
Bottom Trainer (Pokemon)

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and its rights belong to its respective owner. Note that I am just copying a story that i read and i want you to read it too........ Sorry 1-200 is trash,, it was the first time I wrote this novel

FebyFeb · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 412 Conquer and Disperse


After receiving the Poké Salazzle Ball from Psychic Kadabra, Natsu also didn't hesitate, and released her.

As the boss who received the most resources from such a large Salandit clan, this Salazzle had good strength and good physical fitness. After being summoned, she had regained her basic consciousness.

Natsu looked at Cherrim over his shoulder.

Cherrim understood and waved her hand throwing Heal Pulse at Salazzle, who finally regained her mobility.


Salazzle looked at Natsu, who was so vicious and angry from before was gone, all that was left was admiration.

Slightly bowed, slightly flattering look?

The corner of Natsu's mouth lifted slightly.

Dealing with a smart Pokémon that has a clear position for himself is easy, and he doesn't have to say anything.

Salazzle looked at Beedrill intentionally or unintentionally, full of fear.

'This guy's last shot really hurts.'

The few Salandits standing beside him saw that Salazzle had shown her moves, so they stopped insisting on anything, and crouched on the ground obediently.

"Yongji." Kadabra's eyes lit up as he translated for Natsu.

"How many female salandits are in your clan?" Natsu was the first to ask the question he was most worried about.

A look of shame appeared on Salazzle's face, but answered the question obediently and honestly.


Natsu looked surprised.


Slightly less than he thought, it seemed that this Salazzle had done a lot to get rid of the female salandit that was about to evolve.

But that's enough.

With so many female Salandits and these Salazzle, the pheromones should be pretty impressive.

Another Pokémon tribe that produces a continuous supply.

"Tell me where this place is, what tribes are around, very powerful Pokemon." Natsu added.

This time, Salazzle was very honest, telling everything she knew without omitting and in detail.

During that period, several Salandits, who weren't too badly injured, also woke up, and saw that Natsu and the others were still standing well, while their queen, Salazzle, looked respectful, and immediately understood the general situation. surrender process.

The opponents were only four Pokémon, and they swept through their entire large clan.

Even though Salandit also knew that she wasn't a Pokémon that was good at fighting head-to-head, that kind of power was enough to make them unable to think of a fight, especially since Salazzle had given up.

When Salandit woke up, they would go behind Salazzle obediently and honestly, lying on the ground not daring to do anything.

Natsu, who had finished listening to Salazzle's speech, had a strange expression at the moment.

And Kadabra looked at each other.

Kadabra says the translation is fine.

"saying it like that. How to get out of this huge and complicated Tunnel, even Salazzle doesn't know, shouldn't I be teleported directly to the Underground World in this different space?" Natsu muttered.

And, from Salazzle's mouth, in the nearby Tunnel, apart from their Salandit clan, there were several Pokémon clans that were not inferior to them.

For example, the Excadrill group, who were always the most tense with them.

Excadrill, being both Ground-Type and Steel-Type Pokémon, is also good at drilling holes. In a Tunnel densely populated with Rock-Type Pokémon and Ground-Type Pokémon, it should have a natural Attribute advantage.

In fact, it is.

But it was the Salandits.

Salandit is a Poison-Type Pokémon, their Poison-Type moves shouldn't pose much of a threat to Steel-Type Excadrills, but whether it's Salazzle or Salandit, the only Pokémon in the entire world to have the Corrosion Charcteristic Trait.

These Traits can even poison Steel-Type Pokémon and Poison-Type Pokémon. Even though the Poison Type jutsu still couldn't do any damage, it still caused poisoning.

If they were good at using some tricks to release Scented Poison Gas or even Pheromone Gas, it would become quite troublesome.

Additionally Salandit and Salazzle are Fire-Type Pokémon, and they're also very restrained on Steel-Type Pokémon.

But Excadrill is not only a Steel-Type Pokémon, it's a Ground-Type Pokémon, and Ground-Type has four times the control over Salandit.

So these two groups have become sworn enemies, holding and hurting each other.

Besides Excadrill, there is the more neutral Gigalith and Magcargo which is closest to the scorching lava region.

The largest are these four groups, and of course there are also several smaller groups.

At the same time, Salazzle also said that in the deepest part of the Tunnel, there is a very powerful Pokémon, which has lived in this Tunnel for decades, and no group dares to touch its ugly head.


Having been passed down from generation to generation and unapproachable, they now had no idea what a terrifying Pokemon it was.

Know, never come near, or you will die.

Natsu doesn't really care about other groups of Pokémon, not even Excadrill, but this mysterious and powerful Pokémon has piqued his interest.

But after hours of battling Salandit today, the Pokémon are tired and in no rush to explore other areas.

Natsu returns to the preselected cave dwelling with Salazzle and a few (elite) salandits.

The rest of Salandit was left to repair and restore themself.

With such a large group, if he had to bear the cost of recovery, he couldn't afford it.

At best, Cherrim kept a few pieces of Grassy Terrain to speed up their recovery.

Moreover, Salandit has been entrenched in this Tunnel for a long time, she should have her own way of dealing with it.

Sitting by a freshly lit bonfire.

The Pokemon eat to regain their powers, while Salazzle and Salandit crawl obediently and do nothing, while Natsu is lost in thought as he watches the fire star jump into the flames.

There was wood here, not a whole piece of wood, but some withered roots from an unknown plant.

This indicated that their current position was most likely in a place where he didn't know how many meters underground, rather than on a mountain.

Although not completely sure.

Salandits don't have the ability to dig, so it's unclear about places outside the Tunnel, but as Excadrills, who are very good at digging holes, they might know some of the situations outside the Tunnel, and they might even know how to get out.

Looks like this Excadrill group will be greeted soon.

He looked at Salazzle.

"You will let your clan members out tomorrow and let them find out all the big and small Tunnels around here. I want to know all the Pokémon tribal branches here, as well as the Tunnel branches."

If he didn't know the exact location, he would be like a headless fly.

Salandit has so many, and her IQ is not low, she should not be too difficult to draw a Tunnel map.


Salazzle nodded again and again, out of the corner of her eye, she watched Togetic and they were eating the Pokéblock, and swallowed it gently.

Natsu wasn't stingy, throwing a middle-ranked Pokéblock box at it.

Recovery works better.

Salazzle caught it, with surprise in her eyes.

"In addition, some rare and valuable items must also be marked, whether they are guarded by Pokémon or not," added Natsu.

Because here, let's collect all the valuables in this underground Tunnel.

Salazzle responded quickly.

After eating a few Pokéblocks, the resistance in her heart wasn't that great.

Because they were underground, they couldn't see the changing sunsets and sunrises, and could only rely on their cell phones to judge the time.

Fortunately, Natsu's biological clock is mostly fixed.

The second day

After waking up, he was in no hurry to understand and explore this Tunnel. After handing it over to Salazzle and Salandit, just wait for them to send the detailed map here.

He'll be training with Pokémon for a while first.

Even if you participate in this trial, the original rainfall and cultivation cannot be lowered. At best, you can customize while fighting.

Strive for maximum efficiency.

The four Pokemon are also ready.

It's been a long time since Beedrill has been very focused and now the use of Sword Dance moves can finally be done at the level of Doublade, and Natsu is quite satisfied with the results.

Skillful use of the Sword Dance, even in a race against time against others, could be Beedrill's means of victory.

Next, the focus of his training would shift to Agility.

Natsu doesn't value Agility less than Sword Dance, and it can work very well if used well.

Kadabra's next main direction is Future Sight.

This is a move he got from Jirachi.

He has certain abilities similar to Absol's ability to predict danger. Compared to ordinary Future Sight, it has more complex skills and uses.

Kadabra's occasional foresight has also helped Natsu solve many crises and problems, but his proficiency is not high.

If Kadabra can dig deep and apply it to combat, combined with the flexibility that Teleport brings, Kadabra can completely play an opponent in the palm of his hand.

The Togetic Fairy Type has awakened.

It was just that her use of Fairy-Type energy was still very jerky, which had a lot to do with the fact that she had never used an Fairy-Type move before.

So the next period is to practice Fairy-Type energy control and the use of Fairy-Type moves.

Although Natsu is not ready to show her Fairy-Type abilities in the next "Lily of the Valley youth tournament", in the long run, this is an unavoidable direction of training.

When Fairy-Type is truly announced, Togetic, as a Pokémon that has long been familiar with Fairy-Type energy and moves, will definitely shine, and she will definitely make some Dragon-Type Pokémon feel a sense of despair.

Doublade's goal was predetermined.

He has a very high proficiency in mastering his own moves, and it can even be said that he is one of the highest skill masters among Natsu's Pokemon.

Although the Sacred Sword moves were learned later, the proficiency in the Fury Cutter moves was unquestionable.

If the Fury Cutter and Sacred Sword jutsu could be perfectly combined before the "Lily of the Valley youth tournament", then it would be Natsu's biggest major strength in the tournament.


It was the biggest major force, even if it was Beedrill, it should be ranked behind Doublade.

Because if you don't want to expose too much, better show less.

Doublade will be the only Pokémon Natsu is willing to show, at least until he faces those true geniuses.

Fury Cutter cooperates with the "all things are equal sword" effect, coupled with Doublade's "No Guard" Characteristic Trait, one blade and one quick thrust is the result Natsu wants.

In this way, when he fought those true geniuses, he could take advantage of his own informational advantage to take greater initiative, to gain a better rank, attract the attention of the Alliance, and exchange it for the Opportunity to become a Gym Leader.

While Natsu trains Pokémon regularly, Salazzle finally completes the task he's given him, sending him a map of the area the Salandit Tunnel can explore.

It shows the population distribution of all Wild Pokémon, as well as the locations of some valuable materials and Items.

Since Salandit was good at making small tricks, it was good for them, so the speed of the result was also very fast.

Natsu scanned the map, This tangled and complicated underground tunnel that was more like a maze than a maze without a map.

But he soon realized that the area after Magcargo's territory was marked in gray and white.

It was an area that Salandit did not want or dare to approach, because there lived a very powerful Pokémon according to legend of its time.

other than that, almost everything is clearly depicted.

Looking at the map, Natsu felt a little more confident.

"Start by acquiring these resources, then focus on the Excadrill group first." said Natsu.

Hearing this, Salazzle suddenly showed excitement.

Compared to Excadrill, they were too willing.

But Natsu was less optimistic.

Excadrill could not take advantage of the tight space to win as happened against Salandit.

Their drilling capabilities are too strong to be limited by the narrow tunnel space.

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Natsu can use the tunnel space to deal with a small number of Salandits, but if the same is done to Excadrill, sorry, they'll have to tell Natsu that punching is strong enough to act on purpose.

Therefore, small spaces are not suitable for dealing with Excadrill, but can trap yourself in them.

So the best way is to lead the batch to complete the batch, and consume their vitality first.

Natsu feels like going back in time when strategy games were tough.

Since the strategy of attracting monsters will be used, how to attract them becomes very important.

Thinking of this, Natsu's eyes fell on Salazzle beside him.

Sensing Natsu's gaze, Salazzle suddenly trembled slightly, her back was cold, she raised her head slightly stiffly, and looked at Natsu while laughing shyly.

Finalizing tactics.

Leaving Natsu alone with the large Excadrill clan would be difficult and troublesome.

But luckily, he defeated the Salandit group first, and with their Help, it was relatively simple.

After all, Salandit had already matched the Excadrill group, and with his help, the price had only made the Salandit group injured yesterday, who finally recovered, suffer another minor injury.

After a day of fierce fighting, combined with some "little" strategies, taking advantage of Salandit's "Corrosion" Character's advantage, and finally Natsu's group of Excadrill is defeated.

Unlike the Salandits who had long been accustomed to Salazzle's tyrannical abuse of power in their heads, defeating Salazzle was tantamount to taking over the entire Salandit clan. The "slavery" of the Excadrill clan is not too big, to fight back, fight back fiercely or flee in all directions.

They wanted to hide, but Natsu couldn't stop them.

The end result was that most of the Excadrill group fled in an instant, and if the rest were not caught, they might all escape after waking up.

They will move places, choose a new Boss, and continue to maintain the development of the entire clan.

But it doesn't matter, Natsu has conquered the Excadrill Boss, as well as several Excadrill (elite), as well as the resources that the entire Excadrill has accumulated, and some of them are very valuable.

So far.

The two large groups in this underground tunnel had either been completely captured or completely disbanded.

Natsu also manages to learn how to get out of the underground tunnel from the mouth of the Excadrill Boss.

But Natsu was in no hurry to leave now that he knew how.

He was a little curious about the Pokemon that Salazzle and Excadrill Boss were afraid of.

And the area he guards, there will definitely be something good in it.


(end of this chapter)