
Bottom Trainer (Pokemon)

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and its rights belong to its respective owner. Note that I am just copying a story that i read and i want you to read it too........ Sorry 1-200 is trash,, it was the first time I wrote this novel

FebyFeb · Anime & Comics
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664 Chs

Chapter 20 Run away!!! (rewrite)



Natsu and Weedle met at the agreed place, hugged Weedle, and the two restrained Berries were wrapped around him with silk threads, no Berries in sight.

Just like ordinary Berries, the rich fragrance and previous flickering light were all gone.

It was just that the current Natsu and Weedle clearly didn't have the heart to pay attention to this.

At this moment, there was only one thought in their minds.


Quickly traversing dense forests, remembering previous return paths, and deploying any aggressive Pokemon that may appear on the way is preparation for this moment.

"There are huge bare roots up ahead. Then there is the thorn bush. Then there's a big tree that needs to be turned."

Natsu's face reddened.

Smooth sweat dripped from his forehead almost in an instant, dyed his hair, made his eyes red, and wet his nose.

Not only did he have to run fast, but also constantly review in his mind all the places he should be on the lookout for and pay attention to when he just passed.

This is a double test of physical and mental strength.

Immediately he had a loud gasp through his mouth, his chest heaving up and down.

That is, he had trained a lot with Weedle during this period, and to set an example for Weedle, he insisted every day until he couldn't hold it in any longer before taking a break.

In addition, the diet during this period has improved compared to before, and the body is no longer so weak.

Otherwise, even if he took a Berry from this batch of Bug-Type Pokémon, he wouldn't be able to escape.

Bzz Bzz Bzz.

However, no matter how hard he ran, there was still the sound of a Wild Pokémon behind him, and the one running ahead was Beedrill with two bloodshot eyes.

Holding their two needles, the thin wings behind their backs moved as hard as Earthquake, gradually shortening the distance from Natsu and Weedle.

Natsu doesn't care about them, he just runs, jumps, or dodges. All the obstacles that might hinder their escape were easily avoided by him.

But his body was also scratched by various branches or thorns, and he was very embarrassed. He spent a lot of money on these clothes not long ago.

Weedle, who was lying on Natsu's shoulder, gripped his clothes tightly with his seven pairs of legs, and turned to face the chasing Pokémon behind him.


Weedle spat out threads or Cobwebs one after another, not trying to do much damage, only slowing the pursuit of these Bug-Type Pokemon.

Glue the two ends of the silk thread to the tree on both sides of the stripping direction, and create a barrier layer.

But when a Pokemon gets too close, it will issue an Electro Web to restrict it.

Weedle was in charge of blocking pursuit, Natsu was in charge of escaping, each had a clear division of labor, and they trusted each other.

Natsu believed that Weedle would definitely be able to stop the chase, so he didn't look back at all, just kept remembering the possible obstacles and determined the best escape route.

Weedle also believed that Natsu could definitely take him away, so he concentrated on blocking the Pokemon behind him, using all his strength and power.

With their cooperation, the pursuit didn't lag behind, but they couldn't close the distance anymore. Weedle silk thread became the thing they hated the most, but there was no way to do it, other than hanging away.

Neither Beedrill nor Butterfree, the fastest of the two chasing Pokémon, lacks any method.

Baam! Boom! Baam!

Suddenly, a violent figure rushed from back to front.

This is Pinsir!

He finally caught up, dragging his wound-ridden body, bent over, his large pincers like sharp harvesters, and all the branches, bushes, and even Weedle's silk threads could do little to stop him.

It came, let Weedle feel a lot of pressure.

"Woo!!" He roared in a low voice, and most of the movement fell on Pinsir.

But neither String Shot, Poison Sting, or Electro Web could do much damage, and the pain seemed to fuel his rage even more, with the airflow surging closer and closer.

This was an enemy that Weedle couldn't beat at the moment.

Under the blessing of anger, let it be ignored.

Natsu couldn't run faster than that.


Weedle was a little anxious, and shouted at Natsu in the gap between his release moves.

It's a little regretful.

If they had not entered this forest and fought for these two Berries, they would never have fallen into such a dangerous situation.

Natsu lost the strength to speak, and just stared at Weedle firmly.

And this gaze made Weedle, who almost wanted to sacrifice himself to buy time for Natsu, stunned.

Respond immediately.

Don't panic, stay calm.

Even though Natsu didn't say it, the words he had heard the most during training and battle echoed in his mind at this moment.

Trust Natsu, he's not giving up, there's still a chance!

Weedle's eyes narrowed, and he continued to release all his movements at Pinsir again.

Even if it can't cause much damage, even if it can't block much, as long as you persist, opportunities may arise.

The little eyes became very focused at this moment, and locked Pinsir's body, calculating his running trajectory, as well as the small cracks in the seemingly hard carapace.

That's Pinsir's weakness!

Weedle's eyes lit up, as if he had caught something important, and the three Poison Stings shot out almost subconsciously.


Then, under Weedle's slightly surprised expression, Poison Sting deftly swiped the bow, dodging the hard carapace on Pinsir's leg. , submerged in the middle of the two carapace, under a narrow slit, soft muscles.


Pinsir roared in anger, his footsteps suddenly became very stiff, he stumbled, and fell heavily to the ground, and even stopped after sliding several meters on the ground due to the enormous inertia.

It worked!

Weedle's eyes widened in surprise.

However, before getting too excited, being distracted by Pinsir, the two Beedrills swiftly approached not far behind them, and Weedle could even feel the sharp thorns carry a chill.



Suddenly, just when Weedle thought it was going to be bad, Natsu who kept running, finally ran into the most critical spot in his plan.

The flow of water is not too heavy.

This was the best place he could hope for to avoid being chased!

Grabbing Weedle by his shoulder with one hand, and holding the two precious Berries in his arm with the other, he took a deep breath, took two steps and three steps, he immediately jumped up.


The biting stream in late autumn brought the chill of the night, almost suffocating him, and the water ran into his ears and nose. Drilling, Natsu took Weedle in his arms, curled up, and let the water wash away.

And the chasing Bug-Type Pokemon, seeing this scene they rampaged non-stop.

But for water, they are instinctively afraid, especially after Natsu is submerged in water, he immediately disappears.

Berry also no longer emitted Fragrance, making it impossible for them to continue pursuing.

After wandering furiously in the river for dozens of rounds, they gradually disappeared with their reluctance and had nowhere to vent their anger.

On the other hand, Natsu, who was holding his breath and jumping into the water, felt a searing pain in his lungs. After confirming that he floated far enough, he finally got out of the water, dragged his numb body, and came to the river bank.

Lying heavily on the ground by the river, let go of Weedle.

The first time Weedle was drenched in water like this was also a shock, and he ended up unconscious until his feet hit the ground again.

One person and one Pokémon, seeing the two small balls protruding on the clothes, looking at each other

and smile.


(end of this chapter)