long as Audino "Role Play" her Characteristics, then through "Skill Swap" and then repeats "Role Play" plus "Skill Swap", all Pokemon Characteristics become a "Magic Bounce".

This way, it wouldn't be too much trouble to clean up the Shiinotic group later.

Then Natsu looked at Togekiss, who was flying towards him excitedly.

He laughed and opened his arms.

Togekiss was stunned for a moment, then her small eyes rolled slyly.

Then her wings flapped vigorously.

plop —

It charged forward and immediately knocked Natsu onto the grass.

Then she rubbed her head hard against his chest, like she would never stop until his clothes were a complete mess.



Eevee and Latios, who saw this scene, couldn't stand it, they also came forward and joined Togekiss' "snap" hug.

Beedrill and the others couldn't help but smile at this sight.

It will take a while.

Natsu got up from the ground.

His clothes were messy, his hat was off, and his hair was messy.

Those who didn't know, thought he was doing something in the wilderness.


Natsu didn't complain about them, just patting their heads in turn.

Then looked into Togekiss's eyes, seriously said: "Don't keep things in your heart in the future, say it and share it with everyone, this time it was me who was negligent."

Other Pokémon, whether it's Beedrill, Alakazam, Latios, or Monferno, inner thoughts are difficult to hide, even if they hide Natsu, Natsu can basically see it at a glance.

He had taught Beedrill, Alakazam and Aegislash more than once before.

Only Togekiss, Natsu never worried about her inner thoughts.

Because she's the happiest and naughtiest Pokemon on the team, whose laugh makes for a great cover to herself.

It was so good that Natsu didn't even notice it.

In fact, if he looked closely, he should have noticed it.

It's just that he never thought that Togekiss, a carefree little child, would have so much pressure on herself because of the progress of her comrades and Natsu's expectations.

Natsu probably wouldn't have noticed if the Hatterene, who is very sensitive to Pokémon's emotions, had taken the opportunity to invade Togekiss' mind this time.

Hearing Natsu, Togekiss just stuck out her little tongue, obediently and honestly nodded.

In fact, she herself did not really understand.

She had always been carefree, and she didn't understand why she had such thoughts and emotions in her heart. She didn't know how to express it, so she could only try to maintain it as before.

Thanks Hatterene.

This is a more "partial" way of letting her vent these emotions.

Patting his clothes from dust and weeds.

Natsu stood up from the ground.

Fixing his hair and putting his hat back on, he said with a smile: "Then the next objective is very clear."





The four Pokémon expressed their opinions at the same time.

'Beat back! '

They had never suffered such a big loss since they started with Natsu.

Then the four Pokémon looked at Monferno, Latios, and Eevee simultaneously.

"Monf!" Monferno shivered and quickly followed.




The four older sibling and three younger sibling are still very hard on the enemy.

Eevee slowly and deeply understands the contents of "The Fraternity".

After looking at each other resolutely, Pokemon laughed happily.

"Before that, conquer that Shiinotic first."

Natsu sets foot on Steelix again.

At this point Steelix completely complied.

He didn't even dare to think that these people would challenge that Hydreigon?

He doesn't know if he has changed or the world has changed.

As a qualified ground mount, after these days of contact and understanding, Steelix could be considered a brief member of the "Fraternity".

With the Hatterene's "Magic Bounce" Characteristic, clearing the Shiinotic group was a breeze.

Especially when this Shiinotic group didn't even have a single quasi-Elite boss.

Monferno went mad.

One hit for one Shiinotic.

Natsu didn't miss a single one this time, neither Shiinotic nor Morelull.

The result.

A total of 89 Shiinotics were harvested, including 3 Gym Leaders and 78 Morelulls.

In an instant, it surpassed previous Pokémon capture count.

The Fairy type doesn't have too many Pokémon.

Done right, the price will skyrocket the first time it appears.

But after this group of Shiinotic and Morelull were caught, Natsu could clearly feel that Fairy-Type energy throughout the forest started flowing at an extremely fast speed.

Natsu estimated that in a few days, the Fairy-Type energy here would return to a concentration similar to the average level in other spaces.

When he returned to camp again, he saw Ono curled up in Kommo-o's arms and asleep.

Ono looked like she was still thinking about something while delirious when she was sleeping.

Natsu could only vaguely understand a few words like "Roasted Meat", "Flying Type", "Awu" and so on.

But Kommo-o opened his eyes slightly when he felt Natsu approaching, and only closed them again when he was sure it was Natsu.

Natsu didn't do anything else that night, and took his Pokémon to rest.

The next few days were to let the Pokémon get used to the power change as soon as possible, and collect some spar and Pokémon at the same time.

Natsu had a hunch.

After defeating Hydreigon and getting colorful spar, the journey in Rayquaza space is almost over.

So take the last bit of time and collect more resources.

Try to fill up all the Poké Balls that have been brought.

Maximize the harvest on this trip.


(end of this chapter)