
Chapter 630 Forest Doctor


The next day.

Latios and Eevee whispered there.


'Very serious, what he's looking at? '

"Os." Latios shook his head.

'I don't know. '


'Is constipation? '

As soon as these words came out, Latios and Monferno beside her looked at her together.

Eevee hastily covered her mouth and rolled her little eyes, clearly knowing that she had said something wrong.

"Eevv, evv."

'You two, don't tell him. '


'Don't worry. '

"Peng peng" sounded from Latios chest.

What is Natsu doing now?

He saw the picture of the smiling face that person had left on the ground last night.

"Smile. Is that a sign? At least the people are friendly. Can't write because you can't read? Or too lazy to write?"

Natsu rubbed his chin.

He left the wooden bowl and half of yesterday's roast, also tempted.

As a result, when he came to take a look in the morning, the wooden bowl and roast were indeed gone.

And that person replied with a smiling face, at least there shouldn't be any animosity.

Besides this smiling face, there were two huge footprints left on the ground.

These are definitely some kind of Pokemon footprints.

It means.

That guy has Pokemon.

But if he looks at the footprints alone, he can't tell what a Pokemon it is, only that it has to be big.

At least the footprints were deep and the ground was heavily dented.

"As for the bones."

Natsu was also curious.

He had obviously kept half of the roast, but only 1/4 of the bone was left.

"Forget it. For now, let's classify it as a lower risk category. If the other party wants to contact me, they'll show up again. If they don't want to contact me, that's fine."

He couldn't figure it out just by thinking.

He greets Pokémon to continue his second day of travel in Rayquaza's space.

The goal remains clear.

Look for Pokémon with healing abilities before exploring and confidently collecting spar.

"Lets go."

Natsu moved towards the three small children and made a gesture.


This time Latios who was the fastest, flew to Natsu's side, was just about to say something with a strange expression.

Unfortunately, before Latios could speak, Eevee jumped off the ground, climbed onto Latios' neck, and covered his mouth.

"Eev! Evv!"

She then looked towards Natsu while grinning.

Natsu shook his head.

The three little ones had little chatter, of course he knew that, but he didn't take Eevee's words seriously.

Leave the prairie and enter the forest.

Originally, he would be moving towards the pillar, but now he had to find a spar, to reach the pillar.

Yesterday had been wandering outside for more spar.

Wait for enough spar to let Latios fly straight in, which is only a matter of minutes.

And he wants to see the attitude of humans who live in a different space Rayquaza.

They also encountered several Wild Pokémon attacks along the way.

But they're all Pokémon that act on their own, and don't pose much of a threat to them.

And this type of Pokemon basically doesn't carry spar.

Until he went with the flow and entered the bamboo forest.

Peng~ Peng~ Peng~ —.

The sound of fighting in the forest could be heard, and it seemed to be very intense.

After signaling the Pokémon to keep the noise down, they approached cautiously, only to find out what Pokémon were fighting.

On one side of the bamboo forest is a group of Pangoro and Pancham.

On the other side, there are a few Scythers.

There was no melee on either side, just a rather stocky Pangoro fighting a fast moving Scyther.

Pangoro , Pancham and the other Scythers just watched , uttering a few low voices from time to time .

It seems.

These two groups are not at enmity, but just


Natsu was slightly surprised to see this scene.

It's theoretically normal for Wild Pokémon to fight each other.

Whether it is for territory, or to compete for resources, it is very common.

There was no way that there would be pointless fights between Wild Pokémon.

The reason is simple.

Since this was a battle, there was definitely the possibility of injury.

And once injured, Wild Pokémon are a nuisance.

They couldn't get the best medical treatment, at most they used some natural methods, or herbs or berries, to restore their state.

But this recovery is not complete.

Frequent fights and injuries would definitely leave some internal injuries in the body.

And this deep wound can't be completely healed with just Berries.

Over time, the accumulated internal injuries will become a shackle for the Wild Pokémon, making it difficult to increase its strength.

Simply put, it's to minimize their potential and slow down promotion.

Therefore, in Pokémon Wild, it is very difficult to have strong powers, such as quasi-Elite or even Elite level powers.

After all, it's rare for a Wild Pokémon to stay on top of a fight, remaining unharmed.

And this is one of the reasons why Trainers like Natsu rarely take Wild Pokémon that have already been formed as their main Pokémon.

The fighting methods and habits they had developed over a long period of time was one aspect, and the potential losses caused by the internal injuries that had more or less accumulated on them were another.

Even Wild Pokémon formed with semi-Elite powers couldn't guarantee how many ailments remained in their bodies that couldn't be completely cured.


Wild Pokémon have lots of fights.

But not much bickering was in vain.

Available now.

This group of Pangoro and Scyther fought meaninglessly.

Pangoro, who fought in the middle, was left with multiple scars by the Scyther's sharp scythe.

And Scyther was also under Pangoro's fist.

This is definitely one of the worst fights.

But the other clansmen on both sides had no intention of stopping and intervening.


After "X-Scissor" Scyther knocked Pangoro out, the Scyther side cheered, and Pangoro was angry, but only brought his friend back in anger.


Another Pangoro and another Scyther came out and continued the fight.

There he is.

Both sides had their own winners and losers, and they also sent their clan members to fight one after another.

After the final battle, both sides only said a few harsh words to each other, then withdrew.

It feels like an unfathomable mystery.

But Natsu noticed something.

According to their playing style, it is normal for one by one to be injured, internal injuries accumulate, and the final strength stagnates.

But he just found out in his observations.

Whether it was Pangoro or Scyther, the Pokémon that played weren't weak, their imposing manners were also excellent, and they all had at least the strength of a Gym Leader level.

This must make one wonder.

With their situation, there was still a chance of one or two Gym Leader level Pokémon appearing in the clan.

But it would be too much if every player had the strength of a Gym Leader.

And on their bodies, Natsu also saw some spars that were more or less caught.

These two clans, in this area, are obviously two strong clans.

Scyther's individual combat ability is not weak.

Although Pangoro's party has some normal Pancham strengths, the strength of the several Pangoros that are played are not weak.

This is relatively rare.

Natsu narrowed his eyes and paused to think before coming to a conclusion.

"They don't worry about getting hurt. Dunno if any Pokémon can deal with it, and it's not weak, at least not by dropping Grassy Terrain.

or , that is, what special materials they have mastered, which can help them fully recover."

This way, the two groups could fight recklessly, to temper themselves and increase their strength through the fight.

Maintaining such a battle would also allow them to increase in strength steadily and quickly.

But one of Natsu's two interests.

Doesn't he need this too?

Either Pokémon with excellent healing abilities, or special materials that can heal.

And these two groups that are not weak seem to have a lot of spar, which he needs to collect.


Natsu decided.

"Follow and see."

Natsu chose Pangoro over the more sensitive Scyther.

He wanted to see how the injured Pangoro would handle the wound.

His psychic wrapped himself up, hiding carefully.

Take Eevee in his arms.

Monferno was nimble and light by nature, and moved through the forest without leaving a sound.

Latios is even simpler, so invisible.

There he is.

They came to the area within the Pangoro territory.

Pangoro is also a strong group in this area, and the Wild Pokémon's deterrence around it is quite strong, and would not have expected that there would be humans close to the area within their territory.

Natsu, who was observing Pangoro's movements from a distance, didn't act rashly when he hid.

See you again.

Some of the lightly injured Pangoro ate the Berries under the help of the clan members, and after smearing some herbs on their bodies, they slowly recovered.

With their mighty stature, it didn't take long for them to get up from the ground and walk over.

But there were two Pangoros who were seriously injured, who were still lying on the ground sulking after eating berries and applying herbal medicine.

Pangoro and the other Panchams weren't nervous about the situation.

With great skill, the four Pangoros put up two stretchers made of sturdy bamboo and lifted them up.

Then the two tiny Panchams took out about a dozen different types of Berries from a tree hole hidden somewhere, then moved towards the depths of the forest.

After witnessing the whole process, Natsu became more and more convinced with the conjecture in his heart.

Remaining invisible, hiding far behind Pangoro's group without making much noise.

Not long.

Pangoro came to a small hillside, and there was a dark cave under the hillside.

For this cave, Pangoro did not hesitate, and stepped into it.

Natsu didn't follow, just watched silently from a distance.

It didn't keep him waiting too long.

About ten minutes later.

The six couldn't tell which Pangoro had been injured before, and came out of the cave with the two Panchams, talking and laughing.

The injuries on their bodies were completely invisible from the outside.

Berry, who was originally held by Pancham, is gone.

When Pangoro left, Natsu didn't follow them anymore, but stood up slowly from the bushes, staring at the cave with burning eyes.

The key.

It is there.

Come in and have a look!

Natsu made a quick decision.

His feet were shrouded in Psychic, so there was no sound when he stepped on the ground.

Go slowly into the cave.

The cave isn't deep, but the tunnel is large, apparently more likely to allow some larger Pokémon to enter.

And as Natsu slowly approached the depths of the cave.

Some movements are faintly audible.

ka-cha –ka-cha—

It was the sound of munching on a Berry.

Its voice was low, but clear because the cave was quite quiet.

And when Natsu and the others walked deep into the cave, the light didn't dim.

Because there was an opening at the top of the cave, a bright beam of light entered from above.

Behind that beam, a silhouette was faintly visible, carefully eating the Berry.

The image behind the light falls within the blind's field of view.

So even though Natsu was in the cave, he still couldn't see what Pokémon it was.

But the other party could see Natsu and the others appearing at the entrance of the hole.

With a rustle.

When the Pokemon actually appeared in front of Natsu.

But he only saw


The Pokemon is wrapped in dense vegetation, trees, forest and leaves, and only two big blue eyes can see it.

Everything was completely shrouded in this simple disguise.

"Audino?" Natsu looks at the Pokémon, repeats its voice in a low voice, and makes his guesses about this hidden Pokémon.


Those pure blue eyes swept over Natsu and his Pokemon, before finally falling on Monferno.

With flowing pink energy, and spreading light.

A beam of light hit Monferno.


Monferno felt a friendly energy, and felt that his tense body relaxed, and some awkward places on his body disappeared. .

He groaned comfortably from the bottom of his heart.

Heal Pulses.

Compared to Latios' "Heal Pulse" move, which Natsu never trained on.

This Pokémon is noticeably far more capable, and her prowess in movement falls short of Latios's.

The abundant energy will make Monferno feel relaxed from the frequent battles.

After it finishes.

The blue eyes looked at Natsu.

Like it's waiting for something.

Natsu looked down, and immediately laughed helplessly.

He knew why Pangoro had brought Berry earlier.

Without hesitation, he took out a box of Pokéblocks from his hand and handed it to the other party.


Looking at the Pokéblock, the Pokemon had obviously never seen before, so it was a little curious.

But the scent brought by the Pokéblock made her eyes light up.

After a bit of hesitation.

Out of the thick vegetation camouflage, stretched out a pink arm with light brown palms, grabbed the Pokéblock, and carefully stuffed it into her mouth.


Tasting the taste of the Pokéblock, her blue eyes immediately widened with happiness.

Looking at the Pokéblock box in disbelief.

But because of the movement, eating something tasty made the movement a bit rougher.

The random patches of vegetation and camouflage on the body are not strong, and are accidentally released.

Exposing the seemingly weak appearance underneath.


See what it looks like.

Natsu thought to himself: "Sure enough."

Pokémon like Audino are softly and affectionate, and often help out other Pokémon.

But at the same time, Wild's Audino is very afraid of life and likes to hide away.

So this Audino's case, she chose to wrap herself in grass.

And she must become a doctor in this forest.

Help other Pokémon recover to their states, and as payment, they can exchange food that can grant survival.


Audino panicked when she found out that her disguise was exposed.


And the sound is too loud.

The Wild Pokémon that were usually cared for by Audino, when they heard this sound, they stopped their movements and headed towards the cave.

Natsu, Monferno, and Eevee all rubbed their ears in unison.

Although not the "Hyper Voice" movement.

But this sound, he is afraid that it is still too loud.

The most important.

Natsu could already hear the chaotic movement not from inside the cave but from outside.

The power and influence of a forest doctor should not be underestimated.


(end of this chapter)

Next chapter