
Bottom Trainer (Pokemon)

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and its rights belong to its respective owner. Note that I am just copying a story that i read and i want you to read it too........ Sorry 1-200 is trash,, it was the first time I wrote this novel

FebyFeb · Anime & Comics
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664 Chs

Chapter 15 Spearow Boss (rewrite)


"String Shot mesh."

This was a test for Weedle and Natsu to focus all their attention.


Weedle felt the pressure too, but as long as Natsu was in command, his spine was still there.

As soon as the mouth opened and closed, Cobwebs woven from white silk threads were instantly formed.

It is the product of many efforts to train and learn Electro Web. Even though the Electric Type energy had not yet been covered, after changing the form of the String Shot, it had a higher hit rate and a wider range area.

The flying spear was wrapped in an instant, and the sticky Cobweb threads wrapped around it, sticking to the hairs all over the body, which directly caused its Flying ability to be severely restricted, and it was unusable. and fell from the ground.

Hold one for a while.

"Poison Sting, aim for the one on the left."

Watching the two remaining Spearows still attacking, feeling the wind howling more and more as they drew near, Natsu's hair fluttered wildly, but he didn't intend to back down.

Now that he's decided to take on this task, he's ready for a one-to-many approach.

Weedle responded to commands quickly.

He raised his head.

The sharp corners at the top flashed with purple circles, and the three Poison Stings were shot almost simultaneously, very quickly, and the Spearow rushed over by itself, and in just the blink of an eye, it disappeared into Spearow's body. .

Spearow, who was in pain, stumbled and fell from the sky.

One left!

Although Weedle used two moves to confine the two Spearows, the time spent in them also allowed the last Spearow the opportunity and time to get close.

And this Spearow was also very smart, realizing that this Weedle was not easy to deal with, that human orders made Weedle even more difficult to deal with.

So it immediately ignored Weedle and locked the target on the weak humans.

Its sharp beak glowed white.

Flying Type basic move, Peck!

With the power of Pokemon, as long as it hits Natsu, it will definitely inflict very serious injuries. If the location of the hit is fatal, it can even kill Natsu directly.

Natsu looked at Spearow as he approached with a frown on his face.

"Woo!" Weedle shouted anxiously.

"Stop!" Natsu said without looking back.

The Flying Spearow's straight-line attack power was the most terrifying. Thanks to the inertia and Gravity brought by Flying on the road will make the attack's destructive power the most impressive.

However, this attack method also had a major drawback.

The trajectory of the attack was completely predictable.

This is where the advantages of training with Weedle for a long time come into play.

Natsu's entire body was tense, and within his still very thin body, there was a powerful explosive power hidden.

At the time Spearow's attack was about to come, Natsu, who estimated the target of his attack was his own head, crouched down sharply.


In Spearow's shock, he passed over the top of Natsu's head and headed straight for the Ground behind him.

Natsu was prepared for this situation since he knew that the Pokemon in this world would attack humans.

Training with Weedle is not only to strengthen tacit understanding and trust with Weedle, but also to keep yourself from being unresponsive in the face of Wild Pokémon attacks.

Although the physiques of humans in this world were stronger than humans in their previous lives due to various factors, in front of Pokémon, the difference wasn't that big.

Not everyone can survive Thunderbolt every day like Ash, and not everyone can fly freely when attacked like the Team Rocket trio.

This is a talent gap.

Natsu couldn't do what they were doing, but at least gave himself some resilience.

"Fix it!"

Natsu said coldly after crouching down to avoid Spearow's fatal blow.

Weedle's little eyes were filled with anger.

He was angry that he almost failed to protect Natsu, and even more angry that Spearow didn't talk about martial arts at all, and attacked the Trainer head-on.

"Woo!!" A low growl filled with anger.

Three Poison Stings shot from above his head, apparently because of anger, but also because of his willful control, this time the three Poison Stings shot were the same as the previous one, but they were wrapped in a thick layer of purple Mist.



With a scream, all three Poison Stings entered Spearow's body at the same time, it only ended once Attacking, the old power had left and the new power had not yet been generated, and there was no chance to dodge at all.

hiss –

Poison Sting does more damage this time.

Natsu looked at the spot where the Poison Sting was submerged, and three dull purple circles spread out rapidly. The corrosive nature brought about by the toxin directly damages the hairs on the surface of the Spearow, and the toxin spreads quickly.

Seeing the movement, Natsu was taken aback at Spearow's pitiful state, and the frown on Weedle's face had yet to completely fade from his shoulders.

Weedle's Poison Type ability had been greatly enhanced under Rage.

It seemed that Weedle still had some untapped potential. Natsu's mind flashed this idea.

In this way, he has roughly the purpose and direction of training.

But now was definitely not the time to focus on that.

Boss Spearow who was standing on a tree saw his three subordinates losing one after another and was already prepared.

Natsu's gaze locked on the Spearow Boss, ready to respond at any moment, while letting Weedle deal with the two previously restricted Spearows first.

Weedle nodded.

He was in a strange state at the moment, there was an energy surging uncontrollably in his body, but it seemed that it didn't react on his own, but was noticed by Natsu who was watching closely.

Two Poison Stings in a row to break Spearow with limited moves.

Strictly and eyes fixed on Boss Spearow.

Since Spearow is a Normal Type and Flying Type Pokémon, the damage power of a Bug Type move will be reduced by half, so Natsu doesn't want Weedle to issue a Bug Bite at all.

Even now Bug Bite was Weedle's strongest move.

On top of that, Bug Bite's moves required melee, and getting close to Spearow was clearly detrimental to Weedle.


There was a louder chirp.

Boss Spearow moved when he saw his two remaining henchmen about to be dealt with.

His wings flapped slightly, and his body jumped out directly.

Like a folded white light, it swept a "zigzag" in the air, and its speed was clearly much faster than the previous Spearow.

"Quick attack." Seeing the zigzag, Natsu's heart sank.

Sure enough, being the leader of several Spearows was a bit of a skill.

In the face of such speed, Weedle's pre-judgmental String Shot limit seemed to be a decoration.

"Woooo!" Weedle followed Spearow's little eyes closely, but his face was a little worried because he knew he couldn't hit Spearow at this speed.

And if approached by Spearow, it was definitely not the first to suffer.

It's Natsu!

This was unacceptable to Weedle.

"Don't panic, don't forget what I taught you, because you can't be sure that you can hit the enemy 100%, it's better to give up a few appropriately, and give up opportunities that you may hit, but most likely won't." Natsu's steady voice rang in Weedle's ears.

"No matter how fast he is, he will definitely reveal his flaws the next time his attack comes. All you need to do is collect the Stockpile and seize that fleeting opportunity."


(end of this chapter)