
Bottom Trainer (Pokemon)

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and its rights belong to its respective owner. Note that I am just copying a story that i read and i want you to read it too........ Sorry 1-200 is trash,, it was the first time I wrote this novel

FebyFeb · Anime & Comics
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664 Chs

Chapter 482 Ice Crystal Crown!  


No danger.

The Cryogonal Boss falls under the siege of Pokémon Natsu.

They have experience fighting Gym Leader-level Pokémon in the Groudon's different space, and even Pokémon with Attributes that are not easy to handle can be won successfully. This Cryogonal, which was held by Doublade to death, completely reversed it.

After successfully defeating the Cryogonal Boss and a large group of Cryogonals, Natsu and the others finally stepped into this ice cave for the first time.

Smooth ground, dangling Ice Spears, jagged ice crystals.

The light that came in through the entrance was refracted by a large number of ice crystals, illuminating the ice cave.

Update soon.

Natsu and his Pokemon move towards deep in the ice cave.

It seemed that he really was in a world made up of ice crystals, and wherever he went, whether it was rock or whatever, everything was covered in a layer of crystal clear ice.

The temperature inside was not as low as expected.

As everyone knows, the coldest time is actually when the ice and snow begins to melt, and after entering the ice cave, the wind and snow on Mount Coronet is isolated, and the temperature really warms up.

But there are quite a few Ice-Type Pokémon living in this ice cave, and they're clearly hostile to aliens like Natsu and the others.

Stumbled along the way, by many Ice Type Pokémon blocking further entry.


Natsu will also send Chimchar to try and fight if he finds some Ice-Type Pokémon that aren't very strong.

With the power of Fire-Type Pokémon, Chimchar's performance wasn't bad.

But the tacit understanding between Natsu and Chimcar really wasn't high when he just joined the team. During battle, Chimchar reactions are often slow, and some are unable to keep up with the rhythm of the battle.

Natsu didn't say it either.

This is a process that requires a slow process, and Chimchar has also tried his best to learn, and the progress is also clear.

Through actual combat like this, Natsu also has a more comprehensive understanding of Chimchar's strengths and abilities, and has a clearer goal in his training going forward.



Ice shards suddenly.

"Yong Ji." Yong Ji drank low, raised the spoon.

Then an "ice cube" the size of a rock slipped out of the corner and stopped in front of Natsu and the others.

On a closer look, Natsu discovers that these are not ice cubes, but Pokemon.


It looked like an ice crystal full of edges and corners, with short legs and a pair of round yellow eyes.

Bergmite is a single-attribute Ice-Type Pokémon that lives in extreme cold areas all year round.

"Ice!" Bergmite, who was barely a meter in size, looked at Natsu and the others, and shouted loudly.

Although the imposing manner was not very good, the hostility was evident.

"Go, Chimchar."

Chimchar gets another chance to fight.


Chimchar will not refuse this.

After seeing the strength of his team along the way, Chimchar didn't say it, but his heart was still a little urgent.

Desperate to become stronger, to fight together.

Instead of hiding behind them all the time, enjoy the "comfortable" life.

It made him feel like he was hiding behind Typhlosion.


The Chimcar fell to the ground, and the flames behind it lit up, representing his current high fighting intent.


Bergmite looked at Chimchar without hesitation. After screaming, his body began to slowly rotate, and then his speed became faster and faster, his ice attribute energy wrapped around his body during the rotation, condensing into a ball shape.

Ice Type Movement.

Ice Ball.

Continuous non-interrupting movement, the initial formidable strength is only 30 points, but the longer the duration, the faster the rotation speed, the stronger the Ice Type energy, the more formidable power will gradually increase.

Formidable strength will change from 30 points to 60 points, then to 120 points, and finally the ideal formidable strength can even reach 480 points.

And, if the "Defense Curl" move is used before using the "Ice Ball" move, the formidable initial strength will be 60 points, and the formidable final strength can reach a terrifying 960 points.

This was definitely a move that had to finish off the opponent as soon as possible. Once the formidable power was successfully added, the destructive power would definitely increase exponentially.


Chimchar has the means to deal with it.

"Fake Out" said Natsu calmly.


Chimchar didn't hesitate, took three steps and two, approached Bergmite nimbly and swiftly.

Take Out is a fast-release move, doesn't require a stockpile, so can often be cast before the enemy moves.

And once Fake Out's surprise attack was successfully carried out, it would definitely make the opponent fall into the Flinch state. This is a 100% control move, which is different from the luck-influenced Togetic control.

However, Fake Out's surprise attack also has a drawback, namely that it can only be used at the beginning of its appearance. After a period of time has passed, the effect will be greatly reduced, and the effect will hardly be exerted.


Running towards Bergmite who was still on Stockpile, Chimchar slammed his palm in front of him, creating a huge shockwave between his palms, forcibly knocking Bergmite down and stopping the rotation.

The Ice Ball failed to release its movement, and the high speed spin made Bergmite's body out of control for a short time.


Chimchar clenched his small fists, and wisps of fire shot out from his palms.

"Fire Punch." Natsu's voice sounded at the same time.

Natsu smiled when he saw Chimchar clench his fists, ready to release the Fire Punch, before he could even give his orders.

The battle between Trainers and Pokémon is a process, a process of getting used to each other.


Chimchar adapts well, and can already follow Natsu's rhythm.

bang !!

The Chimcar's flaming fist swung out and hit Bergmite's body.

The fiery breath touched the icy body and let out a "si si" sound. The ice armor solidified by Bergmite shattered and melted slightly, and at the same time, Chimchar punched him.


crushed against the ice wall.

One hit to successfully end the fight.


However, while destroying Bergmite, Kadabra, the supervisor, gave a serious warning.

"Icee—" A dull sound, along with "ka kaka" footsteps, came from within the ice cave not far away.

"Chimchar, come back." shouted Natsu, calling Chimchar back and staring at the approaching large silhouette.

The large ice crystal looks like a turtle, with a triangular head, yellow pupils, the back is smooth and flat, The limbs are like normal ice, every step falls, releasing ice cubes Sharp sound of collision with ice cubes.


Bergmite Evolution.

However, it wasn't Avalugg that really caught Natsu's attention, but rather the haughty silhouette standing on Avalugg's back.

She has a human-like appearance, a red dress, white arms and purple hands, a purple face, pink lips, saucer-shaped eyes and long blonde hair, as in the opera The Nordic Princess.


Ice-Type and Psychic-Type Pokémon.

But this Jynx is different from other Jynx.

Because she has an ice crystal crown on her head.

His pupils narrowed as Natsu looked at the center of the crown.

A small pink fragment was embedded within it.


small slate shards!


Hey don't forget to comment

(End of this chapter)