
Bottom Trainer (Pokemon)

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and its rights belong to its respective owner. Note that I am just copying a story that i read and i want you to read it too........ Sorry 1-200 is trash,, it was the first time I wrote this novel

FebyFeb · Anime & Comics
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664 Chs

Chapter 305 Sableye


"Just yep!!"

Togetic stared all around.

Why does it feel that this place is very familiar, but it can't find the mark it left before.

If this familiar feeling came only once, but it has come many times.

"Just yep."

Togetic looked towards Natsu for help.

Natsu frowned as well, feeling similar to Togetic.

He couldn't help remembering the scene where he met Togetic under the dark tunnel of ruins.

Deja Vu.

Thoughts flicker.

To Togetic: "Togetic, do you remember what you did to me and Beedrill?"

"Just yay."

Togetic also After reacting, she immediately understood what Natsu meant.

The next second, Togetic flew up and moved towards the front and moved quickly.

Beedrill and Natsu smiled at each other.

That's what they did to Togepi in the first place.

After running for a distance, Togetic suddenly stopped and immediately moved towards the direction he came from.

Compared to Natsu's way before, it's more crisp and rough.

But it's also because Togetic doesn't have to worry about how strong the guy she encounters will be. At the beginning, Natsu chose to run into the blind spot because he was worried that the Togepi he met back would be too strong.

It's turning like this, and the Pokémon hanging far behind will definitely not be able to react.

Sure enough.

Soon Kadabra actually found the Pokémon hanging behind them, reaching its Psychic senses.



"Just yep!"

Togetic's mouth swelled, and someone actually used its method to deal with it.

'I was treated the same way.

I can't stand it!'

Speed ​​up.

"Yong Ji."

'It found it and started to run away.'

Kadabra reminded timely.

The speed of the Pokémon seems to be not slow, and the range of perception is not small. After realizing that he was found, he immediately ran away.

It's just that no matter how it escapes now, it can't escape Kadabra's perception range.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

But slowly, Natsu discovered that the Pokémon didn't seem to be running away in a hurry, but had a purpose of its own.

"It is very familiar with this forest."

After chasing for a distance, the surrounding fog became more and more dense, and the visibility dropped again and again. Because of the darkness, he could almost only see a distance of two or three meters around him.


Now they were already not far from that Pokémon, no more than thirty meters at most.

You can even hear the clutter of each other as they pass through the bushes and grass.

"Beedrill," Natsu whispered.


Beedrill understood.

The accelerated wings and vibrated, leaving the team, moving towards the front alone and chasing, and the speed was increased to the extreme.


Leaving only a golden arc.


At the speed of Beedrill, they chased the opponent, and immediately there was a collision.

Natsu don't know what the result will be.

But apparently Beedrill had succeeded in preventing his escape.

Natsu and a bunch of Pokémon quickly catch up.

The Pokémon confronting Beedrill also appeared in their sight.


Natsu looked at the Pokémon in surprise.

A small humanoid Pokémon with a dark purple body. A pair of gem-like eyes, so that it can see around in very weak light, and there is also a gem on the chest, but the gem on the eyes is blue, and the gem on the chest is red.

It is a reasonable and unexpected Pokémon.

Sableye is a Pokémon of Dark Type and Ghost Type, and should be the only two Pokémons in the Pokémon world with this Attribute, which makes them have good resistance, and before Fairy Type appeared, almost There are no weaknesses.

And another, he had seen before.

Shirona's Spiritomb.

The good resistance brought by Dark Type and Ghost Type can be immune to Normal Type and Fighting Type moves, but if Fighting Type's Pokémon masters "Odor Sleuth" or "Foresight" moves, Of course, Fighting Type's moves will cause considerable damage to him.

According to legend, you can't look Sableye in the eyes because the soul will be stolen.

However, with the development of technology, this statement was eventually rejected by people. In fact, this kind of Pokémon is very friendly, and they only play tricks on travelers to get attention.

However, their mischief has made them notorious, but in fact this is only because of their long-term dark environment and too lonely.

These are pretty much in line with what Sableye did to Natsu and the others.

Maybe in its eyes, it's just an insignificant prank.

Moreover, judging from the living environment and habits of Pokémon like Sableye, it is very similar to Togepi's life before Natsu met Togepi.

In the beginning, Togepi fed on some moss or insects found in the Tunnel, while Sableye's food was ore.

"Just yep."

Togetic dashes between Sableye and Beedrill, hands on hips, looking at it with some Rage.


Sableye glanced at Togetic, blue's jewel eyes flashed, and she couldn't help laughing.

Sableye didn't care about Togetic's questioning, but looked towards Beedrill rather solemnly.

From Beedrill, it felt a great threat.

And in previous collisions, it was at an absolute disadvantage.

Natsu stepped forward and stopped Togetic.

patted its head as a pacification, and said to Sableye: "You go."



Togetic and Sableye looked towards him suspiciously at the same time.

"It doesn't have Malice, it's just a habitual mischief," Natsu explained to Togetic.

At the same time, he added, "Think of the old you."

hearing this, Togetic opened his mouth and recalled the hard and lonely days he had in the underground Tunnel. , can only get attention by doing some mischief, and at the same time add a little fun to the boring life.

Togetic suddenly felt some sympathy.

You can only know what it feels like if you experience it yourself.

He lifted his head, and moved towards Sableye arrogantly and waved his hand.

means it doesn't care.

But the corner of his eye always fell on Sableye.

Sableye looked at Natsu, then at Beedrill, and finally at Togetic, inexplicably feeling that he and the other party seemed to be trying to express something, but couldn't speak because of "face".

Remembering the scene where Natsu and a few Pokémon were getting along well, his eyes flickered, he turned and left, disappearing into the thick fog.


Honedge emerges from Natsu's shadow and shouts softly.

"I know, I feel it too," he said, looking towards the direction Sableye was fleeing.

In the darkness, through the shroud of the mist, a towering blurry silhouette appeared in front of his eyes.

"We're all here, let's go and see."

After Sableye left, Togetic put away his "proud" look and drooped his head.

Natsu patted it with a smile, "Don't worry, we'll meet again."


(end of chapter)