
Bottom Trainer (Pokemon)

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and its rights belong to its respective owner. Note that I am just copying a story that i read and i want you to read it too........ Sorry 1-200 is trash,, it was the first time I wrote this novel

FebyFeb · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 226 Burn the sea!


Natsu's expression is joking.

Team Aqua is no better than Team Rocket, daring to wrestle with Alliance head-on.

Although Team Aqua is also a big underground force, the interests of Hoenn Region shared with Team Magma, coupled with their dormant state, illustrate a lot of problems.

For comparison, Team Rocket occupies the two major regions of Kanto and Johto, while Team Aqua has only half of the Hoenn Region at most, plus they can't gather talents like Team Rocket, it is destined to be with Team Rocket. The difference is huge.

By Natsu so much, the Kuroshio almost confirmed his "identity" as a descendant of the high-ranking Alliance.

The Kuroshio forced an ugly smile.


"Friend?" Natsu frowned.

From the conversation between Kuroshio and Henry just now, it is not difficult to hear that the reason why Henry chose to attack the San Anus was also because of the plan of the Kuroshio, or because of Team Aqua's plan.

What they're planning, Natsu has no control or ability to control.

But they planned, and inadvertently got Natsu involved, and it became relevant.

Natsu wouldn't have been evacuated from the San Anus overnight without them.

And looking at the posture of the Kuroshio, after the two men here Henry and Binena are dealt with, they will still attack the San Anus.

Originally, with Natsu's strength, it would be nice to be able to avoid it.

But now, under Marshadow's Help, he can temporarily command this terrifying Shiny Charizard.

That's better.

Do them all here!

Once and for all.

Natsu patted Shiny Charizard's neck, "Charizard, Dragon Pulse!"

Shiny Charizard was reluctant, but his mouth moved But there was no hesitation.

The blue-purple color represents Dragon Pulse flames spewing out of its mouth. The scorching high temperature directly caused the light mist permeating the sea to be instantly evaporated, and the huge Dragon Pulse moved towards the Kuroshio swept away.

Seeing this scene, Kuroshio's complexion suddenly changed.

He knew there was no way to resolve it peacefully this time.

However, Shiny Charizard's Dragon Pulse has not reached the point where he has no resistance at all, and the Crawdaunt next to him jumped out with a faint green fluorescence on his body.

Successfully protected this Dragon Pulse.

But now that they've decided to do it, Natsu isn't going to give them a chance to breathe.

"Flame Charge."


Shiny Charizard groaned, and the blue and black flames instantly covered the whole body, leaving Natsu alone Leave a little space.

The wings shook lightly, like a huge Meteorite falling from the sky, moved towards the Kuroshio.

At this time, Kuroshio didn't think about defending and defending anymore, grabbed Crawdaunt's back shell, and slammed into the sea with its rapid movement.

But he got out of the way, it doesn't mean that everyone else can get out of the way, especially his ship "Black King", which was directly pierced by Shiny Charizard's Flame Charge, the sturdy hull It began to fall apart, and dark flames quickly rose from the inside out.

The wooden hull is now the best burning material.

The pirates who didn't have time to dodge were eroded by the flames and turned into fly ash in an instant.

Someone jumped into the sea in a hurry.

Such a gigantic pirate ship, the Shiny Charizard is just one move, and it directly shatters it, and no one can resist or stop its actions.

I don't know how many people regret why they got on the boat just now.


It's too late to regret.


Gwen swallowed softly, the visual impact of what happened in front of him was too great, a few times bigger than their pirate ship Times' "Black King" actually just disappeared.

The "Black King" who was owned by the sea didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​resisting, so he just left everyone and ran away?

The dark fire reflected on everyone's faces and also into their hearts.

"really strong." Binena's face was also a little shocked, "Elite Level, or stronger, this Shiny Charizard. At least comparable to an Elite level Trainer's main force Pokémon."

"really strong."

But in most cases, even in order to take care of the younger generation, Normal's Trainer will not lend out his main Pokémon. Every Trainer who has reached that level, the relationship between their main Pokémon and himself are very close.

So even if you want to borrow it, it will be at most second-tier or even third-tier Pokémon.

Is this Shiny Charizard a second or third tier Pokémon of some powerful Trainer?

So how terrifying has this Shiny Charizard Trainer been?


Even beyond the championship?

Binena didn't dare to think about it.

Because at that level, let alone her, even her original family would be difficult to reach.

Natsu's identity becomes more confusing in her eyes.

At the same time, Natsu, who rides on the Shiny Charizard, once again saw its strength.

Although destructive power is not as powerful as Agatha and Pryce, it is not by much.

The most important thing is that Shiny Charizard at this time has consciousness and does not fall into madness. The rational Pokémon becomes the enemy, of course, it will be more terrifying.

Natsu is thankful that he is now on the side with Shiny Charizard.


Natsu's eyes swept to the sea.

The Kuroshio's decision is decisive, but will he be able to escape Shiny Charizard's pursuit?


Without Natsu's reminder, Shiny Charizard has found the silhouette of the Kuroshio, and is lurking under the sea, using Pokémon to quickly escape.

Shiny Charizard's wings vibrate again and turn.

The whole body is covered in flames again, and the speed increases sharply, Flare Blitz!

I saw a dark figure like a thunderbolt that quickly tore through the sky.

"Hey, Charizard, calm down! Calm down!"

Natsu couldn't help reminding as he looked at the sea that was getting closer and closer.

But Shiny Charizard seemed to be unable to hear, and even the corners of his mouth curved a certain arc, with a little playfulness in his eyes.

'Let you like the fox which exploits the tiger's might, and won't scare you to death! '


Shiny Charizard, wrapped in jet-black flames, crashed into the sea with a huge roar, and a huge wave rolled up around the place where it fell.

It turns out.

Natsu's worries were unnecessary. Before the sea water touched Shiny Charizard, it was instantly evaporated by the blazing high temperature, as if a vacuum was created in the sea.

I really thought Shiny Charizard would still be so brainless now, after rushing into the sea, he left quickly.

And the Kuroshio hiding in the sea, of course, became the first target.

crash-bang —

The sea water poured back, Shiny Charizard closed his wings and lifted off quickly, avoiding the surging sea water and the floating of a Pokémon body.

It's Crawdaunt!

Natsu's eyes flashed slightly, "Are you decisively giving up a Pokémon as the price?"

Kuroshio dived deeper into the Underwater, and the naked eye alone could not see where it was.

"That's the case." Natsu took a slow breath of warm air, "Charizard, burn the sea."

"Roaring" Shiny Charizard grinned wantonly.

Well, this guy is finally starting to have a little bit of his heart.

Inky flames emerge from Shiny Charizard's sharp teeth.

It's accumulating Stockpile.

Natsu also understands the meaning and temperament of Shiny Charizard.

Although Shiny Charizard has regained his sanity, the tyranny and destruction have been deeply imprinted in its bones. If it weren't for Marshadow, He don't know what it would have done.

But now Marshadow makes it active

"Charizard, Inferno!"

Go and burn the sea!


(End of this chapter)