
Bottom Trainer (Pokemon)

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and its rights belong to its respective owner. Note that I am just copying a story that i read and i want you to read it too........ Sorry 1-200 is trash,, it was the first time I wrote this novel

FebyFeb · Anime & Comics
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664 Chs

Chapter 223 We are friends



In the light of the cabin, Natsu watched shouted his own shadow.

But Marshadow didn't respond.

Natsu pursed his lips, crouched down, and took out the box of Pokéblock.

Roller –

The Pokéblock in the box collided with the metal box wall, making a crisp sound.

Opening the box, the faint but attractive fragrance slowly wafts out.


A pair of orange eyes opened in Natsu's shadow.

As the black energy gathered, a small head appeared.


Natsu learned a little more about Marshadow's habits and hobby.

Natsu took out a Pokéblock and stuffed it into Marshadow's arms, said with a smile: "Marshadow, there's a problem now"

Togetic and Abra next to each other looked at each other With a glance, he took a step back quietly.

"Marsha?" Marshadow tilted his head.

"There are a few people who are very difficult to deal with outside, and their target is most likely the island you don't want to leave. It caused irreparable damage to the island." Natsu said slowly.

It's definitely unrealistic to let the people who are very difficult to deal with directly tell the press to protect themselves.

It depends on the "art of speaking".

The same meaning may sound completely different in another way of expression.

It's the same words as "repeated battles and repeated defeats" and "repeated battles and repeated battles", but they can express different meanings.


Hearing that someone was going to destroy the island, Marshadow's mouth slammed, and the pitch-black silhouette came out of the shadow.

Natsu also showed an angry look and said angrily: "And they not only destroy the island, they may also attack me"

"Masha Masha."

Marshadow shook his head and waved his hands.

Natsu was stunned, "You said there is existence that prevents you from helping humans casually?"

Marshadow gently nods.

Who made it impossible for Marshadow to do this, I don't know yet.

Natsu didn't want to know for the time being, his eyes narrowed and he said, "It doesn't matter to me, after all, we have been friends for so long, and it's nothing to give a little for a friend. "


What is a friend?

"Yeah, you see, you like to eat Pokéblock, right? I let you try it first, right? And gave you a box? In return, your Help Togepi evolved into Togetic."

Marshadow looked thoughtful.

Natsu continued: "It's a friend who pays and pays back. You don't want to leave the island, so I'm back, otherwise I won't be able to meet this group of people, right?"

"Marsha." Marshadow thought.

It's what got Natsu in trouble.

"I don't want to do anything to you either, I just think that since we are friends, I want to help you protect this island!" Natsu said sternly.

Before Marshadow could speak, Natsu kept talking, "But it doesn't matter, since it's not convenient for you to shoot, you don't have to shoot, I will do my best to help you stop them, these are all friends should do."

smacking the lips.

Marshadow blinked.

For me?


Marshadow lowered his head, thinking about Natsu's words.

After a while.

After being silent for a long time, Marshadow still firmly shook the head.


Natsu let out a long breath.

Sure enough, I still can't flick the cough, convince?

No way, since Natsu can only choose to go back to the island, as long as he follows Marshadow, he shouldn't have to worry about safety.

It's just that, he doesn't know when he can leave the island.

But at least it saves him from having to fight against Tide, the members of Team Aqua, and with Marshadow around, he shouldn't be able to do anything on the island.


Marshadow lifts the head again, eyes twitching with laughter.

"Masha Masha."

I can't do it, but I can get someone else to help you, no, help me? No, no, or who are you helping?

Natsu who heard this was taken aback.

"Someone else? Who?"


A low roar came from afar, very small, but if it was close by , the movement should be quite large.


We are friends.

Marshadow said playfully.

Natsu heard the rumbling sound outside.

But he still doesn't know what "helper" Marshadow is calling, but thinking about Marshadow's strength and ability, it shouldn't be weak.

Nodding, "Yes, we're friends."

With that, Natsu shoved a box of Pokéblock into Marshadow.

Marshadow tilted his head.

"Whether you help me or I help you, as friends, good things should be shared with each other. This is a little bit of my heart." Natsu said sincerely.

"Marsha Marsha!" Marshadow nods hard.

It's great, I understand a lot about the word 'friend'.

Togetic, who was behind Natsu, covered his eyes and couldn't bear to look directly, while Abra kept moving the beads in his hand and muttered in confusion.

If you listen carefully, you can understand what it means.

"Regular operation, normal operation."

Natsu strode out of the cabin to find that both Binena and Henry had stopped fighting.

And another, larger sailboat, is approaching.

Like a huge blue flying fish on the bow, stood a man in a black vest and shorts, with a large muscle in a knot.

"Black King" Kuroshio!

Natsu walks up to Binena, who is the only one here who might be able to fight before Marshadow's helpers arrive.


Suddenly, a familiar voice rang out, calling out the pseudonym Natsu made up.

Look at the sound.

"Gwen? When did you come?"

"I should ask you, when did you get on the boat, how come I don't know?" Gwen approached Natsu and asked in a low voice.

Gwen couldn't do anything either. She and Binena agreed to pick her up at the same place, but they didn't wait for a few days.

She had no choice but to go out and find it by himself.

Fortunately, their ships also have their own unique way of leaving marks in the sea.

Unfortunately, she just got on the boat when she saw the Kuroshio approaching.

That is to say, it did not come from the same direction as the Kuroshio, otherwise it may not even be able to get on the boat.

"Just now." Natsu said calmly.

"Little Gwen." Binena also saw Gwen and called out softly.

"Binena elder sister, why didn't you come to pick me up?"

Binena's face showed a little embarrassment, but it was quickly covered with solemnity, lightly sighed , "You shouldn't have come, so you will also become dangerous."

Gwen pouted, "Even if there is danger, I will be with you elder sister!"

It's a sisterhood drama.

At the same time, Kuroshio, who was standing on the bow, grinned and looked down at the people on the two boats.

"Henry, Binena, long time no see."

The voice reached everyone's ears.

"hmph!" Henry coldly snorted.

Binena replied: "Kuroshio, what do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything, but my boat is too big and there are too few people, so it looks a bit empty, I would like to invite you all to be guests on my boat."

Hearing this, Henry and Binena's faces sank.

"Kuroshio, you want to include us? Aren't you afraid of hurting your stomach?" Henry coldly said.

Kuroshio spread his hands, "Henry, look at what you said, I really want to invite you on board to play. As long as we get on board, we are friends and brothers."

Turned his head and looked towards Binena, "Binena, what do you think?"

Binena's face was cold and she didn't speak, but she showed her attitude.

"It's not necessary." Kuroshio scratched his ears.

"Kuroshio, think clearly, even if we are not your opponents, if you insist, you will definitely be torn off a few pieces of meat." Henry threatened.

"Really?" Kuroshio eyebrow raised and said to Henry's crew with afaint smile: "Anyone want to be a guest on board? I promise to treat you like my own."

Deliberately put emphasis on the word "one's own person".

Some of Henry's crew looked at each other with some hesitation.

However, in everything there is always a person who eats crabs first.

On the "Scarlet Star", the first person moved.

Then, like the Domino Bone Token, it all moved.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Kuroshio's face became more and more arbitrary.

Natsu frowned across from him.

'Team Aqua is about to recruit people? '


(End of this chapter)