
Bottom Trainer (Pokemon)

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and its rights belong to its respective owner. Note that I am just copying a story that i read and i want you to read it too........ Sorry 1-200 is trash,, it was the first time I wrote this novel

FebyFeb · Anime & Comics
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664 Chs

Chapter 397 Articuno!


Bird nest!

What Pokemon would build a nest in a place like this?


In the distance, the loud chirping of birds reached Natsu and Shirona's ears through the clouds and wind and snow.

Natsu's expression suddenly changed.

The name of this nest master who came from far away was ready to be spoken.


Legendary Pokemon!

And Zapdos, once caught by Tom Ritchie, has the same level of Pokémon!

Even though it's definitely not a real Articuno with "Priesthood", but just the name "Articuno" isn't something normal Pokémon can match.

Shirona also understood what Natsu meant, plus her voice, the rapidly approaching shadow, and the increasing pressure.

She also did not expect, at the top of Mt Coronet there was Articuno!

Maybe most can't imagine it.

Mainly because Mt Coronet is too high, and there are heavy snowstorms hovering over it all year round, let alone Articuno hidden in the blizzard, even if there is a group of Articuno hidden, maybe no one will find it.

What's more, they were at a very high position right now. They were at the junction of Mt Coronet and the clouds. The thick, dense clouds added to the ability to hide Articuno's whereabouts.

Although Articuno is a rare Pokémon, and is still a legendary Pokémon, they do exist in groups, and the scale of these groups is not small.

It's just that some powerful Articuno will leave the group to live alone, looking for cold peaks or isolated islands to live in.

Mt Coronet perfectly meets Articuno's requirements, regardless of the altitude and the cold.

But now there's Articuno, very unfavorable for Natsu and Shirona.

It's no wonder that "Stone covered with ice and snow" can be found here. Turns out that was all the reason why Articuno existed.

Whether these stones attracted Articuno, or whether Articuno's presence contributed to these Rocks, no one knows.

They only knew that if they didn't leave now, Shirona and Natsu who moved the stone would definitely be the first targets.

But this time.

Eevee running happily, thinking of evolving into Glaceon, was only a few steps away from the rock.

When Natsu hesitated whether to let Eevee evolve first or retreat now and leave. Shirona spoke first and said:

"Natsu, thanks for telling me. Regarding Eevee's evolution, don't get involved in this matter, let's go!"

Natsu opened his mouth and choked as his voice caught in his throat.


"I really want to leave if you don't tell me."

Natsu felt helpless.

Shirona might have left if she didn't say that, but now that she's talking like that, it really makes Natsu a little disappointed, if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off.

Natsu could say no, but he would definitely face Articuno's wrath. Even though he didn't know Articuno's power, it couldn't be underestimated.

But come on, Shirona's words made his feel awkward, but he was a little embarrassed to leave.

The only thing that was certain was that after he left, the relationship with Shirona really floated.

Does not mean.

But if he was going to settle in Sinnoh and build a Gym, then Shirona would be the future champion, he couldn't avoid her.

If he didn't leave, then regardless of the end result, success or not, Shirona was indebted to him.

And as Shirona's power increased, it was an increasingly valuable aid.

This is an exchange.


Natsu gritted his teeth.


It wasn't Articuno, it was Zapdos too, that Articuno was afraid of.

Natsu just doesn't know if Dragapult can stand it.

After all, Articuno was different from Zapdos. The ice attribute restraints on Dragon-Type Pokémon will put more pressure on Dragapults than Zapdos.

Having made up his mind in his heart, Natsu said coldly to Shirona: "Who do you think I am?"

This was the first time Shirona had heard Natsu speak coldly to herself, but she didn't feel disgusted at all, even slightly touched and amazed.

Not many people dared to face Articuno.

Putting her lips together, she said to Natsu sincerely, "Thank you."

"Then prepare yourself for Articuno's wrath," said Natsu. There are still a few more Poke Balls.

Open in a row.

Beedrill and Doublade were summoned.

"The opponent is very strong, be prepared."

Hearing Natsu's words, both Beedrill and Doublade nodded solemnly, especially Doublade, who was very worried.

Doublade seemed that following Natsu was becoming safer, but he didn't know why, but there was always a thrill or two every now and then.

On the other hand, Shirona also threw a Poke Ball.

Apart from Eevee entering Articuno' nest, Lucario and Gabite are called out, she also summoned Spiritomb and Roselia.

In Pokémon Shirona, except for Spiritomb, which is a little inconsistent with her identity and temperament, the other Pokémon are fine.

As for saying Roselia.

This was clearly Shirona's team controller.

Although Pokémon Grass Type is controlled by the ice attribute.

They were both ready to meet Articuno.

The other side.

The excited little Eevee didn't feel anything out of the ordinary. her mind was now full of "Stone covered with snow and ice" in front of her. As she got closer, she could feel the resonance she had with her.

The genes in the body also start to move as it approaches.

Eevee finally understood why she was so happy when she saw ice and snow when she was a child, she was born for this attribute.

Because of that.

When she was close to the Extreme Cold Stone, instead of feeling cold, she felt very good.

It was so good that he couldn't help but want to put her hands on it.


Eevee couldn't contain her urges and urges, and jumped gently in front of the rock, facing the shiniest and most beautiful stone. One of the pieces that caught her attention stuck out her claws and placed it on top of it.

In an instant.

Eevee's body shook gently, and a cold current penetrated into her body along her arms, instantly awakening the silent gene fragments in her body cells.

Immediately after, a blinding white light exploded from her entire body.

And as a cold current flowed through the stone, the milky white light became clearer until it was completely enveloped.

In the smog, Eevee's form begins to change.

Into a state of evolution!

Natsu and Shirona were also delighted by the dazzling white light.

"Looks like it has a similar effect to the Ice Stone." Natsu silently nodded.

"Evolve!" Shirona's eyes filled with undisguised joy, her pink hands clenched into fists at some point, and she was happy with her Pokemon, made her favorite choice for Eevee and felt happy.

But they are happy, and one Pokémon feel very different.

Articuno, who was galloping from a distance, also saw a white light, and felt the energy from one of the stones rush out.

Articuno couldn't help but quicken the flapping of his wings.

Not long after Articuno left the house, the nest was completely taken out.

Anger welled up in his heart.


In a long cry, it finally passed through the cloud and snow barrier, and appeared in front of Natsu and Shirona.



(End of this chapter)